Fuel blockades


Ex. Club Member
Heard a rumour from a few people/forums, and also heard mention of it on the radio from others, but apparently the fuel blockades are due to kick off on the 14th september at 6am around the country. I advise people to keep stocked up....
It's not a rumour, thats a set date (unless the goverment reacts):

The group says all UK refineries will be blocked from 0600 BST on 14 September unless price cuts are made.
Source: BBC News

If they do go ahead, I can't see me getting to work for a while, I do 80 miles a day minimum and fill up (to the brim) twice a week as it is!
Expect the prices to shoot up then whilst petrol is a nightmare to get hold of! I just hope the blockades make a difference.
Yeah, during the fuel crisis i saw places that did have petrol charging 105p, and that was when normal fuel was just over 85p! Expect to see prices of like £1.20/litre if there's another strike and the petrol levels drop :(

And I don't care what the government says about changing the fuel duty not making a difference, the fact remains they still get 62% of the cost of every litre of petrol sold in this country!
It might be a bit of a pain having to queue for petrol again and possibly not being able to get any, but something has to be done about the price of fuel. It's just getting beyond a joke. Motorists in Britain get done all the way round (petrol, tax, speed cameras, congestion charges etc), and we get nothing in return!

Bring on the blockades!!
Most of us work so we can pay for such things like petrol and cars so we cudnt attend the blockades due to work commitments, unlike all of the dossers on the dole and students who have plenty of time to attend such an event ;)
Something definetly needs to done, a few weeks ago i was wondering when it was gona happen... No cruising about for no reason next week then!
was only a matter of time.....and now seems as good a time as any :)

just hope it makes a long term difference, no doubt the government would try to sneak the difference onto somthing else.
Maybe it could be a new form of community service. Instead of painting fences in the community, we could send all the crims out to support the blockade!!
but,,do protest's actually do anything?,why cant people just accept things and carry on as normal? if they dont get it from petrol they will get it from sumwer else
it better make a difrence as my 200sx eats fule like water and my pocket feals very empty every time i fill up it take about 40-50. well if i can still get fule ime joining in the blockades just nead to make a few calls and get a m8 with a hgv licence to help
can i just say its allright reducing the price of peterol but that means we use more and youll all go spare when theres non left, next time your at a peterol staion look at how many people there are, think about all that peterol getting pumpe then times that buy how many staions there are in the UK, then think about all over the world.. think about all that peterol flowing through 1 pipe!! wheres it all coming from!! honestly we are like rick waller supping a supersize tango, only once its gone we carnt get a refill!! and its not just cars thatc are dependanteverywhere you look theres products made of materials that use oil composits to manufacture! were totally dependant on this black stuff! 3 years time and wars for oil will be common place. and youll be lucky if you can find petrol for sale.

And when the government says it will release the reserves what Fing use is that once its gone??? we get 2 more weeks before chaos, great!

as far as im concerned we should be geting the yanks up to our level of price for fuel and stop there thirsty ways, if you carnt afford to run your 6.0 chevy then its not my problem run it on the weekends get somthing better for the week.

Rant over, PS i do love cars and i hate shelling out for pwterol but id rather pay for it now than have non left to play with!!
Actually, im sure we'd all be making far less fuss about petrol prices if like you say, americans and other countries were paying the same as us! They cant use the katrina etc excuse over here to wack prices up, when the rest of the world still pay hardly anything for it.
you have to think that these have happened before adn what hapened. we all payed stupid prices for petrol (if we could get any at all) and were all inconvenianced for what ?!?!?! nothing thats what, petrol prices are still going up. i hate paying ridiculous prices for fuel but id rather pay this than not have any. i spend most of my life in my car and is my soul mode of transport to get to uni. im well and trully fuc£$% now. the goverment wont do anything as it knows we all need petrol and that we will give up way before they do. pointless. i know its easier to criticise than to create but surely there is a more effective way that wont inconvienience car users.
59 bhp is more than enough said:
id rather pay this than not have any.

This is why the goverment gets away with it. England is well known for moaning and never doing anything about it.
Exactly! Out of every £50 we spend on fuel, the government gets £37 of that. People say "Well, we don't have many toll roads etc" but that's why we pay road tax too!

Also the people that tell us to take public transport, i guarantee you if everyone stopped using their cars and got on public transport, the system would stop. Simple as. It wouldn't be able to cope!

Spending over £260 (probably more now) a month on petrol, Every time it goes up by a penny, that costs me an extra £4.20 a month! That's £50 extra a year. When I started work in March we were at about 82.3, and we're now approaching £1. That's a rise of 17.7p. That means my fuel costs per month have gone up by £74.34 (from £263.36 to £337.70) since March! Absolute insanity!

Just thought i'd add, the government gets nigh on £250 of that £337.70
Ed said:
This is why the goverment gets away with it. England is well known for moaning and never doing anything about it.

ther is nothing we can do!!,,its not like people have to stop driving cos of the new prices,,its jus the fact that its gone up ,,,aslong as i can drive my car im happy

im stil paying 93.9 btw
RIK said:
ther is nothing we can do!!,,

WWWHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTT!!!!!!!! the UK has a democratic goverment! This means its the PEOPLE who choose the officials to support their causes. We choose who is in power, if we dont like them we can also get them out. Its SO UNTRUE that there is nothing we can do, its just people cannot be arsed to do anything and so as usual get walked over by the decision making morons who hold power.
yeah,,WE chose who runs the UK, so??? i dont see wot yur getting at ther? cos they are all the same

and blockades,protests do NOTHING,,its all bin done before and it jus keeps rising

what do you say to do then??? go make banners and sit at factory gates,get pettitions? its al crap and everyone knows it

this is one of the reason my family moved abroad,,and i wil be following if things keep getting worse..which im sure they will do
imo its not that we cant be arsed its the fact that we cant make the sacrifice to make a difference. if we go without petrol for however long we are making a massive sacrifice and it wont ever be long enough becuase the goverment knows we need transport and the difference to them will be miniscule (not electing a idiot in the first place might be an idea). i hope it works i really do because im as sick as everyone at this issue. I dont think there is a simple answer to this. i dont know wat to do but someone best think of something because im getting tired of the goverment.
can you lot not see the bigger picture it doesnt matter how much it costs if we made it cheaper well use more and then it will be gone! no peterol no Public transort zip nada. we need the americans to pay more not use as much we need to stop being so dependant on it for industry and production of nearlly everything. just watch the panic buying on tuesday when it hits the main headlines. now imagine what it would be like if that was it!that was the last peterol we were having ever!! at the moment pople would kill others for a few drops to do what sit in traffic on the way to work!!

my advice is to get used to walking. or get a bike and enjoy your car on weekends.

the last fuel shortage i whitnessed a woman infornt of me waiting 2 hours to fill her car up engine on... when she got there she managed to squeez £2.34 wrth in the car!! this is the stupidaty we are up against!
the country will come to a stand still,,without lorries this country is f*cked,,,,

thats wot the protesters want so no goods such as food get to the shops and cause mayhem so the goverment reacts,,,wot a joke
i feel the prices of feul in the uk is unjustifed. were are paying more than most over countries. i feel that the road tax should be put on to fuel. this would mean that the old budies would pay next to no road tax and save their pension but the great big wanna be four by four drives who thing the own the road will pay big. and i thing that all domsetic cars should be limited to no more than 3litres. and anything should have a preium millage tax. this including the whole world.
and talking about public transport. its unreailbe dirty. and when the maintance budget run out the garge wedge the heater controls and disconect the air con to release preasure on the engines. also the don't run after 7 in most place they don't go were you want. and the drivers are misserabal as the pay is rubbish.
there is an agreement to subsidise fuel costs, but the UK still has the most expensive fuel costs in the world.
I rang some woman in the government offices when i was writing an article on it, and she said that 45% of the world's fuel goes to China now.
Layla said:
there is an agreement to subsidise fuel costs, but the UK still has the most expensive fuel costs in the world.
I rang some woman in the government offices when i was writing an article on it, and she said that 45% of the world's fuel goes to China now.
...and the chinese government fixes the fuel prices in China anyway. U never know, they might decide to raise their prices too.
I saw something somewhere that UK fuel prices are about average for Europe, was a comparison table including most developed countries and the USA :p obviously the states were paying alot less than most but the European comunity prices weren't far off each other.

Oh and my local Tesco has sold out of fuel, petrol and diesel.
wel ive just been to alton towers today :D on the way home stopped to refill,and payed 129.0 :eek:,,,,,,,,,TEXACO!! wot a joke

but stil buzzing from rides so didnt really care,jus put enuff to get me to my local ..93.9 stuff
129!! thats nuts

im fed up of reading comments from non drivers. i read one earlier saying that nothing farmers or people will do will make a difference, and that if your annoyed with the prices, then take public transport to work etc. The government wont listen to the people striking

As james said, the public transport wont cope. Blockades have worked before, and also like Ed said, we put them in power (well i didnt, cant believe so many muppets did tho) so can get them out as easy as they went in.. its just another chapter in the labour governments book on how to **** up a country
i wouldnt say labour are ####ing up the country, the fuel price is bad, but the life we lead in england now is a fair cry from the pit we were in when the torys were in power, labour have done well, its just on the front of fuel they are being realy ####ty
tesco in wigan=91.9, thats not to bad, about average for normal in my area
The fuel protests in 2000 did nothing but incovenience people. It had no immediate or later effect on crude oil price or fuel duty.

People always seem so vocal about fuel prices, but people rarely seem to do anything about it but whinge. There's always the "the public transport system couldn't cope" argument as well. What relevance does it have to anything? The government has plans to reduce cars numbers and increase public transport over a long period of time, it's not like everyone is just going to stop driving and jump on the bus the next day.

If fuel duty isn't high, revenue has to come from somewhere else, whether that is road tax, income tax, or wherever. You can't have it both ways. The UK has an extensive and well maintained road network, better than any other country I have been in. We have to pay for that somehow.
Well I've done exactly what I did last time it happened, got wind of it prior to the strike and filled up two 10 litre cans and stored them in the garage and made sure the car was full and avoided queing like the 1000's did across the UK.

I fully support the action (if) it actually has any positive effect. Yes it will inconvience people but at least it's an agressive stance to current government policies. It won't have any major effect in reducing prices, for a week or so it will hit the news headlines and yes the prices may come down slightly, but will soon rise and shoot up again.

The Government needs to knock off the 17.5% vat or reduce the fuel levy slightly to get the prices down to around 80-90 again in the current climate, which in my opinion is still too high, but in our country it's the best were going to do. This will avoid the strike action and get the prices down again.

and if our roads at the best about then i really really pitty else where...
Andrew said:
If fuel duty isn't high, revenue has to come from somewhere else, whether that is road tax, income tax, or wherever. You can't have it both ways. The UK has an extensive and well maintained road network, better than any other country I have been in. We have to pay for that somehow.

Some other forum i use posted pretty much exactly the same thing, but about how fuel duty is also used to keep the country running - hospitals, schools etc. I dont see why car drivers should have to suffer the high costs of tax, for keeping these things running! It just means non drivers get the same health services but without paying the extra tax! Why not seriously reduce the tax on fuel and wack it on income tax - at least that way you can guarantee everyone, car driver or not, will be paying for it. Seems perfectly fair to me

As for the roads, yes we pay road tax, also the millions generated from speed cameras, driving tests etc should go back into the roads - otherwise, why do we bother paying road tax
Ed said:
and if our roads at the best about then i really really pitty else where...

I don't really see why people have a problem with the roads. We have hundreds of thousands of miles of road in the UK, and nearly all are paved and signposted. Most large A roads and motorways are lit, crash barriered, covered by cameras, have emergency phones. Go anywhere else, and smaller roads are often just tracks, and their larger roads except toll roads are very poor. Our road network is much more extensive than other countries giving us more freedom.
Arnold said:
Some other forum i use posted pretty much exactly the same thing, but about how fuel duty is also used to keep the country running - hospitals, schools etc. I dont see why car drivers should have to suffer the high costs of tax, for keeping these things running! It just means non drivers get the same health services but without paying the extra tax! Why not seriously reduce the tax on fuel and wack it on income tax - at least that way you can guarantee everyone, car driver or not, will be paying for it. Seems perfectly fair to me

As for the roads, yes we pay road tax, also the millions generated from speed cameras, driving tests etc should go back into the roads - otherwise, why do we bother paying road tax

Fuel duty is a very small amount of the Government's total income. They have stated on several occassions that it is their intent to reduce petrol consumption by having a high duty on fuel. This is directly targetting people like you to reduce the amount they use fuel. If you use more fuel, you use the roads more, you pay more for their upkeep. Seems fair enough to me.

Driving a car is a luxury. You don't have a right to do it. You don't have a right to roads. However, in the UK, everyone has the right to healthcare, an education, and safety. The Government will always prioritize these things because of that.

Income from speed cameras and driving tests is truely negligable compared to income tax.
DRIVING A CAR IS NOT A LUXURY. For the majority of UK people I guarantee its a necessity. It makes me very very annoyed with people who say such short sighted and utterly flawed statements. I know many people who without their cars would quite simply NOT be able to survive. Stop thinking everyone is in the same situation as you. I'm sure even as someone who does not drive your capable of understanding that for many jobs (not city jobs) public transport is not an option. Not everyone lives in a built up city with a half decent public transport system, for all those that don’t they have no choice but to drive. Its sad to see that the low income families have to cut back on life’s basics as they have no choice but keep their cars.
I would also like you to backup your statement that fuel duty is only a small part of the government’s income, as I doubt that is the case, it may not be the highest but I don’t believe it’s a small part of it. Finally of course you have a right to the roads regardless if its by bike car or bus, just as you have a right to freedom.
Yes, a car is an essential for me, if not just for getting me to work, but going out to clients to fix their broken computers.

Here would be the train journey I'd have to take just to get to work:

Yes you counted correctly, that's 4 train changes!

I don't know about you but I'd much rather a 55 minute car journey than a 3 hour ride in an overcrowed, underfunded train service. And even then it's still 5 miles away from my actual place of work.
i have just filled my car up to the brim from empty, £33 it cost because it was so expensive but i wont be using my car for the next two weeks because i go to turkey tonight and when i get back i will have a full tank to get me around for a few days if there is a shortage and the blockades go ahead!

but 33 pound, it cost me 20 when i got the car in november when it was 72p a litre!
driving a car is a luxury!? wtf, were i live the first bus is at 8am and the last is at 7pm, so when im in uni at 9am, i have to catch a train at 8.05am, the journey from my house to the train station is a 25minute one, so if my car's a luxury and public transport is actualy up to the job, why would i have to walk 7miles to the trainstation if i didnt have a car?
and public transport is crap (and this is a fact), in my first year at uni i started at 10am, and therefore i didnt need a car to get to the train station...or so i thought, in my first year at uni, i caught 4trains and 2buses everyday, i'd say there was about 4occasions that the buses were on time, and there were none that the train were on time, and by on time and mean if the bus or train were to arrive at 8am, then i'd call on time 8am + or - 10minutes, but no, they cant even get a bus or train to arrive within 10minutes of the times they say...but yet france can....germany can...the americans can get a more reliable and more confortable public transport, so dont say a car is a luxury because for a hell of alot of people it isnt, and dont say that the price of fuel/road tax and every other car related thing is justified, you say we have a good road nextwork? the americans have roads stretching across thousands of miles and across deserts but yet they seem to be able to maintain these roads even tho they dont charge there citizens through the ass? its a crying shame but not something to denie, british people are ripped off