Is it me...


Rollin' with Diesel and V8 Power
Or is it mega quiet here tonight?
I'm bored and I feel ill so I'm surfing tiniternet, but there be nothing to do!

I suppose I can rant and say people suck. I've found sooo many dents in my cars bodywork the past couple of days from careless people in parking lots.
Seriously - look at the car you've just slammed your door into. Huh, it looks unusual doesn't it? Doesn't look like parts and body panels are easy to replace does it?!


So how is everyone? :)
/\ ahh how masculin of you:p
i have the saturdays on and have decided that they are all mines and nobody can have them :p
Lol, it's her songs "Just Dance" and "Poker Face".. It's not that I really like them, but they're so catchy it sticks to my brain like poo to a blanket.
I would go for a drive right now, but.. I hate going out of the house without any idea of a place to go. I end up returning back to the house 5 minutes just after I leave.
donno yet ether bell os admiral (same company) or i might try adrian flux
and also pass pluss dont make much diffrence to quotes lol
What I do reccomend is DO NOT go with Directline - they won't allow any mods which sucks! Admiral or Adrian Flux could be a winner!
Ah, I suppose that doesn't land you with much luck! Consarnit :(

Sorry, youtube sucked me in again...
well im 23 driving just under 2 year and insured in a 1.4 sport plus for £989 its nasty yet there is lads younger than me driving 2.0 gti`s or torbo cars and paying less than me it bugs me
I know it's ridiculous isn't it? We're not going to be stupid on the roads or anything -why do we pay more :(
yea i think they seen "18 year old male" and though "hmmm bend over please" :p
but it is crap that there charging me this price although it might be cheeper when i eventually get round to phoning them
Unfortunately I think you're right mate :(
Are you going 3rd Party Fire and Theft or fully comp?
You never know - phoning may help!
donno yet both can be around the sam on one day than another theres a huge diffrence so ill phone usually you get a cheeper quote that way:D
yeah gie it a go on Monday mate, you never know - Might work out to your advantage!
I remember when I called Sky to get my policy for the Cabrio, they put it down as TPFT as it wasn't 'worth' fully comp - I almost fainted (I'd just spent 2k on it lol)
'Fraid so! Believe me - it's quite hard to insure an import that no-ones ever heard of lol
Even on my docs, they say 'March hatchback', and 'Cabriolet' in the special notes :laugh: