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Mintyfresh's Black K11 Super S

Yeah, what's next? Really, really starting to love the look you and Mark have got going on - small, wide wheels and just generally stock and tidy :grinning:.
Been slothing on the updates lately so thought i'd let everyone know whats happened/is going to happen soon :)
so lately i've not really done too much, i fitted march rear lights from minty a couple weeks ago and yesterday gave my 'fog' lights the lamin-x treatment, really easy to use stuff and looks pretty cool imo! Put an order in for a frankspeed mani that should be here some time next week and the car will be getting some of the more noticable dings removed by paintless dent removal :) I'd originally planned to buy new tyres (smaller/more stretch) tomorrow but i've decided that there are some things i'd rather buy this month and i can deal with the balloons for a bit longer (sorry mark.. :grinning:)




will get some better ones soon :)
Thanks man :) If it was't for the guys in the 300zx club I would've been in the car park across the road! Was a wicked day and the car was getting a fair bit of attention, i even heard one guy saying 'Oh my god, i'm getting one, thats so cool!' and i had the biggest grin on my face driving out later on and turning some heads :grinning: I didn't really take many pics which i'm regretting a bit now (might have to pinch some off of some mates) I did take some snaps of the micra and also one of the coolest cars i think i saw all day (ill post them below) Also saw Baloo2u (sorry, didnt catch your name!) and the Be-1, was pretty cool to see this massive part of the micra's history in the metal, and also hear the plans for it, all i can say is it will be immense! :laugh:




Hadn't seen one of these before yesterday..


IMO one of the nicest cars there, stanced to perfection:


Nice, sits well that. they must be the new Rota's, can't remember what they're called now , but they are obvoiously replicas of the legendary Hayashi Racing Sakura.

Your's looks very smart minty, there definatley needs to be some sort of get together for all the small wide wheeled k11s this summer.

Edit, Aleica
awakening this thread just to say I saw this parked at Japfest it was a day before I went and picked up mine ^.^ looked at this for inspiration!!! very nice mate
Wow. Its been a while! Since the last time ive been here there's onlre really been one big update, wrapping the classics in some 165/55 rubbery goodness and getting her a little closer to the ground.. i say a little but to say i have the 'occasional scrape' would be an understatement.. but thats the fun of driving a low car isnt it :blush: Also a mate of mine has just bought me a momo wheel for christmas! but im not sure if the boss it came with will fit (will post a thread about this elsewhere)

Anyway, piccys (not great quality, taken from facebook):



shes got a bit festive lately.. ;)



and if anyone knows about the boss i'll post a pic here as well


Merry Christmas guys :)
Yeah still here :) you still up the road? and im still loving the car as much as ever, just haven't really done much to it lately (bar the tyres that is)
Only a little update, my Momo steering wheel now has a boss that fits so will be going on at the weekend, hopefully I don't blow my head off :)

I'm also planning on the following cheap/free mods (saving for a holiday to Canada in May leaves little spare cash at the moment):

Lose some more rear spring
Colour code door/boot handles
Have an idea for a new gearknob but I'm not sure if it is really feasible..
Finish cutting out the original parcel shelf speaker covers to house my 6x9s
Re-stick bump strip from failed bump strip removal (it will pain me to do this given the effort it took getting all the glue off)
Also have been given a splitter that may or may not fit, not sure if it's been done before but will have a play with it soon and post the outcome!

Here's a pic from the other day:


Note: I now have 2 new aero wipers!
It's Laminex film, it's really easy to fit and the only thing you need which isn't included is a hair-drier (makes it easier to work around corners)
Mark, I plan on dropping the back a bit more soon so will assess the clearance then :p
I've got the wheel on now and front splitter (I'm not sure if I like the splitter but will post a pic up soon for you guys to critique) bump strip is also stuck back on but I haven't removed the tape holding it in place while the sealant goes off yet. Pics to follow soon!
Just a little update, have lost some more rear spring, colour coded boot handle, finished cutting out the original parcel shelf speaker covers to house my 6x9s, re-stuck bump strip from failed bump strip removal, and fitted my splitter (opinions?) Surprisingly it fits perfectly with no cutting down!
Here are a couple of snaps from The Fast Show!

Thanks guys! That's right Mark :) And as much as I'd love to be at Japfest this year, unfortunately I can't make it as I'm in Canada on the 12th!
I actually like that front splitter :D Never thought the Cupra-R one would suit it.

Also, you're giving me filthy disgusting thoughts about 13s... What's the car been dropped by? Wondering if my MH 60mm springs will give it a nice enough drop to rep 13s properly... :D
JAE is a different show to Japfest, its in September 7,8,9 :)
Ahh my bad, I read JAE as Japfest haha! Yeah I went to JAE in my old car, was a bit of a trek but I might have to come again this year :)

Also, you're giving me filthy disgusting thoughts about 13s... What's the car been dropped by? Wondering if my MH 60mm springs will give it a nice enough drop to rep 13s properly... :D

I had some -60mm springs from Matt in a few different modified stock set-ups before I got the corsa coilies, just weren't low enough for me. I wouldn't be able to say for definite how much lower it is but all i know is speedbumps are a real issue, and the underside of my car has taken a real beating just from everyday driving (subframe rails, crossmember, gearlinkage, sump..) I can find some flat ground and try and take some measurements if you like?

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