Ma09ERT prep for install

duncan i check the car running in total darkness and could not find any spark leakage. plugs are new but i'll regap them and see if i can get a new distributor cap and rotor.

baz i did some reading up on nissan pre 1988 eccs and found out that the mao9ert ecu has 5 diagnostic modes. mode 3 is self diagnostic mode and after running it yesterday i got code 55 - no error found. the ecu normally runs in mode 1 and the green flashing light indicates a lean condition or something. i will clarify it and report back.

luckily for me i mounted the ecu so that i could see the inspection window while driving.
Yes but to exit from all the diagnostic modes, you need to enter mode 4 and the then turn the screw anti clockwise, then turn the ignition off. When you turn it on again both green and red lights shoud be on , when you start the engine they go out and do not come on during normal running ......if it is its still running some form of diagnostic or you have the screw in the fully clockwise position
baz see the full article that i used here:

as far as i understand, all five modes are diagnostic modes. it is supposed to normally work in mode 1.

Well I have been working on these cars for 10 years so i'll stick to what I know. Dont take me advice if you dont want to.

If your lights are flashing while the engine is running , its still in one of the diagnostics mode and may not run correctly
baz i will give it a go buddy and get back to you.
its not that i dont trust what you're saying, i just wanted you to see the info i was working with.
did it baz. exited in mode four and switched the ignition off. ignition on again the red and green lights come on, start they cut off. green light flashes as before and car drove the same. checked to see if it was still in mode four and it started with two flashes indicating that it returned to mode 1.

i drive the car every day now.
in a nutshell the car pulls lazily and stumbles under 7-10 psi boost before 4000 rpm. it shoots off at 4000 rpm up to 6500 rpm with a random miss or buck every once in a while.

i triple checked the couplers for the piping and could not find any leaks.
i made sure the supercharger belt was tensioned properly.

open to any other suggestions
i have been lucky enough to get a good engine and reach so far.

going to recheck and replacement ignition components, starting with a set of #6 irridiums gapped to 0.8mm.

what do you think?
how sure are you that the timing is correct? you can get some really lazy down low reponse with a belt 1 tooth out. Or maybe you are just expecting too much down low from 900cc :)
Yeah you dont get much pull from the s/c at all and not that smooth , until you realise you can go up a steep incline in 5th gear at 1500rpm haha. I would try to sort out the misfire, try an ngk Bpr7E plug
duncan i don't think the timing is off but i'll check it. it does seem lazier low down than the 1000.

baz i won't be done until the engine stops stumbling. the #7 plug is colder than the #6 right? what difference would it make?

oh, what rpm and gear do you guys make 160 km? with the auto, it makes it (full speedo) at about 6500 rpm in third.

whats the max rpm the stock engine can reach safely and is there a limiter?
Limiter is about 7100rpm I rev mine to 7000 all the time. It might runs a bit better with the colder plug
ok so here is the deal. the plugs i had in were BKR6EYA with 35 thou gap. i kept regapping them down and @ 28 thou i got a very noticeable improvement. i think i was suffering from ignition breakdown under boost. in efforts to do even better, i got a set of BKR7EIX and gapped them to 26 thou. car now pulls like i think it should.
thanks to everyone
i think my engine swap is now complete.
Good day all.
Big up to Baz, Duncan, Ed, frank and the rest of you guys that helped me get the car together.

Its been a little over a year of flawless service from this engine and many, many miles of driving like I stole it.

Finally, it seems to have developed some sort of condition;

It does not smoke.
No coolant loss or overheating.
I have been getting a stumble / misfire over the last 2 weeks when the car is cold and driving with 5 psi boost or more. When it warms up it is good. Problem has progressed to the extent that the car now idles poorly.
The vacuum is low but not fluctuating at idle.
The exhaust is sooty and black and I believe that the gas consumption has gone up a bit - approximately 20-30 % from last year driving the same route.

I have checked the plugs. They were black but did not seem shot. I changed them anyway, along with plug wires / leads, and distributor cap. ( B12 sentra works) Could not get a rotor so I just cleaned up the one I had. Will probably look into ordering a set for the figaro. I confirmed that I do not have any piping leaks or vacuum leaks. ECU flashes back code 55 - no error.

I also read that in mode 1, the green led is supposed to flash 6-8 times within 10 sec if the O2 sensor is good. This I am not seeing.

Has anyone here on the forum noted if they suffered similar problems before finding that their O2 sensor is shot or can anyone say whether this is typical?

Put an O2 sensor in it , it probably 20+ years old , also check for vaccum leaks , check ignition leads
Greetings Cama!!!
I've been watching your project and I congratulate this great !!!
I was wondering if you still have the other ma09 engine and if you want to sell, or if you know someone who has one and wants to put on sale?
in advance thanks for the help !!!

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