K10 1.0 super for sale


Ex. Club Member

think it must be about time i started to get some interests and feelers out.


for sale:

1ltr k10 SUPER. in metallic black.
immaculate condition
38K on clock
just under a years MOT
MOT documentation from it flying through the MOT withoiut a single thing wrong not even a light out

fully serviced and hand tuned,
ask people about the tuning i do.
full timing setup.
new radiator and fan
new sparks
ht leads

immaculate engine bay.

open to sensible offers :)

already have 2 people interested elsewere.

RE: think its about time for a sale/

Topic title has been changed. Please make it relevent next time.
just like to add that this is a very nice car indeed. i was well suprised at how immaculate this was wen i seen it
I dont normall like k10s but whoever gets this is getting a well nice car!
pete as well as i can remember all black (inc carpet), with a green 'tartan' on the seats. Green strip along the door cards. White faced speedo dial.
as above!!

its correct.

and you may ask chie what the interior is like..

it is absolutly immaculate.

his words were " has this just been stored ina garage or summit?"

thats how clean it is.

i can take photos if anyone is interested. but by no means am i ever going to break this car for ne parts. it is way to immaculate for it
looking for £500.

gave the girl a good wash this morning aswell :) lol

gonna give her a flush begining of next week.

wont be for sale for a fortnight though. as i have had to send of for the v5 again :DOWN: looks like dad has misplaed it. the poor girl WAS SOLD aswell. and i couldnt find the v5. ah well she back up for sale for about a fortnights time :)
hand tuning includes strobe setting the timing then from there hand setting the number one piston to TDC (then adjusting back) so that it is slightly off) this way the piston, spark and fuel insertion are all in perfect harmony.
Due to the age of the engines you cannot rely on the timing belt to give you perfect timing!

Though through constant testing i have found that (even though people believe in retarding the timing) that the best setting for the old k10 engines is set to almost TDC.

Once this is all setup, you can test the spark (and yes this does make a DIFFERENCE) making sure that the colour range throughout the idle and thrust.

Time and time again with different k10 engines (both ma10 and ma12) this has proven to be both good economically for the engine and also for best performance.

NE thing else you wish to know ?? :glare:
I see (my own :S ) £200 and raise you a http://www.micra.org.uk/t881.html
Titch58 said:
tell titch to log out of my computer and get urself another 250 at least ;)


I see (my own :S ) £200 and raise you a http://www.micra.org.uk/t881.html
Titch58 said:
hand tuning includes strobe setting the timing then from there hand setting the number one piston to TDC (then adjusting back) so that it is slightly off) this way the piston, spark and fuel insertion are all in perfect harmony.
Due to the age of the engines you cannot rely on the timing belt to give you perfect timing!

If the belt is stretched enough to effect timing by even as little as 1 degree, it's way past the time it needs replacing.

If you aren't using a DTI to find TDC, then you aren't getting it to within 2 degrees, so the marks on the crank pulley will be more accurate no matter what the stretch.

Or of course, the belt is way past the 100,000km replacement time and it is stretched.
nothing to do with the belt being stretched. more on the fact that over the years the wear on the engines themselves i have found often sets the crank timing off!
Thats why hand tuning it you tke out all posibilities of ne thing else effecting it. and you know the timing is set up for the engines best performance!
also. the belt has been replaced due to age not mileage already!
it only has 38K on the clock.
Or of course, the belt is way past the 100,000km replacement time and it is stretched.
wont be the case
MA12:) said:
I see (my own :S ) £200 and raise you a http://www.micra.org.uk/t881.html
Titch58 said:
tell titch to log out of my computer and get urself another 250 at least ;)


I see (my own :S ) £200 and raise you a http://www.micra.org.uk/t881.html

lol. the only reason i have to prise myself away from the old girl is due to another car coming. otherwise she would be kept .
so the possibilties of swapping for another car are not possible unfortunatly
whats your postcode wayne id like to see how far you are from me please :) pm it to me if you would prefer thanks
:'( well would just like to say
she gone. hopefully to a good home.

got bargined as expected :p

but sold for 420 +my tax back aswell so all in = 500
what i was wanting and what she is worth.

umar you got a good buy :)
an update:)

Been REALLY busy cleaning it 2day :p

i removed all the tinted windows, replaced them with a clear set i had.
took the rear screen tint off too...
removed the side green sticker

took out the: -
Front seats (to clean under that area properly)
boot carpet thing(fitted a Super S proper carpet like on top of this one)
rear window rubber (removed all the green fungus)
all boot plastics(gave them a clean, had plenty of dust etc)
rear boot rubber(removed it to check for rust/treated where needed)
spare tyre
handbrake console (cleaned and treated the holes under this area)
HeadUnit (re-wired it)

Gave the car a thorough clean
and undersealed areas which i thought would later on rust

i haven't even done this to the Turbo as yet lol
will do so when i get time:)

will get pics soon

it took me a whole day to do this
and i never got round to washing it :S

i will be selling the wheels
if any1 is interested(may start a new thread)

RE: RE: K10 1.0 super for sale

Andrew said:
quickdraw said:
fully serviced and hand tuned,
ask people about the tuning i do.
full timing setup.

So people, what's this hand tuning he does?

Basically, waynes sets the timing, mixture and idle speed etc.

Things that do decay as they get older, but anyone with half a brain can do and should do as soon as they get an old car.
Slim said:
Andrew said:
quickdraw said:
fully serviced and hand tuned,
ask people about the tuning i do.
full timing setup.

So people, what's this hand tuning he does?

Basically, waynes sets the timing, mixture and idle speed etc.

Things that do decay as they get older, but anyone with half a brain can do and should do as soon as they get an old car.

but unfortunatly dont. which is a shame. and half the people on here dont know how to do either :(
micra man said:
Get a Haynes... its all in there. :) Even I could do it lol. :p

no it aint:p

it touches on it but it dont say how to.
and sorry MAT i am not willing to go into to much detail over text as it can also be dangerous to the engine! if not done right. the way i hand tune and engine (without showing you how to do properly) can bend valves, crack pistons etc.

standard timing etc is there. and Any engine service manuals SHOULD show you how to colour tune etc.

this is the stuff you need to sort first. you can also read up about how to set the idle speed etc. :)

all this comes with practise. but soon you will be able to do it all by ear :)
k10's rarely have the mixture go out of sync on them

How can setting the timing bend valves as well wayne? MAkeing it pink - yes. Perhaps putting etra strain on the rings and bearings - yes, but bent valves? no.
What do you do with the colour tune as the mixture is set through the rev range? I'm also interested in this hand tuning, maybe you sould start a workshop... ;)

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