After chasing up my Panhard rod today i ended up having a 20min convo with the owner of great they are based in cornwall :wasntme::grinning::glare:
They are having problems with Whiteline taking sooooo long in shipping items to them so they are deciding to start making their own versions of certain products i.e the panhard rod.
Also as you may know the website has been down for ages now..........This id due to them designing a new website and selecting MORE products to sell
..............But they stated very clearly they are focusing on FAST ROAD micra's rather then the rally side as he said their is no point having MATT and him competing aainst each other e.c.t
The NEW website will feature things such as..........Club discount.........Points reward.......e.c.t...e.c.t
Watch this space :grinning::grinning:
They are having problems with Whiteline taking sooooo long in shipping items to them so they are deciding to start making their own versions of certain products i.e the panhard rod.
Also as you may know the website has been down for ages now..........This id due to them designing a new website and selecting MORE products to sell
The NEW website will feature things such as..........Club discount.........Points reward.......e.c.t...e.c.t
Watch this space :grinning::grinning: