More Jdm K11 Parts


Official MSC Trader
More parts open to sensible offers or they'll go to an auction site postage will be at cost.

K11 classic rear lights with chrome surround wiring and bulbs included, some light scratches, lens could do with a polish.

K11 Arm rest with cup holder and storage and folding thingy. some bits of tape stuck to it, should clean up ok, all catches working perfectly.

K11 Dashboard cup holder with storage and pen holder some marks should clean up ok.

K11 classic electric mirrors in chrome good condition, blue tint to glass.


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Hi!How much for the arm rest?It's only dirty or it have a scratch?I need to make holes or it's plug & play?Thanks for the answers!
The arm rest has some light scratches, nothing much the marks appear to be some sort of tape i havn't tried to peel it off. I havn't tried fitting to a UK K11, but it's off a k11 so i can't see there being any major fitting issues.
Best offer secures or I'll auction them.
interested in arm rest and dashpod :grinning:

can you name a price please?? including postage please?

thanks alot
Armrest should fit no probs, my understanding is you just need to remove the existing trim thats already there and then use 4 or 6 self tappers (cant remeber which) to attach it to the floor (2 in the back and some up front).

If i had some spare cash id ofer you somthing for the armrest, but i guess i'll letting this pass. :)
C'mon guys, offers!! I'll put the arm rest to auction unless any one wants to make a better offer no disrespect intended. Yes mirrors can be adjusted by pushing the glass. I just thought i'd offer the things up here first to give you guys first chance.
im guessing thats for the light clusters??

how much for the dash pod and arm rest please?
my price not good enough above ^ ?
PM if you like?


Ive seen how much these things fetch on e - bay! LOL Sorry guys this is a mess, i'll list some rough prices the best offer around that price received in the next day or two secures feel free to PM.

Lights 70+
Arm rest and pod 80+ for the pair
mirrors 40+
well my price was not far off mate.

£80 then delivered for pod and arm rest please!!!!!
cheque can be written out now and sent off tomorrow??
Japseye, how much can you justify?

Napster, consider them yours.

Arm rest and pod sold to Napster pending payment.
Slighty off topic - who ever buys the arm rest, could you take a pic and email me with it. I can't see how that arm rest can fit in
Thanks "Amy"......i PM'd you

Slighty off topic - who ever buys the arm rest, could you take a pic and email me with it. I can't see how that arm rest can fit in came out of a it should fit shouldnt it?
was it fitting it or actual size of it?
i could remove a seat if it comes to that?

if you could provide me with "width and length" that would be greatly appreciated "Amy" please before i buy something that may not fit.....unless your positive?

thanks again
That price was for the arm rest and the dash pod, I have seen the pods alone go for over £100. I'm not really making any money on these parts i just picked them up as i thought they would be of interest to you guys. Shipping on large items from Japan can be crazy expensive. And theres taxes to pay etc etc If you attempted to buy these parts direct from Japan you would end up paying a lot more.
Ok guys lights are £50 shipped any takers? I doubt you could get standard lights for that price.
hi ya, i had a little look at a micra classic with them pod lights fitted and it seems they hang alittle lower than normal and go into the bumper. are you sure these lights will bolt on to a k11 with a stock uk bumper or does it need a classic bumper too?
Ok this may be a little of topic but if someone can point me in the direction of some pictures of a micra classic with these lights fitted before I comit to buy.......It all hinges on what they look like fitted but its a 98% yes at the moment
You asked for a picture, I sent you one. i don't have a k11 to hand at the moment so unfortunately I cant try them, i am positive i have seen these fitted to a k11 before. what do you want? measurements more pictures? I can't do any more than that i'm afraid unless someone wants to bring a K11 to me. Do you want to just try them? I'll take them back if they don't fit.
looks fair enough, i have seen ones that dont fit but now that i think about it they may have been custom.

i just mesured a stock tail light (well a rally spec light but they are all the same) and the mesures exactly 27cm so i am pretty sure you will find them pod lights will be the same...

do you have any pics of the bulb holders just out of interest?

soz i am being i retard i see them now :D
Thanks Napster, yeah these lights are 27cm also. i'm almost positive they bolt right up but you have entered an element out of doubt in my mind lol. the Bolero/classic uses the same chassis so I don't see any reason why they would be different.
OK sorted they will be ok lights that is you use paypal.............or pm me address........

PM sent regarding the purchase of lights+++++++++++++
Thanks Napster, yeah these lights are 27cm also. i'm almost positive they bolt right up but you have entered an element out of doubt in my mind lol. the Bolero/classic uses the same chassis so I don't see any reason why they would be different.

lol well if they are 27cm than i am SO sure they will fit. to much effort for nissan to change everything for rear lights...

attached is the pod lights i was thinking off....


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im not intrested in the parts, but someone offerd you 70+ for arm rest n dash thingy, u declined it now u want 80.. he or she has offerd to have them off you.. but your still waiting for a HIGHER BIDDER

personoally id take the 80 !!
chances are you wont get another offer !!
Sorry mate I don't know what you are talking about I sold them to Napster ages ago. The reason I waited was because I was looking for offers over that amount hence the 80+ Napster offered me 80 including shipping which was slightly less than I was after but as you can see the day after I said he could have them. I wouldn't usually squabble over a few quid but those parts cost me £80 to bring over.