Fitting clutch to flywheel?


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Club Member
Been tidying up my garage and found my exedy clutch and light flywheel, had a little play, but couldn't get the 3 locating dowels to line up nicely through the holes - they seem to foul by 1/2 a mill or so - do I need to increase slightly the size of the hole, or is tht normal - they were tight when I refitted the cluth tpo the std fly (heavy!) but went on fine when I tightened the bolts.
Also, the standard fly has a big metal disk behind it, but the light one does not - I assume that I do not need it?



And a couple of money shots :D

when i fitted my clutch to it it went on straight away (little effort but nothing extreme)...having said that it was a sunny pressure plate i was using, so cant comment on your setup.

Which big metal disk do you mean?

The metal plate that goes between the flywheel and flywheel bolts? (one that sits in the recess) if so when i was placing it in place it came out to far, so i just left it off its an extra 1kg or so anyway and figured it was only used because the centre of the orig flywheel is so thin in comparison.

re-read your post assuming you mean that disk in the first pic...i didnt, as the lightweight one curves out unlike the orig.
have you tried all 3 positions, might have been balanced as a unit and then drilled assymetric so its assembled in same position
The big metal disk to the right of my hand in the first pic.
The holes are asymetric, but the only placement where all 3 holes lined up, I couldn't get all 3 dowels through nicely.

yes sorry you,re right!
i think i would file a slight taper on the dowels and carefully pull the bolts down a bit at a time.
btw are these parts for sale?

Yeah, when I come to fit it properly I will prob file the holes out a bit if they don'tline up all sweetly.
Mine aren't for sale unless the clutch isn't enough.