Drinking/Leaking coolent


Micra K11ng

Well not long back from Donny car show, and that been the longest the car has been driven for in a long time. Now apart from my mate running into the back of me, it was an event free drive down. Or so i thought...

We made our first stop about three hours into the jouney, and when we stopped i pulled up in such a way i could reverse park into a slight hill space (starter is still playing up so would help in getting the car going again).
Anyway, as i got out for a well earned cigarrett i noticed that i had left small drops of something. Looked under the car and there was a constant dripping of what i thought was oil (oh ####) but turns out to be coolent. So i left it, finished our stop then drove to hotel. So got there, stay over night and came out in the morning and there was a HUGE puddel of coolent. Had no choice but to carry on.

Now i'm back home (945 mile round trip) and the car has been fine. Checked the raditor this morning and there was nothing in it. So have filled it back up and now its leaking again from the back of the engine. :(

I've had a look underneath it, and i can't see where its coming from. Not the inlet manifold, or where the TB sits (Still running a coolent bypass on it actually).


Titch :(
probably a bad seal on the water pump, realy easy to spot, just follow the drive belt back to it and have a look/feel.
Yeah i was gonna say the water pump too - my K10 started leaking abit when this needed changing :)
Hey fella, it could be the core plug in the inlet manifold. they sometimes wrot and leak.
Don't seem to be coming from the Manifold tho. But will give it a closer look. Need it up on ramps to really tell tbh...
fill it with water and get it hot, rev it a few times. is it kicking white smoke out? failing that take it to a mot test centre and ask them to hold the exhaust test pipe over the radiator with the cap off! it will pick up any exhaust gasses in the water which will show signs of the head gasket
could possibly be that matal coolant pipe on the back of the engine. they rot quite bad. just an idea.
you could get the system pressure tested, that would confirm any leaks! Or you could bring it to mine one day, stick it on my ramps and ill have a look for ya lol

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