< ideas for me floor >


Club Member (Trial)
just took all me back seats out and that
want to put a false floor in like but dont no what to use
av went against the idea of using wood because a want to save weight not put more bck in lol
i was thinking maybe some thick plastic then cover it with carpet
got a few pics to show what a mean
what use think ??


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You could lay some cement and put some concrete slabs down? and maybe a few pansies around the edge...

You could also use vinyl with a wood pattern?
a dont wanna use mdf cas will be heavy lol
a quite like the concreate idea :p lmao
a think am gonna use like a sheet of plastic
MDF would be the best material, unless you can afford carbon fibre? If your weight saving then your worrying to much about asthetics.
all the decent false floors ive seen are mdf, covered in carpet...there not that heavy! if your serious about saving weight bin the carpet, and rear plastic trim.
just been down to bnq, got some mdf
only 8mm thich so quite light but strong as i have been sitting onit lol
a used the rear seat as a template and drew around it, after a little trial and error got quite a good fit, all get some pics 2moz :D
just need another bit now for the boot then carpet it :D
try n get some pics 2moz
i would get some 9mm plywood, its not heavy at all and yet quite tough, make a frame and stick that on top then the carpet to cover and even maybe a few built in subs unless your really caring about the weight...

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