Had a small accident, need some advice help!

hello guys,
today on my way home i ran into the back of a civic. it was my fault, i was on a bit of road where two lanes merge into one and some bloke in a big red merc sped up my right hand side trying to get infront of me, so i look over to see what hes playing at and the car in front of me stops and i didnt see in time, i only hit him very lightly, but there is some flakeing to his bumper,
now, heres the question: the car is metalic and i have heard that metalic paint is difficult to re-spray, is it possible? and if so does anyone know about how much it would be to re-spray a rear bumper?
thanks in advance for any advice,

metalic is no big deal but they,ll probably need to blend the adjacent panels
a bodyshop would charge about 3 to 400 quid i think
oh ok, well, its worth just paying to get it fixed then... if i lost my NCB then i would be really in the poo. thank you for your help guys, im going to go to a local body shop tomorow afternoon. will see what they say,
do you know the person.....otherwise they will contact your insurance company and you'll loose the ncb...
Try and contact the other party and settle privately.. if you offer them a couple of hundred quid they might go away!

Sky Insurance
TBH accidents like these are usually settled without insurance being involved as it's so muich more convenient for both parties......well unless the 3rd party is completely a*al about it.

I wouldn't worry too much, as said give them a call, I'm sure you'll be fine since it's a minor incident.
Quick dump and burn the car - claim it was stolen, you never saw it and know nothing!!

Joke.... doing this would probably be a bad idea...

ok, so, got a txt a couple of days ago to say that the block i went into the back of doesnt want to repair the car becuase the damage is 'so slight' so thats great news for me:D he even went so far as to thank me for 'being such a gent' becuase i offered to drive him to work and back while his car was in the garage.
well chuffed, and thank you very much for all your help guys, especialy you ed:D
thanks again,

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