just keep ya updated bout the engine
now that the cars complete, i thought i'd do a compression test tday
drove it out the garage n removed the spark plugs. to my horror they all looked kinda sooty black n wet

Oh my god please don't let it be a leakin piston ring cos that would be another long expensive job.
compression test showed cyl 1&4 is 14.5bar and cyl 2-3 is 13.5bar, large deviation there.
readin haynes manual it did say bring eng up to temp before the test, doh
so went up n down back alley to warm up engine and also test me abs
once hot i removed the plugs (ouch they're hot) and they look much much better, brown tan n clean.
compressions now improved, cyl 1-4 = 14.5bar and cyl 2-3 = 14bar
thank god for that
here's a graph of the engine compression history
note bout the test:
when i was crankin the eng, the compression gauge showed the cylinder only built up to full pressure gradually like after 3-4 strokes. 1st stroke is round 12bar, 2nd strokes round 13.2bar, 3rd stokes 14bar then 4th stroke at full 14.5bar
does that look normal?
omg guys i found the solution for my idle issue. maybe helpful for those who have fast idle when engines warm.
since i brought the car it always idles very slow from cold start at round 400rpm and once engine's warm it gradually rises up to 1000rpm, an idle rev range of upto 600rpm, no matter what the idle adjustment screw is set at (allen key screw at back of TB)
idle speed should be at 600-700rpm
- if i set the cold idle rev to 600rpm it would later rises upto 1200rpm
- if i set the warm idle rev to 600rpm, from cold the engine would barely sustain itself without pressin the acc pedal to help
the adjustment screw would usually be half-way out till i found this solution
googlin around the fast idle issue, i noticed some pages mentioning problems with the idle speed control valve (that device at front of the TB)
back during overhaul i'd left mine on cos i could'nt get the tight screws off but since i've now got an impact screw driver i took the device out tday to inspect it
the TB housing
sure enough the valve has a slight carbon buildup which could've affected it's function
i unscrewed the plastic motor housing section from the valve end and turnin the valve by hand seemed lil stiff at first but soon loosened.
i proceeded to clean the valve surfaces so that it turns more freely, reassembled and reinstalled onto TB
the cold engine would normally start off slowly but with the same idle screw setting and the overhauled idle control valve the revs immediately went upto 1100rpm
so i screwed in the idle screw clockwise till it's all the way in (effectively closing that pathway and diverting all the air through the idle control valve)
started it up, it instantly revs to 1000rpm to warm the engine up then drops down to 600rpm and stabilizes
woohooo the engines runnin absolutely perfect now:grinning:
oh while i was taking the airbox out the pcv breather port broke off
so glued it back on, oops