E-ram supercharger


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Another one of these electric superchargers, looks a bit more substantial that nthe ones on eBay, sytill don't believe that it does anything though, any thoughts?
theres a guy got one on here... in his K12... not from england...

he said it made a diff. lol personally i wouldnt trust em lol
An utter load of ***** basically. In the same leaque as performance resistors. Honestly these people are time wasters.

"The e-RAM's fan is powerful enough for it to take flight. Watch as the e-RAM shoots upward using only the force of its own fan. Then watch the e-RAM propel a heavy "Duraflame" fire log across the floor."

Thats because they are the same as used in some model aircraft... And a turbo would be like a jet engine compared, and would be capable of pushing your CAR along.
talking about pushing your car along, how cool would a pulse-jet car be...
lol im not gonna get one for that price.

was gonna get one if it was like £20 and stick it on my brothers clio lol and see what it actually does.
wat bout jus modding your mums hair dryer? is that not jus same?


im jus jokin incase any one thinks i am serious haha
How's this for a spin on the idea...

I know someone who built his own custom pod filter enclsure (N15 Pulsar/Almera SR20DE so he had considerably more engine bay room than us micra owners) and used a variable temp sensor outdoor 12V DC fan to feed cooler air from the cold air intake located inside the bumper cavity. Fan on and off was definately noticeable in stop start traffic (lets remember that we're talking a 32degree C day, not a mild UK 20deg C :p). The car didn't bog down as much when the fan was turned on and it was bringing fresh air to the pod filter. TOtally silent and hidden too, so you wouldnt have known it was there. Wasnt a bad idea and I havent seen anyone replicate it yet!

If you want a laugh though there's an american honda video where they put one of those leaf blowers onto the civic's intake and dynoed it. Believe it or not there was something like a 15hp increase in wheel HP on the run where they put the leaf blower at full throttle. :D
Ed said:
that video was with nitrous as well iirc.

There may have been but my memory of the video is sketchy. All I could think about was the next civic to drive past me with a leaf blower strapped under the bonnet. :laugh:
Why would anyone think that sticking a small electric fan onto an engine intake will actually help?

A supercharger requires something like 16bhp (20% of 80bhp) to operate (depending on design etc). This 16bhp is used to run the compressor. Now 16bhp is about 12,000 watts. How much power does your alternator produce, enough to run 12 hairdryers at once?

[As a side point a learner legal 125cc motorbike has less power than this]

I'd bet that any gains found with this product are down to the pod air-filter it comes with. If you removed the fan you get better performance from a clear inlet tract.
My other half bought an eRam for his MR2. He spent an absolute s*** load of money on it for very little difference in performance. Then it broke so it only got used for about 2 months. Its still on the car but he hasnt bothered to set it up again.
most superchargers are at BEST 60% efficient... Some can be as low as 40..
Ian said:
heh start it up in the morning and blow apart your neighbours fiesta :D

Im at work just now, but you dont know how hard I laughed!!

(note i own a micra, my neighbour owns a 95 fiesta!! lol) :D
I don't think that anyone seriously thinks that the elctric fan would have a positive effect.
Cris said:
This 16bhp is used to run the compressor. Now 16bhp is about 12,000 watts. How much power does your alternator produce, enough to run 12 hairdryers at once?

And a hair dryer uses nearly all of that power for heating - the blower is only about 25W...
Roots supercharger would make a good high power air heater if you used it outside its efficiency range haha.