well those weber gaskets are knackerd! the other weber is leaking now and its now leaking in two places on the drivers side. i need to get them done asap but cant untill i have the money. i've discoverd that with them webers the car is a nightmare! to drive in a city when its dark with llights on playing music, stopping and starting is a pain in the neck, other than that tho there not too bad to live with once your used to em.
ok its booked in to have the webers serviced, jetted, balanced and tuned on a rolling road on the 11th at KAD (kent auto developments) http://www.kad-uk.com/ only 5mins away from my house! didnt know they where there so pretty chuffedthey also do head work and well pretty much anything even said they could build me a custom race gearbox if the i had the money (which i dont lol). well i need to get all the jets needed but dont know what sizes to get? the main jets range from 90 - 205 but what sizes should i get? they just asked me if i could bring my own jets as they only stock dcoe jets as they specialise in minis.
aye that is a problem mate the only work around is to have the car idle at about 900-1000rpm that should give it just enough to stop stalling all the time, although if the gaskets are leaking that will make the car stall also i had that problem when i first fitted them replacing the gaskets made the car run alot better. they dont cost much about £3-4 so get em sorted takes about 10 mins to replace em.
btw what happend to the bike carbs?
yes the bike carbs are with k10franny now, i'm very excited about KAD i had no clue that they where there and can do so much, i will get some print outs from the rolling road to see what power i'm looking at atm.
well i've had a look into it and the jet sizes on standrd dcnf carbs jet sizes are;
main jet = 120
air correction jet = 185
neddle valve = 175
so i'm going to get jets smaller than this as i'm only running a 1.0
just wondering mate, why new air filters? i bought those for the car just before i sold it to curtis so they cant be very old at all.
nice work on the rocker btw![]()
the elements are reusable mate you just run them under a tap with warm water to clean and then re-oil them![]()