K11 mis firing


Ex. Club Member
My car is not at all well, at the moment she's stalling, mis firing and getting the occassionall complete loss of power!

It all started on Sunday after I changed the fuel filter, dizzy cap and rotary arm. After changing these the car was running lovely, was idling really nicely and all was good.

Went round my mates house, when I went to leave, I turned the engine over, was on the phone (handbrake still applied, not in gear etc) then I felt the engine lose power, then battery light came on, I floored it and kept the engine ticking over. I continued to drive down the road, came to a junction and the car stalled. Turned the ignition and it started 1st time with a little help from the accelerator. I carried on, got to a mini round about and it stalled again! Puled into a car park to pick someone up, left my foot on the accelerator (fast idled), slowly released the accelerator and it stalled again. Started the engine again, pulled off and the car was kangoorooing (if there's such a word) like crazy!!

I dropped my m8s off and came straight home, me n my step dad, stripped the dizzy and all seemed fine. We took it for a little drive, and it was getting worse. The engine was stalling at about 50/60 MPHs, the engine light came on, it would jerk, and the engine would start itself again. I'm sure a "push" start at 60mphs can not be good for the engine!!! Just driving down my road, turning around at a round about, then coming back, it must have done this about 10 times! Pulled up outside and the engine stalled. The cars been on my mums drive way for 2 days now. I've jst started her and she's starting fine, first time off the key, no need for revving. I opened up the engine bay and can hear the occassional "ticking" coming from somewhere!! It sounds like the noise you'd hear from a spark jumping! I am not sure where abouts it is coming from, maybe the dizzy, maybe one of the HTs/spark plugs. I just don't know.

In a nut shell......HELP ME!!!

I've tried to go into much detail as possible with the details of the faults. I think it may be an ignition problem, I was going to check over leads, plugs, take dizzy apart again. Anything other than that....i'm stummped!!!

Any ideas would be most greatful. Many thanks in advance.



Well I've removed HT leads 1 by one with the engine running and the car's running on 4 cylinders!

It was idling fine, the car sits there absoloutly fine, car rev it, rev it hard, keep it at high revs, then let it go back to idle and the engines fine.

Tried reversing it off of the driveway and moved about 3 metres before it stalled!!! hunk of junk!!!
Sounds like the dizzy. Im having near identical problems to you. All cylinders (sp) work, all leads giving a spark and can rev the nuts off it fine when its not moving, but after a bit of a drive, it stalls at junctions and struggles to start up again. I put it down to damp at first and changed a couple of ignition components but the problems still persist.

Although i have a k10, the dizzy obviously only has one function so yours could be nackered aswell.
I played around with the dizzy, car was driving fine, took it for about a 2 mile drive, turned of to my mums place, came off of the round about and it died!!!

Many its something about when the cars warm? Help me plz!!!
Sounds like a fuel problem to me...as if its sucking air in somewhere....when you changed the fuel filter jus check the pipes are ok 'Not leaking' pull them see if there clicked in properly.

We had a skoda in the other day...was fine up hills but as soon as you let accel off and let it roll it started jerkin. tryed plugs leads ect but no luck....i stayed behind at work lastnight sortin it out...turns out it was the engine temp sensor. Could be worth gettin one off a scrappy and trying it :)

Hope you get it sorted mate.
I played around with the dizzy, car was driving fine, took it for about a 2 mile drive, turned of to my mums place, came off of the round about and it died!!!

I drove mine to portsmouth and it got all the way there before cutting out in the city center. I drove home from Ems yesterday and it did ten miles before cutting out too! You have the SAME issues as me!

Playing with the dizzy wont do anything, it needs replacing if thats the part at fault.
you know what i'm gonna say...

throttle body lol upgrade to CG13de and all your problems will be gone :)

check the air ways, filters etc just incase...

also check the gearbox isn't sticking or the brakes locking up, its probably not that but on my bike the brakes kept locking up and you'd only find out when you got to traffic lights and tried to pull away again...

goodluck maty

you have to make it to Gilford ;)
I'll make it to Gilford....I might ponce a lift with James if my cars ill.

Well i'm unemployed as of Friday so just gonna strip it, rebuild it....n hope for the best :D

I've checked the spark plugs, Haynes manual doesn't have a colour chart!!! So looked at a Mini Haynes manual n it told me to check my carb :( I don't have one. lol

The plugs are black n sooty which basically means it's not igniting at the right time. Pretty certain it is the dizzy timing.
Was tempted for about half hour to just sell the thing and buy an Almera. But can't bring myself to it.....Love my K11 too much.....just a little frustrated!!!!
Was tempted for about half hour to just sell the thing and buy an Almera. But can't bring myself to it.....Love my K11 too much.....just a little frustrated!!!!

noooo! don't do a James lol :)

are you sure you put the rotor arm on the right way?
rotor arm is keyed and will only go one way! Are you sure you put the cap on the right way?? Would come to help you mate but ive got a engine to put back in this weekend. Might be able to pop along sunday night if i have enough fuel! Dont expect me to be completely with it though! lol
Wouldn't really help welly, I'll be using the Same Throttle body and Distributor (me thinks) so i'll just be transfering the problem other onto another engine. Plus i'd have to drive the mis-firing awfulness about 35 miles to Eds.
Right this is really winding me up now!!!! I've tried the throttle body re-solder trick. I've left the engine running and un-plugges loads of different sensors, they all appear to be working, as the engine changes when each sensor is removed. Except when it came to the Lambda *spelling maybe lol*, Removing or plugging in this sensor made no difference at all.

I also noticed I have a "ticking" coming through my speakers, which to me signifys a poor earth....any idea guys ??

Could a poor earth cause the car to stall? The car idles ok, but as soon as you move it, even without using accelerator (rolling off drive way) it stalls.

As you can imagine this is getting quite annoying!!!

Any advice would be most greatful!!!

OK well, changed the distributor and the throttle body, still running badly!!!

Car's with Ed now, should be CG13'd up soon in a few days/a week, hopefully running nice n smooooothh!!!

Many thanks in Advance Ed
If unplugging the Lambda sensor makes no difference then it would suggest that this was the problem, I think you'll enjoy the power increase with the 1.3 conversion.
Whatever the problem is - Eds sorting it. Thanks again Ed

Also thanks again to Arnold for the CG13, gearbox, ECU......and now the Non-Nats ECU.

If i've got enough spare cash I might even buy Alienfish's Cams if he don't sell them to someone else.
Mines been doing exactly the same for the past month, she won't stall though.
Had it apart and a fiddle with the rotor arm and ran fine for a week before it started missing on me again. Looking for a new cap and arm now to see if that makes a difference.

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