K11 CGA3DE-T powered "Hello From Greece - Hellas"

Hello mates...
someone maybe remember me..
2-3 years ago i had finished planting a CGA3 engine to my K11...
finally this year i finished the entire project
fitting a turbo system to it...

we rebuild the entire engine with new pistons conrods crankshaft etc..
i dont know if this is the correct section...
if no pls ths mods to put it... (Y)(Y)
some pictures for start and a few specs...

started to unfit all the parts...




the engine returned a few weeks later with the new pistons and conrods

head also "polished" with secret specs ( i really have no idea...my enginear only..)

some fiiting to get distances for pipes etc

how the engine looked 1-2 months ago...

custom wiring for the stand alone ECU....
the worst and the best part too....


have a look for now and i will return to give the entire specs
and some changes that have done...
i had also done some major changes to the suspension as well...
at the time i cant find the photo...
i hope till noon i will have them...
Nice, specs would be interesting, and more pictures! :)

The exterior looks standard except the tinted headlights? Sleeper FTW!
forgot that...



as you can see its exterior is normal...
i have change also the back lights with the led one...
the ONLY thing i dont like is its 5 door ..but thats just my opinion :)

no hard feelings my friend...

to tell you i have the same opinion...
but wen i bought it NEW it was the only one that i was able to get in 2 weeks..
for the 3 door i had to wait about 4 to 6 months...
nowdays i looked for a used one i found some but was in bad condition when mine was like a new...

PS:i found the pix... i hope in a hour top to be able to post them... :grinning:
when some of the engine parts arrived...
because there is nothing plu n play for this engine i had to do special order whith the stock as sample..

here we go...
the new conrod from Scat Racing in compare with the stock one...

the new conrod by itself

pistons from CP a little bit larger than stock....with Total Seal rings...



The plate where i was going to build the exhaust manifold...
i designed it at my pc and cutted with leizer cnc

and the standar plate for turbo also cutted at cnc

both of them ar from stainless steel 304...

here building the manifold


closer look where the first part is almost done

we have made a plate where the turbo is holding at in order to be as stable as it can be...no to stand at manifold but its own stand

closer look to be seen the almost perfect flow...

this is handmade...can you believe it??

manifold finished...now its time to start building downpipe....

closer look...

finished at last...
we made it in 2 days...but it is a peace of art i think...




at this time is were my stand alone ECU arrived...
a iLink G3 with 5bar MAP in it
and its 3 meter wiring with....


a month later and we are still bulding the car
but my new coilover suspension arrived






i couldnt resist..so i fitted them right away....
also fitted Goodridge Brakeline Hose Kit stainless steel too...with DOT 5.1 brake fluid...



also replaced the rear axle from drums to disks also with Goodridge brakeline hoses...
oh my im very impressed can i ask where did you get your conrods and pistons from

i sent stock samples which i bought new from local nissan parts store
and tell them what i like to do...
then with our instructions they made them...
the conrods are from Scat Racing USA and the pistons are CP

what sort of bhp are you expecting or have from her? Some really nice work.

at this time we havent push the engine to the limits..
i only have 6000rpm limit and 0.8 bar ct pressure...
some friendly "races" that i made with a mini cooper s works (at the end of 4th gear i was about 5 to 6 cars in front of mini...)
and with a Golf GT with mapped ECU new intake manifold and exhaust manifold and decat which in maha dyno had 220ps(i was in front of it about 3 cars)let my guess that iam about 170-190ps
my car is 1100 kg...
at the time that i raise the limits i gonna put it at 7500rpm and at least 1.2 bar pressure...
i have done only 5000km....i have another 3000km to do and raise the limits..

here is a video from the race with the mini...


ps: the wheel spin is from my micra...
as you said the standar ;)
my car when bought it was 990 kgr full extra messured at nissan...
now with the extras and the sound it is 1100 messured at the same machine...
yes thats right...
iam gonna have it in a diet soon...
not only the back seats bat much many its gonna got out of there... ;)
i have allready ordered manual windows(about 4 kgr less to the each door...and i have 4 of them...)
What size of turbo are you running?

its an 2554B from Garrett..
but someone (my enginear...) maked it a litle bit larger...
lets say that is in the middle of a 2554B and a 2560.... (Y)(Y)(Y)
it starts the spool from about 2200 and full boost is at 3700 exactly...
at 3000 i have allready 0.5 of boost...
we dont know yet the amount power of the car...
yesterday in one of our tryes to raise pressure and rpm limit the left axle was totaled...
iam not joking...changing the 2nd gear to 3rd gear and with full throtle and with pressure at 1.4bar and rpm limit almost 8000 we heard a breaking sound .... none of the gears were moving the car..
steped off the car and looked under it...the left axle was cuted almost near at the joint...
enjoy the pic..


At the time finally we made custom axle from better steal that can handle
the twice power than OEM.. (Y) (Y)
the cost was about 100 euro per peace... (Y)
good price...
we only kept the OEM joint..
in case that OEM joint has problem we have allready ordered joints
that fits like OEM from a honda model.... :grinning::grinning: ;) ;)

the main problem now is that the gearbox its hardly damaged...
the reverce is not working!!!
the rest of gears are working with very much effort

PS: if anyone has a gearbox for sale for K11 2002 model with coilpack let me now cause i have found none at the local market...thanks... :)
You've done a great Job on your Micra mate, me and my lass are getting married in October and thinking of going to Greece for our honeymoon, might have meet up and see your beast in the flesh (The Micra that is, lol).
long time not seeing...
the news are not very hopefully...
the gearbox was totaled...
if i can say...
very totaled...
we had it repaired but on our visit at the local dynometer
it just couldnt last...
when we climbed the pressure and rpm
a very very bad noise was heard...and oil undernith the car...
take a look...






i have allready ordered a new gearbox from PAR USA with LSD...
the car now is sitting...
the only good is that we find out that the OEM coilpacks
are worthless...
when the pressure is over 1.2ct they cant handle the needs for power supply at sparks...
we rearenge wirring and put on a BOSCH coilpack which is stronger
at power supply than OEM coilpacks , its only one (not 4) and bid enough to do the change...
also we put new coilpack driver also BOSCH which is faster than the first one that i had...
the difference is obvious from the first start..
the engine starts much more easyier and quiet than before...
photos soon...
You've done a great Job on your Micra mate, me and my lass are getting married in October and thinking of going to Greece for our honeymoon, might have meet up and see your beast in the flesh (The Micra that is, lol).

offcorse my mate...
you are welcome to come...
the October is a good month to travel over here...
no much croud arround better prices and as we know at the time
the weather its gonna be like summer this year...
send me a pm when you will have it arrange...

PS:forgot to say thank for your good words...
the night before dynometer
i took a small video...

it is a very hot night..
the light you see on is that i have IAT (inlet air temperature) above 45 celcioum :wow:

PS:to anyone that knows some things...
at 8000 rpm with 1bar ct...i have ignition advance 28 BTDC (Y)

PS2:i need new cams.....has anyone any idea... something about 284 and 12...
Nice mods my friend... (we are in the same town, maybe one day i will find you for a run :p)
το έκανες γαμάτο το μικρό :)
εγώ το έχω όπως ήρθε απο το εργοστάσιο πάντως και ακόμα γουστάρω
there is a long time ago that i last wrote something in here..
lets look...
the new gearbox arrived...
i can say...
there is nothing in compare with the OEM one...
with wot and over 7000rpm the gear changes smooth and quick without any problem...
we finaly managed to finish the mapping at ecu...the final lets say mapping
until 0.9 ct of pressure...and then...the clutch was broken...
o yes...o broken F1 racing clutch...
i ordered a new one and at this week iam waiting it to come...
and here is a new video...
0.9 ct no overboost with Semi Slick Toyo R888 at the freeway....
Nice mods my friend... (we are in the same town, maybe one day i will find you for a run :p)
το έκανες γαμάτο το μικρό :)
εγώ το έχω όπως ήρθε απο το εργοστάσιο πάντως και ακόμα γουστάρω

ok my friend...you know after all that we are a small town...sooner or later we gonna meet eachother..
125mph? was that! bloody hell im gonna cry... the car is awesome!
Καλή τύχη! if thats correct (Y)
that really is awesome jim :eek:
tell us more (Y)

thanks mate... :grinning:
whatever you want to find out feel free to ask....
there is a huge list of parts and works that i have done
and you can imagine that iam unable to write them down...
125mph? was that! bloody hell im gonna cry... the car is awesome!
Καλή τύχη! if thats correct (Y)

is that 200km/h a 125 mph??
i really have no idea... to say so thats the correct ;)
thanks for your good words...
Καλή τύχη!!(good luck...)if that was that you wanted to write yes its 100% correct...and you making me a litle bit shy because you wrote it to my mother language....

i have a couple of new photos...i will give it a try to put them today...
thanks :) any figures yet jim, or standing 1/4mile time ?
hows that lsd, and were those conrods stock length ?

i dont have measured it wet...after april where the official drag championship starts maybe i will give it a try...
the LSD is perfect....when only you need it you are able to understand that there is one inside the gearbox...
the only a little bit scary is when the road is bad and iam running real fast (75 - 85 mph) the steering wheel follow the road and i have to put strentgh to hold it in the course..

noop the conrods dont have stock length...they are a litle bit shorter...
and thats why the piston isnt same too...
the spot there the conrod connects to piston is lower (so the total length is the same... ;) )...

this is an amazing car, i love to see micras that have had no expense spared, there are so few of them.

keep up the great work, you are really setting the standard for all micras out there!
nice car, shame bout the mess of the box tho. and also ten point to whoever made that mani fdlod!! :D:D

because my english is very bad can you pls give me a better explain...thanks.. ;) :D

My dear Friend NeX thanks for the good words...
i just try to make the best it can be...in order anyone can lern that our cars (micra) itsnt only city cars with good value for money and without problems...that they can be really giant killers...i was sick to see only starlet and daihatsu colt etc...i wanted something different...i was planting it for about 5 years...since 2003-2004...
it was 1000cc...
i made it 1.4 ....and show goes on... (Y)

frank thats not the only thing...with shorter rod the speed reving raises....
if you can understand what iam saying...
when the new painted rims installed with the R888 on them..

when the new PAR gearbox with the new clutch installed

and finally the boost controller installed some days before the clutch brokes
and a pressure that we tried to work but the clutch had a different opinion...grrgrrgrr


one of the clutch springs that ther were broken!!!

and got the best disciision

twin clutch...
sachs custom made!
over 1100 euro cost but there is no chance to regret it or to be broken again..



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