Just Decked My K10


K10 Tuner
As the title says.

Here are the pics:

Right rear before

Right rear after

Front right before

Front right after

Rear after

Some figures for you all
Measurements form the ground to the lip of the wheel arch.

Front before 23.25"
Front after 21"
Drop is 2.25" or 57mm

Rear Before 22"
Rear after 19.5"
Drop 2.5" or 63mm

No catching or rubbing yet. but i must say it feels like a go-cart now, i drove over a hair and felt it through the whole car (lol).


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ye ive heared and seen mixed reactions, some saying it is fine that they have done it along the way and it is fine and some looks of horror...

ill give it a shot there on now anyway, but ive still got the old ones anyway.
hard to tell if you'l get rubbing or not as you havent fitted lowering springs. It's usually 14" wheels and above that rub, and they look like 13's so you should be ok
o dear, terrible idea, if you don't want your springs bouncing outta their cups I wudn't go over any bumps. cutting it stops the top being flat and the spring doesn't sit right, invest in some proper springs.
up 4 sale sat of k10 cut springs (ones above) ive just been a right god drive and its perfect in corners and on flat, even road but in the bumps and speed bumps its awful. ive got back ache.

perfect feel for the track tho...
ill get a pic from the side of the car tonight when i get in from work.

P.S. james bently where are you from, i read somewere that you were in the chezzy cruise???

dopes this mean you live in chesterfield?
nice drop, cutting springs is extremely dangerous if it not done correctly if the ends of the spring are not correctly reformed....

please tell me you didnt just hack em up and whack them on?

you may also have issues with passing an mot now...
yes i did just hack them :( but however i have taken the fronts off and soon to take the rears off aswell. they nocked the tracking right out so they came off 2 nite.

i wish that i would have listened to my dad and and left them as they were, origional.

i will be investing in some proper 35 mm ones, shortly.
you will always need to track a car after its lowered, approx 500 miles after its done to allow it to settle, that is not optional unless you want tyres to last 2 weeks lol
all the hacked springs are now off the car and the standard ones fitted. has anyone got any K10 lowering springs for sale?

cheers scott

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