Does This Happen To Anyone Else??

I have noticed a strange thing since owning Micras (on my second one now) - people "in the know" like mechanics and car enthusiasts all say that Micras are great cars, really reliable, etc. However, other people see the cars as a bit of a joke and openly poke fun at me for driving one....

This is especially true with teenagers it would seem - there are plenty of young yobs where I live and they are always taking the pee, to quote one of them - "why do you always buy crap cars?"

Thing is, they are great cars - not massively exciting but very reliable, cheap parts, cheap to insure and run. It seems that only us Micra owners and people that know about cars are aware of this fact......

Just wondered what reactions other people have experienced? :)
hehehe I know exactly what you mean, the call off "Nice Car Mate" follows me constantly, along with my friends constant jibes about how i should spend the money on buying a beter car.
And then most mechanics/mechaniacally minded people I know love them!
I think it's all a case of misunderstanding. Micra's do have teh name of grannymobile round my ends :p
Why buy a bigger more expensive to buy and service car when you can buy a compact nippy reliable and cheap to run? Most of the people I know with big expensive modern diesel cars are only doing short road trips and doesn't do loads of KMs. Then they curse when they have to pay their insurance or servicing...

Newer and more expensive = means better for most of people. For example people buying HD TV some years ago, whereas there was almost no content available in HD yet and stupidly thrown away their perfectly working CRT TV which were displaying way better SD broadcastings. Same thing with 3Ds now. But again, you have to own the latest and most expensive stuff, because it's the BEST. Even if you don't need it or can't afford it.

But the best example I've seen recently is :

I think people registered here don't listen trends that much, and use their brain buying car they can really afford and suits to their real needs.
I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to quote one of them - "why do you always buy crap cars?"

what cars he got?
its normaly the foot patrol crew say that
Whenever people ask me what I drive and I answer, 'a Nissan Micra', you can see the slight smirk on their faces and they often ask why a micra, or just say they're crap (even though they've never owned/driven one). But then as soon as they see it/drive it, they instantly change their minds and are praising it for how well it drives and they way it looks. Personally, I love them, they're great little cars, very reliable, economical and so much fun to drive. I don't think i'd ever swap it for a euro box either, there's nothing quite like a Micra haha :D
Im stuck right in the middle lol, im in my 40's:eek: and think im not quite old enough and deffo not young enough to be in one. But like Seb says, i have had the new big stuff, my navara is parked outside now and used weekends and to tow the boat. Im self employed and it aint rocket science to decide whether to spend 140 or 40 quid a week on fuel! I work on a building site, my trucks have always been well known as i like to bling them a bit and tune them, when they mention the Micra and i tell them what it costs me to get to work they soon shut up :D

Navara 1 (the one i wish i still had)

Navara 2 that i hated as the engine was rattly but nissan insisted it was acceptable

Navara 3 which is older, but i still prefer the 1st one even if it was lower spec inside

Micra 1
I'm going to be honest I used to take the mick outa my older friends when I was 14 and they owned a Micra and I swore I never own one, turned 17 learnt to drive in one and fell in love :p
my partner didn't understand my love for the micra until she drove it for the first time, she use to say "it's a car, it gets you from a to b and back again!" now she's a little more enthusiastic about it :)
But then as soon as they see it/drive it, they instantly change their minds and are praising it for how well it drives and they way it looks. :D
I had the same story with a few family members and friends, they drove my 1L once, then each time they were begging me to drive it... Answer was: NO.

my navara is parked outside now and used weekends and to tow the boat.
That's rather smart, using the big Navara to tow the boat must be more efficient than the Micra, so you're owning something big but it's useful. I'm not against big cars when people really needs them and can afford their servicing/insurance.
I had the same story with a few family members and friends, they drove my 1L once, then each time they were begging me to drive it... Answer was: NO.

That's rather smart, using the big Navara to tow the boat must be more efficient than the Micra, so you're owning something big but it's useful. I'm not against big cars when people really needs them and can afford their servicing/insurance.

I also need it when i change sites, the micra cant move all my gear or carry the weight or get across a muddy site. I would have a new micra for private use and my old one for work if i didnt need a big truck, saved a fortune on fuel today. :)
I get chuckles from people who do not know me, but once I say it's jap and Japanese cars are about the most reliable cars I have driven/owned and i have a Subaru they soon shut up. Do not understand why people take the mick, cracking little cars for general use and very reliable. I'd be lost without mine. I think the main issue is they are seen mainly driven by the 'old generation' that's why if you are younger or young people do look twice or have a snigger.
When i overtake in my 97 micra k11 on a dual carriageway or motorway some people seem to get annoyed and start to try and overtake me or come up behind very close to try and intimidate me but it does not work! i remember once driving down the a13 and overtaking a modded up ford focus in the middle lane and he took that as a challenge and tried to undertake me for a few miles but it did not work!
Yes exactly, it happens to me, a lot of people cant stand being overtaken by us because whe have older, cheaper and more tiny cars. Oftenly, their common reaction just after being overtaken because they drive slow as granny, they are so salty that they overtake me back just to come stuck in front of me right after... just to say "see I'm not driving behind you, my ego dlck is bigger than yours"
the normal response is "this is unreasonably good for a micra".

i have had someone say about my car "its the closest thing ive ever seen to a cool micra"
They sure do, especially the vtec yooo boys lol every time I pass one see them speeding up behind me but the slow down for bumps and il plow through without damaging the sump :)
Y'know, I love my Micra and I don't give a crap what people say... I remember one of the young lads in work (18 - I'm only 25) saying not so long ago "Oh I thought I saw you up by mine the other day, driving a Micra though?" When I told him it wasn't me but I did indeed drive a Micra he was like "What!? Why, thats gay!"... I already knew he drove a Corsa, so didn't need to bother continuing that argument...

Another lad in work said to me "My nan just rang, she wants her car back!"... Very funny, until I pointed out his receeding hairline (hes same age as me) and told him my grandad had just called and wanted his combover back... Made even funnier by the fact the guy keeps buyig Renault Clios and complaining they break down too often. He even got rid of his car all together for a few months... then bought another Clio!?

I love over-taking, my car isn't tuned or anything, just a standard 1L but these tiny little things are so light they fly!... Big boy racer scene where I live and I take great pleasure in over-taking them or flying up hills with ease while they look all angry and aggitated and try and play the over-take game...

Another thing I notice is people come behind a Micra, assume its a granny driving it and tail gate... I take great pleasure in driving the speed limit, sometimes a little under, in those circumstances... then when I get to a dual carriage way or nice open road fly off into the sunset...

I must admit, this is only my second car, I had a Polo before I passed my test but that died of sill rot, and I purposely bought a Micra. Cheap to run, insure, tax... Very reliable and I think they look great. As I said, big boy racer scene down here, and I've never been into the Corsa, Saxo, Clio thing and didn't want to be a sheep and go tha way. I think the Micra has quite a classic look to it, while at the same time being able to be turned into a beast, I mean theres some fine machines on here! I'm a big Mini fan (the real Mini, not the BMW not so Mini) and I honestly think if Nissan hadn't got there first with the k11 and Rover had been stronger, the "New" Mini would've been what the K11 is?...
In my old red one when I hit the local cruises a lot more I used to get the usual kids coming up to me and taking the mick. Then on closer inspection they'd see it's stripped, has a roll cage, a tidy engine bay and they'd be a bit more impressed. Everyone warmed to it and it got a bit of a reputation.

Went to the same Sunday night cruise in my Fiesta Zetec S a few months ago and there were 3 or 4 Micras up there. I spoke to them, told the owners about my old one and that they're cracking cars etc. They all knew the red one and had seen pictures of it. Word of mouth had got around as to how good that car actually was and these chaps had actually gone out and bought their own as they liked my old one so much.

Honestly never been more flattered in my life. As such I bought my black SR and I'm doing what I can to spread some Micra love :D
Nothing bad said about mine , people at work have said its grown on them, mainly the pink :D
Met up with a few mates off another forum last week , micra got more attention than there new cars :p had a few people walk by and take pictures . Best comment on my mates face book "that Micras badass , never thought I'd say that about a micra lol"
It's all about love for the micra :)

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