hacking little p***k (aka ex member rendervance)



just a quick note to let you all beaware that my msn account has been hacked by wate for it a former member of this club you may rember matt neaves (aka rendervance) well this little $%* has hacked not just mine but other pll i know msn and other email accounts and has been harrassing members of this club at least 3 so far. Pretending to be other ppl by using ther accounts also he uses a friends email address what starts off with shelly @hotmail.com if you or any 1 you know has had anything like this from this address its matt.

he usualy pretends to be a femail called michelle and genrally asked question about himselph.

if anyone knows the where abouts of him please please tell me as i want to have a wee quiet word with him about this matter
These are rather strong comments, I hope you have proof of this before you do anything about it. Also that you do the right thing, and contact his web service provider, and depending on the kind of threats inform the police.
well all the evidence points to him.

ppl receving phone calls asking them to pass on some info to me telling me to chainge my msn password. it wasnt a home number eather it was ther work and only 1 person who knows that number knows me. guess who??

also other ppl being contacted using another friends msn account and knowing stuff about them that they would only know if they know them

him slipping up using his own msn profile wile pretending to be someone else

contacts from my msn account have been removed lets see his and 2 of my friends that he knows and my contact info removed from there account.

and if you look at all the incdents what have happend the only comanatly between them is matt
George may have formed at least part of his view following a conversation with me as i have been contacted in said manner...