Check this out

Arnold said:
if they can, i dont see any reason why anyone else cant!!

Sorry but even I find that small minded!!

I smoked and gave up in a day! I don't know how but thats me! Paul is not me so can only do it his way which may take months or years
What have you tried exactly, and why find it offensive!? Im only saying i know people that have given up just like that - if they can, i dont see any reason why anyone else cant!!

It's not the same kind of adiction. I used patches to quit but it was different the second time round because i'd changed jobs and there was no stress anymore. But when i did try and quit I follow in the foot steps of a friend who just put a fag out and never lite one again. however he was a cranky git for a month or two.

You feel different. you feel you need something, u can't think stright, trying to find something to do is hard. for a small time i had the shakes.

But i've noticed something - in a pub i don't want a cig, in my car with the windows down i'll want one - just because i've been so use to it.

i found your comment offensive as it's hard. even harder when ur GF doesn't want to quit. sure it's your own dam fault for stating in the first place. but i used a NHS funded quiting group and saved money on patches. 4 months later i still feel the same but at least i don't stink of cigs. Plus i haven't had one since the 15th Dec 2005.
NeX said:
if you were not allowed to have any tobacco products or papers etc then that would probably have an effect on the number of people who smke dope too because they couldn't clame that it was a ciggarette and they wouldn't be able to buy papers...

They'd find away to roll one, trust me
goldstar0011 said:
Sorry but even I find that small minded!!

Dont be sorry lol

Well done for giving up in a day tho! If you can do it, why cant others? As i dont smoke, and have yet to hear any reasons why people cant stop, thats my view on things!
It's cause I'm better than you all lol
No idea, i just thought "what the heck am I doing this for"

You can do it Paul, I'm here for you, if you need to hold something or stick somthing in your mouth am sure we could arrange somthing

PS I'm enjoying this healthy debate, some very good arguments, all sensible and relative
wilsonian said:
It's not the same kind of adiction. I used patches to quit but it was different the second time round because i'd changed jobs and there was no stress anymore. But when i did try and quit I follow in the foot steps of a friend who just put a fag out and never lite one again. however he was a cranky git for a month or two.

You feel different. you feel you need something, u can't think stright, trying to find something to do is hard. for a small time i had the shakes.

But i've noticed something - in a pub i don't want a cig, in my car with the windows down i'll want one - just because i've been so use to it.

i found your comment offensive as it's hard. even harder when ur GF doesn't want to quit. sure it's your own dam fault for stating in the first place. but i used a NHS funded quiting group and saved money on patches. 4 months later i still feel the same but at least i don't stink of cigs. Plus i haven't had one since the 15th Dec 2005.

All of this is in the mind tho isnt it! i think the habit side of things makes you want to light up when your driving, even if you dont really want one. Well done for giving up tho, sounds like your doing quite well. Would prob be easier if your g/f did too but thats up to her.
Anything can be stopped but the "ride" afterwards wont be good, thats why people don't want to quit.

ANother thing is it's not all in ur mind. the body does crave for nicotine. it's in the blood, hence the body shaking and feeling "stressed" when u don't have it.

Tell you what stop having sex and masterbating for 4 months then tell me how u feel! LOL

hey'd find away to roll one, trust me

you can have it in other ways, such as cookies, cakes - if u want a really big high do what they do in super troopers and eat it raw!
thats the idea gary :D


as for smoking I feel anyone who has quit would tell you it has it's good days and it's bad days. Some times i smell cigs on someone and think urgh, other days i think Hmmmm - it's swings and round-a-bouts
No nukes, no nukes, no nukes

Oops wrong thread

But ye, if you really want to give up you will, it's just harder for some people because they think they need it to survive the day, for that I pitty them, now where's my coffee!!!!
Blooming eck, wish I'd never posted it now.

Everyone has their own views on drugs, so stick with them, its your choice!
people do what they want to do annyway.and its not for ANYONE to judge them for 1 thing they do or a habbit they have.some people here put people to the side and stereotype them.

i used to go out wiith a girl that did all sorts of drugs ..a LOT.i learned from that you cant judge people by their actions...
after many years of working with people who smoke, smoking myself, working an associating with people who take drugs (all sort of drugs) drinking and generaly being addicted to diet coke (must be something in it) , losing my brother to drugs and my uncle to smoking that i will never, ever condone drugs of any sort unless they are measured in a controled way and under observation, by TRAINED PROFFESIONALS.

i gave up smoking in a day after i tried to play rugby, i was in the 1999 Grimsby district championship winning team and the next year i just couldnt run... i was out of breath just walking to work.... so i gave up. went to the gym and have never felt better.... i dont smell (you can smell weed a mile away) i dont have yellow fingers anymore, my breath is fresh (ish) and my teeth are clean..... all because i stopped smoking, i was also able to buy myself a 309 GTI and insure it with the money i had saved......

so if you dont value your health then by all means condone drugs, use them, be merry with them...... but dont start pushing them into everyone elses eyes. we have a choice as human beings to be able to live our lives without having drugs thrust towards us at every moment.

i also used to drink a bit, maybe twice a week..... i used to get myself so ill i couldnt even breath properly... i now just have maybe one a fortnight.....and again i saved money.

moral of the story is..... nice bat cave..... but "uncontroled, dangerous, deadly, drugs are all bad"
bat cave is awsome! as for the drugs battle i belive that Alcohol and "tabaco" as thats not really whats i fags anymore its all about the chemicals in them! are far worse than someone smoking weed recriationally.. yes weed can make you paranoid unsosiable ect ect but tobaco is proven to cause how many different cancers? plus untold amounts of other problems.. alcohol readilly available is addictive and is at the end of a day poison!! so what your saying is its okay for me to sell lead sweets to children if the government says its legal and im taxed ect ect but if i smoke some pot at the same time im some kind of drug induced idiot?

iv never done drugs iv tried weed once it was crap ressin and did nothing for me i dont smoke and a rarely drink.. but if someone wants to smoke weed thats up to them..

eds coments about his freinds doing drugs are an example ill use he said that about weed ect..

so imagine a alcohol is ilegal and tobaco.. someone posts a thread up about the same house only it contains a distillery.. weve got a few poeple who do "drink" or "smoke" illegally.. how many people here would be able to do what ed did and tell the a story... iv got freinds parents ect ect whove died (not just got abit paranoid) from smoking or drinking????

TBH we should ban the lot!! but it will never happen and anyone who drinks alcohol or smokes then says dope users are fools is a hypocrite as they are doing the same thing taking a drug or poison into there body for the feeling it gives them! weather its legal taxed, sanctioned or not!
Raceworx said:
so imagine a alcohol is ilegal and tobaco.. someone posts a thread up about the same house only it contains a distillery.. weve got a few poeple who do "drink" or "smoke" illegally.. how many people here would be able to do what ed did and tell the a story... iv got freinds parents ect ect whove died (not just got abit paranoid) from smoking or drinking????

good point made
if your trying to stop smoking have you gone to your doctor and asked him/her if you can take the pills which stop you smoking (dont know name of them),

ive got 2 family members that have used these and they both have stoped smoking within 2 months but they are prescription only so you have to speak to your doctor and say that you've tried everything and nothing works but you really want to stop
goldstar0011 said:
I think the best way to explain it is the video by The Streets, can't remember what track but it's 2 versions of him, one on the lash causing trouble and the other getting stoned just chilling with mates.

The irony of it all - By The Streets
I think its ridiculous that people are arguing over what it worse alcohol or weed/rifa/canabis (woteva u wanna call it?), tho
i do agree both have negative effects on our health
alcohol should be deemed as negative as cannabis regardless of its legality
people can do as they wish as long as they dont affect other members of society in a negative way
no one has the right to judge anyone becos i believe we are all as bad as each other (were all addicted to something : health , wealth, sex or masturbation , our pc , our car etc) and all addictions affect others eg money spent on a car mod could have gone to someone poor etc

the planning of the cave and the mechanics of the cave must have took time to develop so the designers can be applauded on making a piece of art regardess of its purpose however it wasnt faultless as the folks got busted! for good or for the worse - matter of opinion

i think msc is better when folks stick to cars
RAJA said:
money spent on a car mod could have gone to someone poor etc

haha............why should i work 35 hour a week to give it to some bum off the street because he failed in life?