insurance for an 18 year old


Ex. Club Member
just got offered more monies/hours from my boss :D
so i can finally afford insurance
any ideas anyone?

(best quote so far £1359-ish)
ouch thats a shoker! :( well im happy with my quote :D gf is with them aswell and she is in her second year with them 3rd party aswell and hers is 400-500 this year.
cant you try putting an older member of your family on you insurance.
I have my dad on mine, and im 19. Its £289ish for a 1.0 ...
Directline are cheap, if you can live without having mods.
Adrian Flux. Become a member here and you can get discount for them.
NFU mutual. You have to call them, but they're usually cheap.
ive got my dad and sister on it as named drivers but i want my own policy

also cheers capnmchl ill try those companies tomorrow
and i dont have any mods :D apart from a cowprint interior
don't bother getting fully comp, not worth it for a micra, insurance companies would only give you a couple of hundred if you crashed, not worth loosing the noclaims.
don't bother getting fully comp, not worth it for a micra, insurance companies would only give you a couple of hundred if you crashed, not worth loosing the noclaims.

I agree with modded. I mean i looked at fully comp but no point :) 3rd party fire and theft with quinn should not cost you hardly anything :)
I've read through all the docs thoroughly and the only restrictions i can find is that you cant drive trucks/vans etc. It will say on your certificate that you can drive ofther cars.
I've read through all the docs thoroughly and the only restrictions i can find is that you cant drive trucks/vans etc. It will say on your certificate that you can drive ofther cars.

But only third party.. so i wont drive her car be scared i rite it off and she cuts my balls of haha!
meh i don't think about that, i just think ...its legal! then i don't give a ####! Drive my step mum's fiat coupe a couple of months ago, that was fun :p
meh i don't think about that, i just think ...its legal! then i don't give a ####! Drive my step mum's fiat coupe a couple of months ago, that was fun :p

Hehe.. there rather nippy aint they?? Well my dad says i can drive his company car he doesnt car if it gets written off if hes not hurt he does not care. Thats new focus 1.6 turbo :)
ADMIRAL i was insured by them and its my first car first insurance and i went fully comp and i have a 1.3 sr i was paying £936.73 a year then i lost my job so had to cancel:( but i am back now paying alot more lol
im fully comp on Liverpool Victoria with my 1.3i and its 1.4k , expensive for my wage but by far the best quote i could find!

Try them out directly cuz there not with any comparison websites.