insurance problems


Midlands Rep
i am currently paying £1800 on my mums policy as a named driver third party fire and theft. i want to go on my own in july. but i cant get quoted less than £3000 this is ridiculous
dunno how that is!? i'm paying £1200 with many mods on my own name TPFT 1 years NCB.
Have you tried Quinn Direct? or eCar?
hmm ive been trying fully comp that might be why?....but my friend is 17 with 1.4 furio c2 no experience and no claims....but hes paying the same as me on his own fully comp? when im on my mums on third party fire and theft
I wouldn't get fully comp mate, i haven't just cause the car is not worth the extra money i would be paying!
im with tesco. there ####

ok new quote...£1113 with quinn direct on my own with no legal cover tho and no protected no claims bonus
thats pretty good mate, i have legal cover and windscreen cover but not protected noclaims as it is pointless!
Legal cover covers the cost's if you have to go to court. With churchill i got £1600 TPFT or £1200 fully comp.

Use a site like and also try asda
If you do have a claim they handle all the legal fees as it can cost hundreds of thousands of £

Try ELEHPANT!!!!!!!!!
well i have recently been hit by an uninsured driver. and apparently because im third party fire and theft i have to pay for everything
it will cost me thousands to sue him tho wont it?

lol he was drunk aswell..hes going to court next week...owned
it will cost me thousands to sue him tho wont it?

lol he was drunk aswell..hes going to court next week...owned

No, because you sue him for court costs as well.

Modded, about your fully comp saying. I've been quoted cheaper fully comp then for TPFT sometimes.
Try phoning them. My cousins got a 1.4 saxo... his third in one year after writing two off, tho he hasnt claimed his insurance company knows hes written them off. He payed for a full year at a price of £1400 fully comp, windscreen and legal cover. So his mate phoned the same insurance company, told them all about it and got his for just £1000... Im going to do the same lol

Just blag that you know someone who gets cheap insurance for a bigger better car.
Adrian flux, TPTF, no ncb, 18 years old, £1850 (many mods declared)

Now on £1200 with one years ncb.

Best bet is to ring up some of them for the best quote, although some internet ones have been known to be cheaper.
im 18 in a 1.0 k11 its 1600 pound. with 1 claim. go on confused n give u a list...

When I was 18 with 1 claim, mine was £800. Younger drivers should be looking at Admiral/Elephant/Bell - will save you a lot and they offer bonus accelerator policies (10 months) to get your no claims up faster.
try ecar on third party only, if thats not cheap ill be amazed. they even to a compare thing on the quote screen and normally there are even cheaper quotes, have a look
im eighteen just passed in december and my quote from admiral was 710 ish fully comp as first driver and thats without my pass pluss declared i got that through
thats for a 1ltr m reg, no mods, with my sister, and dad on the policy i think thats pretty good :D
I'm 25, 5 years no claims and paying £150 a year with Tesco, third party fire and theft.
I think it's cheap because the car is so crap! My K10 would have cost £270 this year. Twice as old, ok it had a few mods declared, but doesn't make much sense really.
23 y/o, 3 years NCB, £280 fully comp on the SR with all modifications declared.

My first couple of years insurance cost me £1200ish :(
You will faint if I told you how much I am paying, yes thats right less than the cost of the road tax!! £126.00 with Post Office and its fully comp!!

based on my credentials i.e 9+ yrs NCB, no convictions, no points, none whatsoever!! and less than 2000 miles per year I drive.

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