New Server on the way!!!


Pro Cut Vinyl
Founding Member
Official MSC Trader
We have just purchased new hosting with what should correct all the issues we have been having with our current host i-Fuse.

We'll more then likely have some downtime while the switch is made over, but we'll let you know nearer the time about that.

I'll let James fill you in on the upgrade. At least now we can say bye bye i-fuse for what has been pretty shocking service over the last few months.

Kev (Y)
Just to fill you in on a few of the technical details, we're moving from a virtual sever where although we had more resources available to us, we were still sharing them with other accounts. We are now moving to a fully-dedicated hardware server with shared disk space, meaning we get the use of all the processing power and RAM but share the diskspace with others (CPU was our major bottleneck on this server). I'm going to be starting this migration a lot sooner than you may expect so the site will go off soon for the server move! :)

firefox mate ...............just tried it and now it says nickname in use grrrrrrrrrrrrr

ive just used it in firefox with no problem, i had the same problem with the username the first time i used it but it was fine the next time i used it both times with IE8, maybe just a small bug
Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled ( whats that mean )grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........:wasntme::wasntme::wasntme::wasntme::down::down::down::down::glare::glare::glare::glare:
Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled ( whats that mean )grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........:wasntme::wasntme::wasntme::wasntme::down::down::down::down::glare::glare::glare::glare:

Choose a nickname (Nickname already in use) lol
We have now moved to the new host and banished ifuse into the depths of Cyber space (Y)

Intial thoughts, it appears to running smoothly and a little faster.

Keep us posted with any downtime or issues you may but 'hopefully' not experience.

The server ran out of space due to logfiles accumulating much faster than they should have done! Unfortunately our new host, while very reliable with their service, aren't very quick at replying to tickets (24 hours after each reply) so it took me 2 days to get access back and then it was down to me to diagnose and resolve!

Fixed and shouldn't happen again though! :)


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