March Super Turbo on Ebay

summer showing with damage.....???


plus the list of todo's....blimey!

ST gang: does the ST have a tilting steering column?...cooool
Yes tilting steering wheel, lol not that cool really haha
its way cool considering on a K11 you have to put spacers or washers in to lower it!!
The grille is with it its just not fitted on, the only damage on it is the passenger wing and thats not exactly a hard thing to fix :p
As it says in the ad he has lost his job so probably does'nt have the money to get it fixed Properly. . .bodywork has to be mint on these cars to get that money but in no way putting the car down
Ian its pretty straight forward to do a wing the guy whos got it prob doesnt have the time or cash or as the advert says hes lost his job ( unlucky lol ) anyways i wouldnt pay £2500 for it though i would go as high as £2000 for this but then again i dont have that much :D