what is legal cover?
well i have recently been hit by an uninsured driver. and apparently because im third party fire and theft i have to pay for everything
Have you tryed Elephant with the 2 older women drivers??
it will cost me thousands to sue him tho wont it?
lol he was drunk aswell..hes going to court next week...owned
No, because you sue him for court costs as well.
Modded, about your fully comp saying. I've been quoted cheaper fully comp then for TPFT sometimes.
im 18 in a 1.0 k11 its 1600 pound. with 1 claim. go on confused n give u a list...
I'm 25, 5 years no claims and paying £150 a year with Tesco, third party fire and theft.
CURTIS! thankyou i just went on elephant and got quoted £995