K10 versus K11

Right, First topic on here, so hello all.

Ok, so I'm presently without a car, looking at getting another asap, and whilst doing a bit of idle internet procrastinating, I came upon this place. My first two cars were k10 1.0s, (and I learned to drive in a k12 td) and whilst I loved them at the time, I'd kinda forgotten just how much fun they were until I was in a friend's k11 a week or so back. A little research (and hours reading threads on here) and I'm reminded just how spectacularly cheap old Micras can be, the nostalgia hits, the gears start turning... You can figure out the rest.

Here's my question though, as someone with almost no mechanical skill (but with a capable, willing-ish, retired father), which Micra would you choose? (k10 or 11, everything after is too big and soulless in my opinion).
I want something I can do some (initially) minor modifications on, to improve performance and handling for limited money and to teach myself some practical skills.

Sorry this is a very newbie-ish question, but I can think of no group better to answer it.

Having owned both k10's and 11's (currently have a k11) I'd have a k10 in a heartbeat. Don't know why there's just something about them
I have a k10 super turbo, thats the only k10 I would drive being honest. If it was a k11 it would have to be a super s 1.3
If I was after a minter show car, I'd get a K10. If I wanted something for slamming and modding, I'd go K11 :).
I can't speak from experience as I haven't owned a K10, but the K11 seems to be just that little bit more modern with a much better after market for performance parts. Combined with the fact that the 1.3 is a brilliant reliable engine (and it's twin cam so for a small engine it's super perky), I honestly think the K11 is way more practical and better.
I personally love the k10, I wrote my first one off at eighteen (oops) and went straight out and bought another, but I'm going to try be sensible about this.

As I've stated, I'm useless, so whichever has the most/easiest/cheapest worthwhile projects to do., I'm not going to be trying to convince myself into anyting I'll never finish, I want a simple, efficient car I can make my own.

(I'm unlikely to be able to afford any of the misc sport versions, I'm looking at a k10 1.2 or k11 1.3/4, depending on what I can find around south wales)

Edit: Pork; Those are exactly the kind of things I'd be looking at, there's breaker's near me, always has old k11 stuff, and knowing what I can be looking to salvage is very handy.

Harlen; 1.3 best 'normal' engine in the k11? The ease of finding aftermarket or second hand parts is a major consideration, I've got it my head that the k10 is simpler, but thats only because I've done (very) minor work on my old ones, and never touched a k11.

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