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My "moddedmicra" K11 Super S Blog!

yea joe you come up with some mad ideas mate how have your wind deflectors stayed up mine keep on falling down and have your windows ever snapped out of the clips that attatch to the runners as mine have snapped out again even when i used epoxy resin and i think it has something to do with the deflectors the mettle clip

get rid of the metal clip. and just use double sided tape like i have...have never fell out on me ;)
I got mine off ebay with the steering wheel froma 200sx. But it is just a standard boss bolted to the snap off bit.
haven't updated for a while!
Well the otherday my wheel arch liner fell out, woops :p :

And my ecu talk casing distorted so Peter sent me a new polycarbonate one free :D :


And today I fitted some yellow driving light bulbs:




awesome mate :D i thought that video was gonna be crap but you can hear it pretty well :D
hmmm got to get me some yellow driving light bulbs...they look cool as ####.

where did they come from??? if you have alreday said i have missed it lol.
Worth every penny in my eyes. They tell you absolutely everything about your car and the service from Peter is top class.
Yep already had to do the coasting past coppers one :p 5th is still too loud but its fairly quiet at idle.

Just got back from Matt Humpries anyways (top bloke (Y)) he showed me round, what an awesome place!


Anyway, tyres tomorrow, can't wait :love:

Where did you get those wheels from i love them how much was they
was the apexi safc ever fitted?

its had 6 owners inc joe and only ever been fitted twice lol. in alienfish360's green micra and in raceworx's almera GTI...and was semi wired up into my silver micra but that doesnt count as it wasnt wired up properly and never had it running lol.
Right...Top mounts for the coilovers have just gone in for powder coating as well as a rocker cover.
And the manifold has gone to be tig welde aswell :D
i m french and i m reading all ur blog
Good work on this micra
In my opinion is the most beautiful micra k11 on this web site !
Good luck for ur continuation
haha i'm on the wrong comp at the moment and the camera is in the car. going to wash both cars now so will take some better pics then.
Oh and i've also fitted a powdercoated yellow cam cover.

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