Now there has benn a major change of plan.

As you probally know, i'm down at Waynes this week, and was meant to be staying untill friday to help him get the K10 finished for Donny. But, due to major letdowns from:
A) Exhausts (powerflow) firstly saying they wouldnt have the custom triangle not being ready in time. He then got a phone call to inform him that the ramps had gone down! Thus meaning he wouldnt have ANY exhaust on in time!
B) Rear lights not turning up till late, thus meaning he would need to use standard lights! Again meaning that if he ever wanted to fit the custom ones, he would require another respray were the work had been carried out!!
So after discussion he has decided to pull out of being on the stand

This is majorly since the decision originally to do the car was for HIS benifit, not for others. so has decided he will not cut any corners, and wont rush the job to finish, just to have it ready in time.
He is now gonna concentrate on getting it ready for HIM. Not for a show!
Spoke to ED on this situation. unable to contact KEV (Call Wayne when you can!) but come to the conclusion of possibly having my car on the stand (if not only for the saturday) but at least it means another car on the stand.
