New Moderation Guidelines


Pro Cut Vinyl
Founding Member
Official MSC Trader
As my first change as Chairmen, I'm changing the way we moderate and I think you'll all agree it's for the best and will help not only the Moderation team but you the members as well

1. Any forum threads that have been previously been deleted or locked will now be moved to the admin section in separate forum for closed / deleted forums that I have just created. This will keep a record of everything that has been said for both our benefit and yours. Threads will no longer be deleted from this forum unless it's for threads gone way off topic and generally tidying the forum up at the discretion of the moderator.

2. The author of the thread will be informed via PM that there thread has been moved into the admin section and taken off public view, this way keeping you informed on what has happened by giving you proactive communication. With no thread deletion in place will stop members looking for threads that have been previously been deleted. Some topics maybe locked and left on the main forums, this way still allowing members to see what has happened to them if they don't require a move into admin forums.

3. Official / Final Warnings can be given out by a moderator. This information will be stored in the Admin forum for future reference. *** For an offence warranting a Ban in the moderator's judgement will have to consult at least 2 other moderator's before this ban can be issued.

***If in the case of a situation that the moderator thinks immediate action is required they can enforce a temporary ban until other admin can be contacted to discuss this.***

4. When an agreement has been made that the Ban will be put into place then the member will be informed via PM or E-mail of this. The structure for this is outlined below:

- First Official warning.
- Final Official warning.
- Ban - dependent on length we decide upon. (Our decision in final)

At all time communication must be in place to inform the member of what the moderation team are doing. Obviously there maybe occasions when we simply cannot follow these guidelines and someone has done something so bad it needs an instant temporary ban, but to enforce this as a permanent ban must be discussed between the moderation team afterwards.

5. Any communication between moderator and members regarding issues that are important leading up to disciplinary action will be stored in the admin forum for further reference.

I feel by introducing these guidelines will help both us as moderator and gives you clear guidelines as to what actions will be taken.

That is all I have to add for now.


They all seem reasonable to me. :) One thing though, if you are removing pm rights from non-official members how will they be informed that their thread has been moved/deleted and also just out of curiosity, will members be informed when there topic is moved as I imagine it must be quite confusing at times for new members who don't really know the forums too well just having their topics disappear lol. All seem like good ideas to me though as at least then everything will be on record for future reference. :)
non members by the use of e-mail.

We won't inform members if we move one thread from forum to forum, excluding the move into the admin forum as pointed out above.

The member should know where to post in each forum, i.e buy and sell threads and micra related threads to each model.

Kev :)
Again email, all members can put in an email address which they can be contacted on which adds the email button under your posts
i think since your now chairman this site is going to get alot better, the way you have restructured is realy good and shows how things are going to get better, i got banned the other day, and i still to this day have no idea why i was banned, no communication what so ever, i've even tried asking why i was banned,but no responce, plus bans are sent out on personal issues some times, i think thats why i wasnt told a reason
Mark said:
what if a official member wants to pm a un-official member? they cant reply???


goldstar0011 said:
Again email, all members can put in an email address which they can be contacted on which adds the email button under your posts

exactly :)

Mark I know your sceptical of the changes on a whole, however once I'm done with this club and everything is in place.....I know the changes will work for almost everyone. Some people will never agree with what were doing but the only way of proving it will work is to put into action and then make it work. i.e add more benefits and discounts into the club then what there already is and then make more advancements in any area.

This is a 'club' and I intend to bring it on even further, as I will say again there will always be those that won't accept change and will not change their mind set............what can I say there loss.

i think since your now chairman this site is going to get alot better, the way you have restructured is realy good and shows how things are going to get better, i got banned the other day, and i still to this day have no idea why i was banned, no communication what so ever, i've even tried asking why i was banned,but no responce, plus bans are sent out on personal issues some times, i think thats why i wasnt told a reason

Well that is one area I have already made my first change and some others will come slowly into the club, however I'm not going to make major changes as the club is progressing and the membership is increasing. Just add more benefits and discounts, possibly try and organise more events, complete the site....please bear with us on that it's almost there. All I will say is that after 12 months and let's say for example I haven't brought anything positive into the club, then I will simply step down. I certainly wouldn't like to think that will happen, but I believe that in just 12 months I can make this club even better. You can quote me on that :)

[/quote]Mark I know your sceptical of the changes on a whole,
if you are peeved that you cant pm... why not become a member? i dont understand why people are complaining. £20 a year for discounts, membership packs and extended board rights is reasonable. and works out at about 5p a day.
it's called 'head' against 'brick wall' Amanda.

We can ony say soo much, the best way forward as mentioned is to prove the club can stand alone and then increase benefits and discounts and advance the site further to pleaee those who still don't think we offer enough for £20 which I will point out gets cheaper year on year for the same benefits.

I have amended the guidelines to make a little clearer and added this post in the FAQ / discount forum.

Kev :)
Is it possible for members to be updates as to why other members have been banned/removed etc?

For eg beachboy - wots gone on? lol
Yes for any future Bans will posted in members in a dedicated thread.

I will inform you shortly of Beachboy's fate, once we have to come a complete conclusion of what exactly happened.

sounds all good there Kev,

just one thought,

could you make the Meets forums public so that we get big meets. and it would show non members the kind of people we are.

apart from that, thumbs up :)
RE: RE: New Moderation Guidelines

Kev said:
ok I'll consider changing them and let you know


nice one mate,

i think big meets inspire people :)

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