So recently picked up a 1990 Micra LS, K10 so i hear.
Got it for £100 with 33k on clock.
Just passed my test last month, woop woop.
Unfortunately lost my job last year due to health reasons.
All my pennies are gone til im working again, but at least hoping to get this car working and MOT'd. So when i can afford the insurance, it'll be ready to rock.
Cheapest quote i've had so for was from Swiftcover, £692.
Anyone got any better companies. Let me know.
So been trying to figure whats what with the car, and i have very limited car knowledge, I know a lil bit about 2 stroke engines from my bike.
Trying to get the battery out i snapped the top off the retaining peg thing. (looks like a tent peg with a thread on it) bollox
Charged battery overnight, car wouldnt start. Made a clicking noise but thats about it.
I tried to start it in first, but it didnt lurch forward as i expected.
I rocked it back and forth in gear as a mate suggested, felt something click into place. And gave it a turn. Well no clicking noise, but didnt start. Assuming old battery didnt have enough juice in it. So its sitting on charge again.
It starts first time everytime with jump leads
Will try again tomorrow, possibly with the assistance of a hammer on starter motor.
But thats 3 things on the shopping list that i can't afford at moment and a few on wish list.
Need (I think)
Wiper blades
Starter motor (possibly)
Battery retention peg
Boss thingiemiejig and wheel
5 gears (still umming and ahhing about this one)
powersteering (dont even know if its possible on this car)
radio (mine has original one in there, love it, but no)
Alarm and central locking.
Well thats about it for now,
might go find a scrappy tomorrow to get a battery if its cheap. But rest will have to wait til i get a lil work through. Am hoping will be working on thursday at least, woop woop
Will get some pics up once im not so ####ed off with the car.
Got it for £100 with 33k on clock.
Just passed my test last month, woop woop.
Unfortunately lost my job last year due to health reasons.
All my pennies are gone til im working again, but at least hoping to get this car working and MOT'd. So when i can afford the insurance, it'll be ready to rock.
Cheapest quote i've had so for was from Swiftcover, £692.
Anyone got any better companies. Let me know.
So been trying to figure whats what with the car, and i have very limited car knowledge, I know a lil bit about 2 stroke engines from my bike.
Trying to get the battery out i snapped the top off the retaining peg thing. (looks like a tent peg with a thread on it) bollox
Charged battery overnight, car wouldnt start. Made a clicking noise but thats about it.
I tried to start it in first, but it didnt lurch forward as i expected.
I rocked it back and forth in gear as a mate suggested, felt something click into place. And gave it a turn. Well no clicking noise, but didnt start. Assuming old battery didnt have enough juice in it. So its sitting on charge again.
It starts first time everytime with jump leads
Will try again tomorrow, possibly with the assistance of a hammer on starter motor.
But thats 3 things on the shopping list that i can't afford at moment and a few on wish list.
Need (I think)
Wiper blades
Starter motor (possibly)
Battery retention peg
Boss thingiemiejig and wheel
5 gears (still umming and ahhing about this one)
powersteering (dont even know if its possible on this car)
radio (mine has original one in there, love it, but no)
Alarm and central locking.
Well thats about it for now,
might go find a scrappy tomorrow to get a battery if its cheap. But rest will have to wait til i get a lil work through. Am hoping will be working on thursday at least, woop woop
Will get some pics up once im not so ####ed off with the car.