K11 98 1.0 Pulling to the left


Our 98 1.0 68K miles Twister Micra was pulling to the left.
It has done it since we bought it a few months ago. There was scuffing on the outer edge of the tyre, so I put it down to tracking.

I went to Kwik Fit today and had the tracking adjusted.
There doesn't seem to be any improvement.
I am thinking about taking it to another branch to have it checked again.

Are there any other things to check that could cause it to pull to the left?


usually a pull is caused by a f/wheel being back a bit.
if you set the steering wheel straight and measure from the wing/sill gap to the wheel rim lip, you "might" find the n/s is shorter ?
My Girlfriends 98 1.0 Twister pulls to the left too, but not taken it for tracking yet. I would take it to a different branch and get them to check it. Take your reciept as it should be free.
I'd check what Solarice said. Any visible damage to the wheel too? Maybe the previous owner warped the alloy or something.
I would suggest going somewhere else to get it tracked up, I wouldn't trust Kwik fit to screw my dust caps on straight let alone do my tracking correctly.
I would suggest going somewhere else to get it tracked up, I wouldn't trust Kwik fit to screw my dust caps on straight let alone do my tracking correctly.

i totally agree with this statement, here's the evidence lol
My car was the same I got my tracking done at Wilco Motorsave, it was fine afterwards for about 10 mile then went a bit funny again, what about the Bushes or are the tyre types the same for example the toughness of the tyre is the LEft Meduim and the Right soft?
Thanks for the replies.
Love the dust cap pic!

I will check the things that have been mentioned and then try another branch for tracking.
There is a knocking noise when I turn the steering wheel from side to side when stationary. The car does not have PAS.
I wouldn't normally use Kwik-Fit but i thought their tracking equipment might be new and checked regularly?
There is a knocking noise when I turn the steering wheel from side to side when stationary. The car does not have PAS

This is very likely the anti roll bar bushes being worn, mine does it, annoying isn't it.

I wouldn't normally use Kwik-Fit but i thought their tracking equipment might be new and checked regularly?

They might have the best equipment in the world, but their trained chimps just can't understand how to use it.
:rolleyes: I cant believe you took time to set that up Swiper, you've far too much time on your hands. :laugh: :laugh:

hehe, i had to be at my daughter's school for 3pm, i was nearly late doing it. lol. check out the time of post!

but i feel the same, the best equipment in the world is useless in the wrong hands. i used to enjoy doing my own tracking when i worked at a nissan garage, but now i have to trust others. not the best experience i've had. but if it's not right, it keeps going back until it is.
350 mile drive today.
After about 100 miles, I stopped for petrol.
All the wheels were stone cold, so I guess that rules out the brakes binding. I will get it on the jack if it doesn't rain tomorrow and double check the brakes for binding.
The tyre pressures were all 25-27 PSI. A bit low but only 1 PSI difference on the fronts. The car still pulls.
I think I will get the tracking checked at another branch of Kwik-Fit.

i,ve never known tracking to cure a pull
if a car is wearing the outer edges ot the f/tyres, its toeing in too much
if its wearing the inner edges, its toeing out too much
if the steering wheel is on the p### you adjust one track rod differently to the other
and thats it !
have you got a measurement of possition ?

i,ve never known tracking to cure a pull
if a car is wearing the outer edges ot the f/tyres, its toeing in too much
if its wearing the inner edges, its toeing out too much
if the steering wheel is on the p### you adjust one track rod differently to the other
and thats it !
have you got a measurement of possition ?

it's mostly the tracking out that causes a pull. hit a kurb for example and it'd slightly bend one side of the steering. ta da, the car will now pull to one side. track it up within specification and it should cure it. as long as it's done right. but, depending on how long the tracking was out, it may have worn one tyre different, so even if tracking is spot on, it could still try and pull to one side.
My 98 twister does exactly the same thing!
mine too. The result of hitting too many curbs coming off roundabouts thinking I was Nigel Mansel taking the racing line and from running over a roundabout, nearside wheel first, which blew both front tyres.
Ever since then it's pulled to the left if I let the steering wheel go. Also, the steering has to point about 2 degrees to the right for it to go in a striaght line. Time to check some of the things in this thread...

you can check your tracking quite accurately by lining up the front wheels with the rears, either by eye or with a plank
then once they are square you can measure the rim edge to door gap
mine is 11 inches :glance: both sides ( but thats 13" alloys)
Jack up the Car and disconnect the Lower suspension arm/Balljoint and see if the Bushes on the Lower Arm are worn. The Arm itself may be bent. Any movement warrants replacement as it only takes a bit of movement to screw up the Tracking.
you can check your tracking quite accurately by lining up the front wheels with the rears, either by eye or with a plank
then once they are square you can measure the rim edge to door gap
mine is 11 inches :glance: both sides ( but thats 13" alloys)
As in measure the rim-edge-to-door-gap on each side and comparing the lengths? Good method

So is that what they do when they do it in a garage? Last time I had mine done it involved yellow sheets of metal being bolted on to the outside of the wheels. I didn't hang around to check out what they did next but whatever it is it's got to be reproducible with straight edges and firm boards of wood. Maybe a laser pen or strong torch and some washers and a mirror. I guess when it comes down to it, it's just lining something up straight, which engineers have been doing for thousands of years with straight edges and shim shams (I made the last bit up)

if your steering wheel is on the p###, thats probably tracking, but if there,s a pull, it could be a caster or stagger problem
some garages have got kit ( eg optoflex) to give you a printout, but that will cost
a measuring tape and some common sense can put you on the right track

as in car jig (stretching them back into shape with the aid of 3 ten ton hydraulic rams controlled by 1 button )
ah. Like panel beating but on a larger scale?

Reminds me, I've got a 3 inch long, 1/2 inch deep dent in my front offside wing, just as it goes around to the front of the car - which I was prepared to leave there forever until I found the ###### that did it, so I could rub his nose in it, but have since decided I wouldn't mind having a go at removing.

Is there a way to pop it back out via some magical method?

when i was tinsmithing (panelbeating bare metal bodies at the factory ) there were some old boys there who could do magical repairs
when i was tinsmithing (beating bare bodies at the factory) there were some old boys there who could do magical repairs
OK, you're showing off now. Also I think that might be illegal.

I finished off the final bit of the servicing of my micra today (all done by me!). Took her for a spin and she sings like a bird. Still pulls to the left and the steering needs to be right about 2 deg to go in a straight line but thinking back on it, she's been like that for years and I've really not noticed bad wear on the tyres as a result, except for a short spell when I pranged a roundabout and the tracking was well out.
also just 2 add check if ur wheels are balenced kuz quick fit dnt alwas do it

also cuz of body roll and round about at speed causes wear on front left tearing which i have done to the extreme and metal ripped out of tyre but it mostly happens with steals wheels cus there be more movement in tyre wall whn goin round corners than alloys

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