Fuel blockades

lol, mad max but with micras, now that would be a film.... realy funny but also good entertainment
Danni Can be Tina Turner, MasterBlaster can be made up of BigBen and Titch and we can set up a mint Dome down at Eds house...
2 micras enter... one micra leaves... *chants*
Well Gordon Brown has decide not to give everyone a tax break on fuel (No surprise there then). Bring on the fuel protests is what I say...
yup, now looks like its going to spread over three days instead of just the one, so wednesday thursday and friday should be interesting.
Shell was suspiciously busy this morning, can't think why :wasntme:

Our local tesco was like that too - but half the pumps had run out so queue's were building up
Yeah, my more local but more expensive BP has run out of Diesel too! And its 97.9 for regular unleaded there, when Optimax at that above garage has gone DOWN from 100.9 to 98.9!
I see my car as a luxury and a necessity, I feel privledged to be able to travel as I please, the public transport in my area is not bad but to be honest I don't feel safe at all, the standard of people you get are less than polite, hygenic and basically not the sort of people you'd like to meet in dark alleys. I know I might be stereotyping but that is how it is around here, then you have the school kids, rather than school buses they use the same public bus, so when I'm still cranky in the morning I'm listening to infantile behaviour and even getting picked on, yes thats right, I got the same bus for 2 yrs and ended up "knowing" some the users and they annoyed me every day!

As for the times, the main connecting bus in my area had several attacks while back so they cut the running time, last time I knew it finished at 7pm and had one bus every hour.
Petrol station here has run out of fuel haha. Things are going to get interesting!
yep queing out of the station and round the roundabout in town,,lucky i have mt cans filled up the other day,so i should be ok

i mite not have any work to do this week as delivery drivers cant get fuel so i wont have any jobs coming in :D fingers crossed
Ed said:
DRIVING A CAR IS NOT A LUXURY. For the majority of UK people I guarantee its a necessity. It makes me very very annoyed with people who say such short sighted and utterly flawed statements.

You do not have the right to drive a car, hence it is a luxury. It's a legal fact. You are allowed to drive a car, you may be in a situation where you need to drive a car, but that still does not make it a right. The statement isn't flawed, or short-sighted.

It is the same with electricity or gas. You have no right to it, but a lot of people wouldn't be in a great situation without it.

I'll admit that a lot of people wouldn't have very nice lives without their cars. But I doubt they would die because of it.

Ed said:
I would also like you to backup your statement that fuel duty is only a small part of the government’s income, as I doubt that is the case, it may not be the highest but I don’t believe it’s a small part of it. Finally of course you have a right to the roads regardless if its by bike car or bus, just as you have a right to freedom.

Fuel duty is about £25bn, total receipts are £487bn, making it just over 5%. Pretty insignificant compared to income tax and NI which is 45%.

Why do you of course have a right to roads? You do have a right to freedom, but that isn't the same thing as having a right to perfect roads. I suggested you check what is meant by a right.
'you do not have to right to drive a car'.... explain how we dont have to right to drive a car? because that to me sounds strange

you say 5% isnt much... 25bn is close to how much britian spends on its armed forces in a year, i think the actualy figure is 33bn, without that 5% there would be a significant loss of money and it would most certainly show, if five out of every hundred pounds you earned was removed, you would be pretty ####ed off? but thats only 5% is it not?

you said 'You do have a right to freedom, but that isn't the same thing as having a right to perfect roads'

you said this as if ed had said this, but he didnt say perfect roads, he said 'Finally of course you have a right to the roads regardless if its by bike car or bus, just as you have a right to freedom.' that isnt the same as 'perfect roads' by adding the word perfect you change the complete meaning of what his point was, i think he was saying you have a right to use the roads, and not that the roads have to be perfect
arrrgh this hasnt even begun and im already sick of it!! there is no blockade just a load of workers striking at the moment!! if these muppets whould just carry on as normal there wouldnt be a frigin fuel chrisis!!just a decent protest against fuel duty.
People are shooting themselves in the foot at the moment anyway, all the panic buying is what's gonna make us run out of fuel, and it's taking the fuel away from people who actually do fill up 2-3 times a week for work like me. There's never a happy medium is there... :upside:
The media are at fault for the panic buying! If you're going to say 'Everyone's panic buying', then its obvious queues are going to build up. I'd put money on it people with 8/10 full tanks are still queuing up to get that extra 5 litres, which are causing all these problems.
all the panic buying has already caused 3 of the stations around me to close, i went to one station last night and there was a 50 meter que to get into the place, was a joke. i have only got 1/4 of a tank left, gonna have to go down there later to see if there is any left, wouldnt be suprised if there isnt though.
I live in a village with a little old petrol station and is mainly used by the locals, gets about 5 customers a day!! but when I went to the paper shop this morning, there was a long long line of cars, You should of seen the old chap running around!!

It was one of them where they fill up for you, I did stop to gave him a hand to fill up for customers, he said I can have a free tank of fuel when this is over!!
Super unleaded please!!
lol yep it's madness in leicester.

I went down to fosse park to join the M1 last night leading on a dual carriageway where Petrol Stations's are on both sides, which had queue's on both sides of the dual carriageway for about 2 miles long........seriously!!!

I joined the M1 junction 21, first services, pulled in, no one about filled up and drove out which was very lucky indeed.

Went into Loughborough and the same was happening there, even at 11.30pm when I made my way home!

ricardo_swarez said:
'you do not have to right to drive a car'.... explain how we dont have to right to drive a car? because that to me sounds strange

Speak to a lawyer. It is not a "right" that you have. Being allowed to do something is NOT the same as having a right. Both UK and European law have the same view on it.

ricardo_swarez said:
you say 5% isnt much... 25bn is close to how much britian spends on its armed forces in a year, i think the actualy figure is 33bn, without that 5% there would be a significant loss of money and it would most certainly show, if five out of every hundred pounds you earned was removed, you would be pretty ####ed off? but thats only 5% is it not?

I already have a lot more than 5% removed due to tax and NI contributions. I don't use fuel, I don't pay duty on it. I am happy with that, I'll let people who feel it's worth spending money on fuel do it instead.

ricardo_swarez said:
you said 'You do have a right to freedom, but that isn't the same thing as having a right to perfect roads'

you said this as if ed had said this, but he didnt say perfect roads, he said 'Finally of course you have a right to the roads regardless if its by bike car or bus, just as you have a right to freedom.' that isnt the same as 'perfect roads' by adding the word perfect you change the complete meaning of what his point was, i think he was saying you have a right to use the roads, and not that the roads have to be perfect

Fair point. Nonetheless, you don't have the right to any roads. Anyway, if you want better roads, be prepared for an increase in road tax or fuel duty.
spoken to a lawyer, my mums a lawyer, she came home for her dinner just as i was reading you reply, i showed her what you said, she said you do have a point with your statement about the rights to a car, but the way you wrote your point didnt get the actual meaning across very well and controdicted itself, i think what you mean is we have to fulfill certain criteria in order to be allowed to drive a car, like, pass you theory and practical test, mot your car, and pay tax and insurance, then your legaly allowed to drive, but even without doing these things, you do still have to right, because in legal terms you have a right to do alot of things, but for some you have to fulfill certain criteria, if you didnt have the right, then even if those criteria were fulfilled, you still wouldnt be allowed to drive
If it were a legally protected right, then do you not think that there would have been a judicial review case by now?
The blockades will not help the ordinary citizen, but the government may have to make concessions for the industry, was reading a truck magazine in the waiting room the other day and thyey were saying that if Diesel prices rise much more then many companies will end up going under or will have to lay off staff/increase prices greatly.
Is interesting to see the defecit in money raised through motorists and the amount spent on roads!
Ed said:
DRIVING A CAR IS NOT A LUXURY. For the majority of UK people I guarantee its a necessity.

It's simply not true though. 81% of the UK population lives in an urban area. Not all of them are served by public transport, or can use it, but there is no way that 40% of the urban population can't use public transport. And not all of the 19% rural population aren't served by public transport.

Some people have said they would have horrible commutes if they didn't have a car. That makes driving their car a luxury which they otherwise wouldn't have. If they didn't have a car, they probably wouldn't have considered the job in the first place. It's also part of the government's strategy to reduce long distance commuting, because it's a fairly stupid idea with regards to the economy, environment and wellbeing of people.
Because you are compaining about the operation of government, I can't remember if taxation was on the list of exempted areas of government operation in the Smith (I think), but that list has been eaten away at later anyway, but any case would fail as it is nowehere near the Wednesbury standard of unreasonableness in non-HR cases.
Hunt fans tried to do it and (unsurprisingly) failed

Quick thing I wasthinkgin about last night at work, people here have objected to paying for the health service (which is on its knees anyway) but what about the people who don't drive/are not in RTAs who have to pay to clean them and fix the injured people up?
Well Asda officially dropped its price of petrol DOWN to 89.9p per litre as of 6am this morning.

Tesco have agreed to match this in all its stores ACROSS the COUNTRY.

so we back down under 90p. still needs at least another 10p of that like but at least it getting sumwere
sketch said:
Well Asda officially dropped its price of petrol DOWN to 89.9p per litre as of 6am this morning.

Tesco have agreed to match this in all its stores ACROSS the COUNTRY.

so we back down under 90p. still needs at least another 10p of that like but at least it getting sumwere

i read in the paper yesterday that most places will be dropping their prices by about 4p over the course of next week, most of the places round me still dont have any petrol due to the panic buying, i only get 1/4 of a tank left..should last though!
wish i could of filled up, no optimax petrol for me...shell garage says 48hrs as of yesterday :(

my cars nearly out of petrol...lol