My Project D

Do you want to know

  • yes, tell me now i have a thirst for information

    Votes: 25 71.4%
  • no, its fine i like being kept in the dark

    Votes: 10 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Ex. Club Member
Ok well as some of you know im busy doing the car (not a major build just a little engine tweek here and there)...i was gonna keep quiet until it was all finished and i know a couple of people have also thought the same way.

Well after the latest north east meet a couple more people know, and as the numbers are increasing the likelyhood of more poeple finding out what im upto has also i ask you, do you want to know or wait until im done.

Your thoughts please.


P.S. for added fun ive included a poll, lol
blab buddy, or i may do it for you muwhahaha.

nah seriously i think its time to tell. get a progress thread going or something :)
keep quiet and ask others to do the same, we all love a big thread once you're done with all the details of it, NeX is a perfect example when he announced all his car work.
Hmm, sup to you really. I know how tempted I have been to tell people my plans and some things I have, but it is kool to do a big reveal at the end hehe. :)
tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me...tell me.

i voted "yes, tell me now i have a thirst for information"
dude you may as well tell people. I dont think anyone in the NE doesnt know lol.... Incase you didnt guess, i was hinting the car that i knew lol...
I voted Yes, would be interested to know and get updates.

Although you could always be slightly cheeky and just drop clues for people to guess, lmao.
Ian said:
dude you may as well tell people. I dont think anyone in the NE doesnt know lol.... Incase you didnt guess, i was hinting the car that i knew lol...

lol, yeah i theres quite alot more people know than i even know, know...if you follow. :)

overall it wasnt technically a secret project...just more of a lack of was saving up'll let it run for a bit then decide whether or not i'll go with whats been voted for.

Edit : Just checked theres quite a few extra "tell me's"

scottish-sr i had originally thought about a little update here and there...some of the NE would have to be banned from
goldstar0011 said:
keep quiet and ask others to do the same, we all love a big thread once you're done with all the details of it, NeX is a perfect example when he announced all his car work.

:D :D

got a few things in the pipe line, some more super posts on there way ;)

i think you should keep it a secret mate, just make sure you get lots of Pics :D
goldstar0011 said:
See! Now I'm gonna be watching for NeX's next big post!
All exciting!

Well I got something in pipeline too :p

ohh, well i'll be watching for your post too :p :p

i have a secret 3rd car project comming up :D
paul_k10_Lx said:
im guessin its gonna be blown (project d) first rwd micra in the club???

with the normal engine!!!! if not i may have the first (well mine will be about a year!!!!!)

are you moving the engine?
lol...mmm ok.

firstly just to clarify, i just shortened the original project name for the thread title...the current variation of it anyway (as theres a few different ones it goes :D so no im not going rwd, depsite looking into this and being interested in giving it a shot...if i was going to try it, it would be a different day with a different car.

ok despite alot of tell me nows, im 50/50 but slightly tempted to keep quiet the main details a little longer (not sure if this is mainly to tease davey c or though i may change my mind at any minute... :)

i can tell you's im doing as much of it myself to save on cash and i started it properly on march 25th and by april 7th the front end was dismantled ( bumpers, crossmember, engine, gearbox, suspension, wishbones, roll bar, driveshafts etc etc) you know the deal...anyway im currently tidying up the engine bay and looking to have engine back in shortly...then i can focus on the main task. :)

so for now those who know -- pretend you dont ;)

hopfully it'll be drivable again shortly and then i'll make a proper update with pics.

also im kinda aware ive now made the poll, but feel free to keep voting ;)

Think you should go for a 3ish Litre engine. Remove the backs seats, make it mid engine rear wheel drive :D

Was talking to my boss about something like this today, I'm thinking of getting another K11 and then just going crazy on my currant one!!!
arnt you jsut building an N/A monster. im guessing carbs or throttle bodies and just all out. you might as well tell since most of ya know. plus that info could benefit those of us who are mid project.
ok give me a couple of weeks and i'll see how i feel :)

hopefully the normal / boring stuff should be done by then.
solarice said:
(not sure if this is mainly to tease davey c or though i may change my mind at any minute... :)

:glare::glare::doh::doh: lol il hunt ya down...when i get my car on the road again lol :upside:
Dr Zoidberg said:
lol, poor davey.

how about a new poll to see if you should tell davey or keep him in the dark? lol

lol yea! :laugh:

i know about this project :alien:
no offence like, a think threads like this are pure pointless and gay - if your ganna tell jus tell the people, personally a know but a wudnt care anyway but either tell or just be quiet a mean its proper pointless??
ermm ok.

Well to put this into perspective i first started collecting funds shortly after the first meet i went to... end of 04 all the reading up, so i think you'll agree ben ive kept this quiet.

As its now getting nearer to the point of completion and i knew a few people more were aware...instead of total denial i figured id see how much interest there would be in knowing what i was doing...instead of assuming theyd even care :)

lol yeah sorry Davey C probably a bit mean, but i know how much youve been wanting to know :D
am not saying that ur not brave for what your doing and you shouldnt be applauded because you should. im just sayin its like a page 3 model going here do u wanna do me? n then waiting for replies to decide weather she will or not - the outcome is obvioius, personally i think u shud wait till its 100% finished and threads like this annoy me in general because half the time nothing ever comes of it, a know urs is but still your bing a metaphorical cock tease lol
Big_ben said:
threads like this annoy me in general because half the time nothing ever comes of it

yeah i know what you mean, the above being the reason i havent said anything till now, well...shortly when i know definatly its getting done :)

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