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My "moddedmicra" K11 Super S Blog!

Because the ride-height will be higher without the run-flats that makes your question a bit irrelevant.

Without the run-flats and adjusters wound right up for full-droop conditions the ride will be very crashy and harsh over bumps. With the adjusters down the springs will be loose on full droop, MOT failure and potentially quite dangerous.

sorry if i sound dumb here so dont have a freek out, but how would it be higher? if i wanted the ride lower why would i want to wind the adjuster up? i thought you could remove the helping spring and wind the adjuster right down, thus removing what ever mm the helper took up giving that little bit more drop???? as for the ride iv been in many micras with D2's on the stiffest setting so i dont think i could be more harsh than them???
I've already answered your question, it is all to do with keeping the spring in tension and legal and safe. There is a reason the run-flats are there, it is an integral part of the design.
ok i'll just buy them then and try it out for my self and see how safe it is fwn

If I wanted a really low Micra the spax kit wouldn't be my choice, you really need to find something with shorter dampers, the Spax kit is compromised by having what look to be standard length dampers.
Its at the top of the windscreen you can see it on the first pic. nah imo it looks a bit gay on the bonnet thats why i put it out of the way. I do plan to drill the bumper, just need to find my holesaw first ;)
oh right yearh i can see it now...

yearh the drilled bumper looks better than an empty recess. thats the only reason i did it. i wanted to remove it fully but seemed a big job that i didnt fancie tackling :S
The letters are a legal size, and the only laws on front number plates are that they have to be visable from the front of the vehicle...and frankly i don't give a #### if it ain't legal :laugh: I barely drive it anyway,
worse that can happen is i get a little slip of the police, refit number plate, get slip signed, remove number plate lol
The letters are a legal size, and the only laws on front number plates are that they have to be visable from the front of the vehicle...and frankly i don't give a #### if it ain't legal :laugh: I barely drive it anyway,

if they tug you just apologize,say you didnt know and remove it so you dont get the 30 quid fine,or just say it fell off!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
I've been pulled for a number plate misterminor before, never got a fine just a ticket to get signed and post off to them.
cars looking great, not 100% on the number plate, i'd take it off and put one behind the sun visor then just drop it down if you spot any bobbies
No worries - I'm looking forward to seeing it again :p

Just remember, you and Ralph better not fly off without me on the way to JAE - Bubble will NOT be moving quickly lol!
On the subject of that - will you two be coming to mine, and then we go to JAE from here on the Thursday afternoon/evening?
I just think we better organise something ;)

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