Hello everyone

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Must be imagining this or am i typing on the micra forum again :)

how is everyone doing?

how are all your cars?

any other 1,0l turbos on the road yet?

holla back.

jas :D
since you was last here ive brought a new k11, its been re-sprayed, stripped out and loads more lol...hows you?
Welcome Back, Not from what I know of but Antony is still fitting his turbo, engine size dunno.
CG13DE.... i will be when i can pick it up from davey's...

hes lost his phone..

hiya m-j
hey Jas - no other 1.0 turbos on the road yet i think, but i did pop down to Alan Jefferys a while ago to ask about a dyno run, and they've had whoever ended up with your engine etc back in for a set-up and re-map - he said it was runnin about 130hp iirc...
anyways, turbos been done, but a supercharged 1.0, that would be something else!. anyone spotted a subaru vivio in a scrappys lately lol
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