Happy thread, Whats made you happy today.

nice 1 Karl :D when we got this place thats the first thing hubster seen was the massive 'hillbilly shak' as we named it lmao was a type of garage with no doors so shortly after moving in, the doors went on followed by the elctricity and sky t.v :laugh:
so its been renamed to the garage now as it no longer looks like a hillbilly shak :laugh::laugh:

The best part is I'm getting mates rates on the rent, cause it's my supervisors house:grinning: and he's said I can treat it like my own house as long as if I want to do anything that could change the value id have to run it past him first

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My new insane badges came today :D

there not really for Jonc there mainly for erm.... me :p:laugh: was toying with the idea of getting a massive sticker made up for the size of the bonnet but hubster said no :laugh::laugh:
Damn it, you beat me to those badges :down:. I need to find one for the front, want to leave the back de-badged.

But what's made me happy? 5 job interviews over the next 2 days, including one for a job which I really want to do :grinning:. Hopefully I'll be able to pull something out of them, and sort my money out and the rest of my mods (Y)
Finally got a job, doing what I want, with good pay :grinning:. After 5 months of unemplyment as well, about time :laugh::laugh:
Thanks guys :grinning:. I'll be working for a courier company called Yorkshire Couriers. I'm starting out as a drivers mate, but then moving on to a driver as soon as they can sort the insurance out. You have to be 25, but they didn't have enough people apply for the driving positions - they were impressed by my previous experience, so said they'd try to sort something out with their insurers (Y)
I know Martin, sponging off the government and my parents :glare:. Means I can finally sort my debts out, and finish my car off :grinning:
I know Martin, sponging off the government and my parents :glare:. Means I can finally sort my debts out, and finish my car off :grinning:

What made me happy
Got a phone call from the office I get my new van on Monday, and tomorrow someone is coming to look through my tools with me as anything I need I can tell them and they will buy it for me!!
Cool, sounds good Martin (Y). Work are going to be providing me with everything I need - van (once the insurance is all sorted), steel toe-capped boots, shirts with my name on, combat trousers, phone, and satnav :grinning:
Thanks guys :grinning:. I'll be working for a courier company called Yorkshire Couriers. I'm starting out as a drivers mate, but then moving on to a driver as soon as they can sort the insurance out. You have to be 25, but they didn't have enough people apply for the driving positions - they were impressed by my previous experience, so said they'd try to sort something out with their insurers (Y)

Congrats on getting the job (Y)

Must admit I've been thinking about moving from warehouse to delivery but there ain't any jobs at my place
If you want some advice do not consider joining royal mail! I just left a month ago, I promise big things are going to happen soon! with what I know posties are not happy at all and it's not even busy yet, Christmas is going to be an utter fail based on how it's going at the moment! I'd get your Christmas shopping done now!
Thanks Karl :grinning:. I wouldn't have been bothered if I was just a drivers mate. Hours and conditions are the same, but pay for a driver is slightly better. Plus I enjoy driving, so it would suit me (Y). They pretty much called me back a couple of hours after the interview, and I was the only guy that turned up wearing a suit :laugh:. I hate wearing it, but got to stand out :grinning:

Martin, I'd never go with Royal Mail, ever. I've done a bit of driving for them in the past, and I hated it. They all drive like nutters as well
Test drove a fiat 500 abarth and loved every minute of it but to expensive on finance so 1242 model it is im hopefully replacing my micra with :)so will be micraless soon but hopefully il be back,s
Putting a deposit down on my new car yesterday :grinning:. But I have to wait until next week to pick it up because the dealer needs to fit new front discs/pads, indicator lenses, fix the bodywork up, service it, and put it through MOT :(
Watched a guy driving a people carrier with roof box and bike, drive under a max height sign that has chains with metal blocks hanging of it, ripped his roof rack clean off guess the bike was a tad to high :laugh:....... would of got pictures but I was helping him get it down
Changed the spark plugs in my dads gs cause he thought that was why his car wasn't starting...... Really helps if he was to charge the battery and put petrol in the thing pmsl

Saturday 17th November 2007

Saw him in the evening and he was acting really strangely. I had been shopping in the afternoon with the girls and I did turn up a bit late so thought it might be that.
The bar was really crowded and loud so I suggested we go somewhere quieter to talk. He was still very subdued and distracted so I suggested we go somewhere nice to eat.

All through dinner he just didn't seem himself; he hardly laughed and didn't seem to be paying any attention to me or to what I was saying. I just knew that something was wrong.
He dropped me back home and I wondered if he was going to come in; he hesitated but followed.

I asked him again if there was something the matter but he just half shook his head and turned the television on.

After about 10 minutes of silence, I said I was going upstairs to bed.

I put my arms around him and told him that I loved him deeply. He just gave a sigh and a sad sort of smile. He didn't follow me up but later he did, and I was surprised when we made love. He still seemed distant and a bit cold, and I started to think that he was going to leave me and that he had found someone else.
I cried myself to sleep.


Saturday 17th November 2007

Scotland lost to Italy . Gutted. Got a shag though.