Grill spray

I want to spray my grill of my k11. Because it is chrome, will I have to sand it down first or can I just spray gloss black spray paint on to it straight away? Also, do I need primer?
Ah, I already had this photo of your car on my phone! Looks lovely. If I remove the chrome plating from the plastic beforehand will that help?
Split the headlights apart by putting them in the oven (careful you don't melt them like I didn't! :p), take the silver reflector bit out then paint it! :)
Yep! Back in the oven to soften the glue/sealant stuff then press the whole lot together and leave it to set, then I silicone sealed the whole outer edge where the split was, just to tidy it up and make it a bit more watertight! :) looks really good and doesn't really affect the bulb performance!
It's not the reflector of the actual headlight, only the sides and indicator, so I imagine it's all legit! I'm no MOT tester myself but having worked in garages and sat in on MOTs, I can't see any reason why it shouldn't pass an inspection! It's got some slightly brighter bulbs in the sides so it makes it look a bit more normal but the indicators are standard and they're not much dimmer than what they were originally! :) see what other people say! I'm open for some constructive criticism on the matter!
Sorry I've got one last little thing while you're here, when you sprayed your emblem, did you take it off of the car to spray it or REALLY carefully mask around it... Or did you use plastidip? Because its metal, did you sand it down?
No no I just took it off! I used a Stanley blade but recent events have led me to believe dental floss is the way forward! :) all the badges are made of plastic so they're dead easy to sand and paint up! :)
Oh really? I didn't realise they were plastic, im getting the car tomorrow so I'll be able to check everything up close, thanks for the help though
For the grilles you can separate the chrome parts from the black plastic behind. All you'll need to do is sand back the chrome enough to dull the finish, then a couple of primer coats, some coats of colour and lacquer. Clip it back together and you're done. I did mine body colour:

Okay, I'll remember that, I might just do it on the car and carefully tape around it. I'll put something being it so that the engine bay doesn't get contaminated (with paint)
For the sake of 6 nuts in total, you'd be better off spraying some WD-40 on them and letting that soak in. Mine came off no problem (though I did manage to lose one of them)
DO NOT TRY AND SAND THE CHROME OFF!!! I took 3 or 4 days to paint my grills because of that. The layer of chrome is really thick, just sand with some 600 grit, prime paint n clear.
I know that now lol. First time I sprayed with no primer and it flaked off after a while. Blaming the chrome I sanded it all off ( which took forever) But you learn from mistakes
Chrome is extremely hard, even in thin layers. I used proper carbide wet'n'dry on mine and it barely took the shine off! Do it anyway though because it still gives more 'key' for the paint :).

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