Donny Show 05

1. Dan - K10 - paid
2. Graeme - K11 - paid
3. Wayne - K10 - paid
4. Ed - K10 - awaiting payment
5. James - K11 awaiting payment
6. Mike K11 cheque in the post
7. Bodje - K11 (awaiting reply)
8. Ed - K10 no.2? awaiting payment
9. Rik - awaiting payment

Kev :)
is that me at number 9? if so my names rik!

i sent you pics m8 tell us what you think asap so i can get a chueqe sent if you think its ok.
my cheque was posted sunday m8 you shud get it tues if royal mail dont screw up ,,

also bin down to bodyshop today made sum more plans on top of what was going to be done,,

shud look sweet this time next week
i booked the car in to have trims took off the doors colour code hadles and handle on the boot a new arch and sum deep scratches removed

but now im smoothing the roof out aswell to make it a bit tidier

and the rear strut brace is finally going in on wendsday hopefully once thats welded in place the trim can go back in

will promise to get pics of rear strut brace wen installed for anyone interested
Right can someone contact Bodje for me, I have left a message with no reply.

I would at least expect a yes or no for just being polite!

1. Dan - K10
2. Graeme - K11
3. Wayne - K10
4. Ed - K10
5. James - K11
6. Mike K11
7. Bodje - K11 (awaiting reply)
8. Ed - K10 no.2? (possible)
9. Rik - K11
10. Ivan - 300zx

stand provisionally full, however a few places may become available

If people are having difficulties finding hotel rooms for reasonable prices. Travel Lodge are close and charge £110 for two days.

just a couple of questions...

what time do we have to be at the gate on the saturday morning?
do we have to leave our cars overnight on the stand?

also has everyone paid yet and the form sent off?
no you dont leave your car on the stand mate, u drive back to your hotel or wherever you are staying, then take your car back on the sunday morning :)
be there between 7am - 9am.

Form has gone off and I'm awaiting passes.

Car can be removed from the stand at the end of the day but not during the show i.e cars must remain on the stand until around 5pm

Kev :)
Have to say i love you Kev, Alana can't say to be that we have to go shopping if she is bored.

Hi guys
just joined and i've got a k11 (defenitle needs a lot more attention)
i will be at the show in april for the whole weekend. i'm tagging along with my mate with the hyundai coupe club.
and i've even manged to get my car on there stand at the modifinationals this year.
look forward to see you april.
got a few pics of my car but don't know how to put them on the forum.
and the few mods i've done you can't really tell from the pic's i've got.
althought. i'm going to the modified nationals this and will have my car there with the hyundi coupe club.
"One Day Admission (Valid Either Day) £18 in advance, £20 on the day."
So that makes it £36 for both days in advance, or £40 on the day.

Or there's the option of the "No Worries Weekender":
What you get:
Entry on both show days (normally £20 per day)
Campsite pitch
Admission to the evening entertainment on Saturday night (something suitably 'adult' themed)

What are you waiting for?

£50 each pre-booked or £55 on the day.
Would love to come but my Micra's looking a bit shabby at the moment, rust on the underside of the drivers door, wing mountings for the front bumper pushed out (since i argued with a curb), paintworks headin downhill fast, clutch is going i think.

Don't think my motor would add much to the stand if i did show, will try and get things sorted for JAE cuz i'm trying to spend money on the little beast every month now.
mines looking grim everyday at the moment. but next week is the week for hopefulyl everything coming together which i hope happens. this weekend is gonan be monstrous
right well im off as of the 2nd now right through after donny so the week before is gonna be massive. everyone has agreed to join in. mi pulling another mate in aswell to help out on the spraying
so we gonan be tag teaming up on it. smoothingn barrier and polly. then the ultimatum of spraying .

titch i have 2 jobs for you already.
and chie you shall be needed this weekend

ive got my rear window sorted i pick that up tomorrow.
i also found out a bit of info today!!!

the mk2 astra rear window seal fits the k10 . and is a more flush fitment aswell.!!!

the whole bonnet is needing redoing so it gonna be manic. but i WILLL be there and will be done ....

save my space...
yes dan. if you can spare a day or so towards the 5th 6th then you can actuall;y help out. AND it being in your speciallised subject. you wouild be helping titch out :)
Do I?! That broke ma wee heart when i read that, having to leave college, cause i'm too ashamed to cry in front of my mates, and have now to go home, and strech myself (again).
:( :p
Wayne, wot days are u talkin about needin help?

If its the sat I could possibly pop down if the missus is ok with that.

'many hand make light work' and all that


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Guys this should be DONNY SPECIFIC chat. Relating directly to the event. Wayne should make one in none car chat perhaps for people who want to help him fix his car. or K10 general.
it wasnt that i need the help. it was simply that they were coing to mine so i said they are gonna help out whilst here. :p

its ok neil im fine matey. not much to help out with :p
its all body work.
just may require titch and poss dan to help out ut interior back in with a few little extra creature comforts aswell :p
yes they are, I will give it a few days after this bank holiday weekend and get in touch with the donny organisers

sod it!!!

since its a nice day. im gonna shoot for from work now and go start the rear window and bonnet!!!

this weekend is gonan be the decider :p

but my rear lights still aint come yet :S

not good. hopefully they wont take long to sort out though. and can be done during the week.. aslong as they come. otherwise its standard rear lights for donn:S i hate waiting on people!!!

m exhaust still aint been made yet :S they having difficulties with the rolling of it etc.

grr i hate waiting on others :S

thy promise it will be done though
well, my wheels are done, wings sprayed up, just gotta fit in and buff it all up and it shud be looking decent :p
Tickets arrived today and I will get them out in this evening post so you should have them well in advance of the show.

It's the usual position on the entrance, so Donny have been kind to us again with location, just look after you ears again ;) lol!!! You should see where the TOC is, right smack in the bloody corner of the show and a completely different gate to the MSC, so in other words in a crap location!

Kev :)
Right, think i will be at donny now, but won't have the car with me, so hopefully will now get the chance to meet you all!
Think that i'm heading down with Chie and Ian, but nothing confirmed yet. Will let you know!
Titch @ Waynes :kungfu:
Now there has benn a major change of plan. :(
As you probally know, i'm down at Waynes this week, and was meant to be staying untill friday to help him get the K10 finished for Donny. But, due to major letdowns from:

A) Exhausts (powerflow) firstly saying they wouldnt have the custom triangle not being ready in time. He then got a phone call to inform him that the ramps had gone down! Thus meaning he wouldnt have ANY exhaust on in time!

B) Rear lights not turning up till late, thus meaning he would need to use standard lights! Again meaning that if he ever wanted to fit the custom ones, he would require another respray were the work had been carried out!!

So after discussion he has decided to pull out of being on the stand :( :down:

This is majorly since the decision originally to do the car was for HIS benifit, not for others. so has decided he will not cut any corners, and wont rush the job to finish, just to have it ready in time.
He is now gonna concentrate on getting it ready for HIM. Not for a show!

Spoke to ED on this situation. unable to contact KEV (Call Wayne when you can!) but come to the conclusion of possibly having my car on the stand (if not only for the saturday) but at least it means another car on the stand.
Titch :( :kungfu:
Does, but I guess I can understand him wanting to do it right, so it will be looking even better for the other shows lol. Just a shame after so much prep though. :s He will still be there though yeah?? :)

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