Just been thinking as i seen something similaron one of the other forums i attend. Has it ever been done before? I.e. The msc gone away together abroad like as a group. I was thinking even something just simple like the amsterdam cruise - i mean its not as if it costs much then you get a couple of days in amsterdam and come back on the boat.
Just a though as i dont know what the implications are or out but maybes admin could contact the durch micra club and theyre could be a sort of international meet- would give other clubs something to talk about
Just an idea anyway
I know i would be up for it (in the focus though)

Just a though as i dont know what the implications are or out but maybes admin could contact the durch micra club and theyre could be a sort of international meet- would give other clubs something to talk about
Just an idea anyway
I know i would be up for it (in the focus though)