how do you deal with Ebay idiots?


You're after my robot bee
Club Member
hi all

i just sold a touchscreen overlay on ebay, i put twice in the listing that it was a capacitive screen, which means it only works when people touch it (like a mouse pad)

the guy bought it thinking it would work like a resistive touchscreen (like the ones on PDAs etc that work on contact from anything) because he didn't know what capacitive ment.

the screen i sent him is working just as it should but now he is getting upset because it is not working as he assumed....

he wants a full refund which is a massive pain right now at this time of the year, and i didn't do anything wrong i sent him a working touchscreen, it was his fault that he didn't understand what he is buying.

what do i do? i have flawless feedback, i know this guy will black mark me, i didn't do anything wrong...

Hello mate could you not get in contact with ebay and inform them of the situation. I'm sure they would be understanding as the mistake was on his behalf - you have legally displayed the correct information. Can you still leave negative feedback on ebay?
Hope everything works out right in the end buddy

Hello mate could you not get in contact with ebay and inform them of the situation. I'm sure they would be understanding as the mistake was on his behalf - you have legally displayed the correct information. Can you still leave negative feedback on ebay?
Hope everything works out right in the end buddy


thanks mate, i haven't got in contact with ebay yet, and sellers cant leave bad feedback anymore.

its his fault, but looking at his feedback he seems to do this alot where he moans at people and gets really angry...
Sellers can't leave negative anymore and I am certain that he iwll leave you negative - did he pay through paypal? If so, beware, I angered a purchaser by not refunding them the £2 difference in posting and they complained through paypal, I didn't see the e-mails and they took the full amount out of my bank account, I was not pleased to say the least!

Sadly, I fear that eBay will not give a monkey's, if 100% feedback is so improtant to you, then try and placate them with a small money offering, if you can wait a year for the negative to go from your feedback, tell them to go aback and read the advert!

so does he actually realise its his mistake NeX?

i have sent him an email and i am waiting to hear back from him, if he gives me negative feedback then he can go to hell.

i sold him a touchscreen, he wanted me to send two plus a TFT and a motherboard, which he would pay extra for.

i gave him two touchscreens that both worked, a TFT that worked and i gave the motherboard for free as i wasn't sure if it worked or not. i packed it all VERY well and sent it recorded next day.

the touchscreens were custom Zytronic which were £150 new each, the TFT was open frame and £200 new, the motherboard was a micro 3.5" board and £200 new.

so this guy got second hand parts that were woth £700 new, for £50 which i think is a bargin, i have sold these touchscreens on ebay before and had very happy customers, they sell for about £20 a go...

Sellers can't leave negative anymore and I am certain that he iwll leave you negative - did he pay through paypal? If so, beware, I angered a purchaser by not refunding them the £2 difference in posting and they complained through paypal, I didn't see the e-mails and they took the full amount out of my bank account, I was not pleased to say the least!

Sadly, I fear that eBay will not give a monkey's, if 100% feedback is so improtant to you, then try and placate them with a small money offering, if you can wait a year for the negative to go from your feedback, tell them to go aback and read the advert!


thats so crappy, this guy used paypal but outside of ebay, so maybe that makes a difference.

i didn't realise that you went back to 100% after a year :D maybe its not so bad then,
I hate people like that, you were doing a decent thing for the fella and he goes ahead and does that. If he didn't know what the word meant or understood the description then he should have contacted you or referred to a dictionary. People like him make me angry grr

I hate people like that, you were doing a decent thing for the fella and he goes ahead and does that. If he didn't know what the word meant or understood the description then he should have contacted you or referred to a dictionary. People like him make me angry grr


yea exactly thats whats ####ing me off, i have perfect feedback, and i have made losses to keep people happy, especially after DHL damaged a few of my touchscreens, and this guy still finds something to complain about...

Yeah, me neither until mine popped back to 100% this week!

oh wow thats cool :D i might ride it out for a bit then, cos MOST people are decent, just get the odd ####### who not only wants a bargin from ebay but also doesn't want to pay for it....
That's one of the reasons ebay sucks these days, as the sellers get very little protection or say in the situation. Unlucky mate. I'd personally try and reason with him like you have done but if he persists, just tell him he's a complete moron. You'l likely get negative feedback either way
That's one of the reasons ebay sucks these days, as the sellers get very little protection or say in the situation. Unlucky mate. I'd personally try and reason with him like you have done but if he persists, just tell him he's a complete moron. You'l likely get negative feedback either way

yea i think thats the plan, i am going to be as resonable as i can, but if he takes the #### then he is on his own, i would like to see what his comment is with the bad feedback because it will be nothing to do with what i did.
I know how you feel, I've now got 97.5% feedback because of some ### being an arse, sold him a mobile explaining there was a fault with it he still bought and then complained about the fault and wanted a full refund, he sent it backI tested it 2 full days straight and no problems and returned back to him, he didn't collect. Anyway contact ebay they'll point you in the right direction.
I know how you feel, I've now got 97.5% feedback because of some ### being an arse, sold him a mobile explaining there was a fault with it he still bought and then complained about the fault and wanted a full refund, he sent it backI tested it 2 full days straight and no problems and returned back to him, he didn't collect. Anyway contact ebay they'll point you in the right direction.

thanks mate, i think there are just so many people on the internet who just like to kick up a fuss, they think that cos its the internet no one can get them.
They shouldn't be allowed on a computer! Too many people out there who are just completely clueless.
They shouldn't be allowed on a computer! Too many people out there who are just completely clueless.

i know,

but there is an upside, when you see how many stupid people there are, arguing on the internet, etc it does make you feel kinda smart :D

i mean if there are SOOO many dumb people out there then that means even if you are stupid you are still smarter than that lot lol

here is what the guy has said:

"well ive got 2 touch screens that are
not touch screens just oversized mouse pads when they do work,tried them
on 2 pcs feel a bit missled thought i was buying touch screen"
what a loser! he probably just hates life and feels the need to be a t*t to everyone else. Makes me sad to think I may work with people like this in society :(

He was obviously not misled as he was informed of the item details in the listing. Shame it was him who bought the item, gives other buyers a bad name!!
what a loser! he probably just hates life and feels the need to be a t*t to everyone else. Makes me sad to think I may work with people like this in society :(

He was obviously not misled as he was informed of the item details in the listing. Shame it was him who bought the item, gives other buyers a bad name!!

yea i mean i have been having bad luck with these screens i think i will give up selling them. they are made out of 10mm toughened glass, yet DHL have managed to break 3 of them.... tho the people who recived broken ones were really reasonable about it, just not this guy...
mate it sounds like you deserve some good luck, just wondering what these screens are used for - pcs? I hope you was refunded for the costs by DHL.
mate it sounds like you deserve some good luck, just wondering what these screens are used for - pcs? I hope you was refunded for the costs by DHL.

still working things out with DHL but they promised to give me £100 which is nice if i get it lol

yea some good luck would be nice too lol

these touchscreens are used by my company in kiosk terminals, they are 10mm toughened glass so very robust. but also they use capacitive technology which means they work through things. for example you could have one stuck to a shop window and use it from the other side of the glass. this makes them very useful for public interfaces, it keeps the screen etc safe.

problem is that because they create an electromagnetic field that its then disrupted by your hand to sense, they are not very accurate compared to normal touchscreens like on PDAs etc. they are perfectly usable its just they have compramised accuracy for this ability to work behind a protective surface.

our kiosk system has nice big buttons and it is no problem at all.
mate they sound awesome, and good luck with DHL.
So are they like the screens that you see in supermarkets - pack and scan? or am I way off? lol :p
mate they sound awesome, and good luck with DHL.
So are they like the screens that you see in supermarkets - pack and scan? or am I way off? lol :p

yea similar, only they are more like the ones you see on those information points, the kind that are outside and get beaten by drunk people lol

right the mother ####er has just filed a dispute with paypal, even tho i was still trying to help him via email, and paypal have already taken the money out of my paypal account!!!! this is not fair!

here is the last emails we had:

From John Baxter:
"well ive got a non working display no image and 2 touch screens that are
not touch screens just oversized mouse pads when they do work,tried them
on 2 pcs feel a bit missled thought i was buying touch screen
havent had the heart to try motherboard which we presumed faulty but does
require special leads to connect it up

however which way ralph cant afford to be out of pocket with stuff thats no good
i am open to surgestions
have you any more stuff to offer may not be down to cash refund
hate this kind of fuss and trouble you any more boards or pc stuff"

From Me:
"ok well first of all lets try and work out what is wrong with the display,

how do you have it wired up and what powersupply are you using to run it? idealy it needs a 12v DC powersupply with at least 1amp behind it so start the CCFLs, do you have a photo of the setup so i can double check it is all round the right way? it was working when it left here, so unless it was damaged in transit it shouldn't be too hard to get working.

i think we have a bit of miscomunication here, because in the discription they are stated as capacitive touchscreens which is what they are, and they work so what you bought is what i gave you. it seems like you were expecting something different but i cant be held responsible because you bought the wrong thing. if they were broken then i would replace them for you, but other than that i can't do anything about it. if you want to make your money back you can put them back on ebay because people always buy them, if you wait til after christmas when sales pick up you should get £25 each for them.

but i am sorry that you feel missled, i honestly had no intention of screwing you over in any way, i tried to package everything as best as possible and send it out next day, and allowed you to buy extra items outside of ebay and even thew in a motherboard for free which cost £200 new...

if you want to have a go at getting the motherboard working then i can try and help you with that, there isn't any non standard cables needed for that other than a 44pin harddrive cable, like the ones on laptops. i can send you a cable but the board itself should run off a normal powersupply, and plug into a normal screen and keyboard/mouse. if you get anywhere i should have the drivers for it somewhere too

i don't really have anything related that i am selling, i have things like a towbar and T4 syncro stickers, etc not really and computer related stuff at the moment. i am reluctant to sell any more of these touchscreens or TFT panels as i keep getting issues with them."

From John Baxter via paypal:

"didnt want to go this direction but your not being very helpfull

screen faulty and overlays advertised are not was expected also they dont function proplay and scratched and chipped"
Annoying thing is, Paypal are the judge, jury and executioner. They tend to favour in the case of the buyer all the time.

Sucks dude but try your best to speak with paypal.
Annoying thing is, Paypal are the judge, jury and executioner. They tend to favour in the case of the buyer all the time.

Sucks dude but try your best to speak with paypal.

thanks mate i gave a long discription of what was going on to paypal, i was hoping that they would be understanding, i also said that i could provide emails proving that i was trying to help.

i think i have just lost a load of goods and money cos of this ####!
just had a message from paypal saying they are not going to persue this further :D
O thats good then!
The buyer sounded like a awquard ####er!

Did they take the money out your paypall tho?

yea he was making it really difficult, but i don't care anymore, if he is just going to be a pain then i am not going to make any effor to help him.

it doesn't look like it, the money in my bank and paypal are still the same so thats all good :D
yea he was making it really difficult, but i don't care anymore, if he is just going to be a pain then i am not going to make any effor to help him.

it doesn't look like it, the money in my bank and paypal are still the same so thats all good :D

Thats all good then :)
people just make a problem out of nothing, get em at work all the time!

what about your feedback rating?
Thats all good then :)
people just make a problem out of nothing, get em at work all the time!

what about your feedback rating?

yea well i am glad the money is safe, these people have no life, they think it is making them happy when they make other people unhappy.

feedback is intact but he hasn't commented so he could do that at any time
Good to hear it got sorted dude - I know you were peeved about this! Sod 'em, going by your email, you were very informative and helpful, I dunno what that guy meant by "didnt want to go this direction but your not being very helpfull" - tosh! :suspect:

He's probably just some scammer anyways!
Good to hear it got sorted dude - I know you were peeved about this! Sod 'em, going by your email, you were very informative and helpful, I dunno what that guy meant by "didnt want to go this direction but your not being very helpfull" - tosh! :suspect:

He's probably just some scammer anyways!

yea i think so, i think he buys stuff off ebay and then gets the money back from paypal. if you have left him feedback already then there is nothing you can do. i was just lucky paypal didn't give him his money back.
ive had quite a few issues with paypal , i bought one of those petrol savers and when i got it it was a air intake temp sensor resistor with a dial on they didnt help i sent it back in the post waited for re fund then told paypal even gave details of posted items and they still favoured demon tweeks lol tbh paypal are just the easyest to use on ebay because ebay make it that way for them selves and their proffit margin. it would be nice if paypal read all the claims rather than just what they want, i also used to sell tom tom go software the mp3 player stuff? and someone filed a complaint because they didnt pay? lmao ended up getting a neg that has gone now im back at 100% again :D

anyway buddy put his username on here il avoid him like the plague lol or is it william hauge? lol!
ive had quite a few issues with paypal , i bought one of those petrol savers and when i got it it was a air intake temp sensor resistor with a dial on they didnt help i sent it back in the post waited for re fund then told paypal even gave details of posted items and they still favoured demon tweeks lol tbh paypal are just the easyest to use on ebay because ebay make it that way for them selves and their proffit margin. it would be nice if paypal read all the claims rather than just what they want, i also used to sell tom tom go software the mp3 player stuff? and someone filed a complaint because they didnt pay? lmao ended up getting a neg that has gone now im back at 100% again :D

anyway buddy put his username on here il avoid him like the plague lol or is it william hauge? lol!

harsh mate, well i am glad you are back to 100% there is hope for all :D but yea paypal is really unfair sometimes. just in it for the money like everyone.

guy's ebay name is: cashjb

avoid him for your own safty :D

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