yea well the whole system needs to be re done really. its before i understood about sub pressure and sound balancing but for my first install i think i did ok
the rattling i think is comming from the number plate but i'm sorting that with a smoothed boot

i will seal the sub once i get hold of some fiberglass.
the whole point of the install was because at the time i used the boot alot for work (i even got 19 17" monitors in there !!!) and i still want to use the boot.
it actully running twin systems, half is running off the amps and the other half runs off the headunit's amp. the speaker in the middle is a small 8" sub with a low pass filter that is run straight to the HU. i switch the amps off if the engine isn't running but i can still listen to music with a good range of sound
yea i know, parcel shelf speakers in general should be avoided but again i did the system before i knew that, and i spent so much time doing it and it works well enough that i haven't bothered to change it
glad you like the car