Check this out

I don't. Drugs are drugs at the end of the day.

Seeing as they were caught and got what they deserved i'll leave it open though.
Awesome, I admire the skill gone into it, might be ilegal but still needs some knowledge.

Drugs are drugs at the end of the day
Entitled to you opinion but I'd be happier in a room of stoned lads than a room of drunk ones, I think the best way to explain it is the video by The Streets, can't remember what track but it's 2 versions of him, one on the lash causing trouble and the other getting stoned just chilling with mates.

See you this weekend Paul!!
Alcohol is a drug? You still get drunk on it if I recall ;)

I dont do 'hard' drugs either, but I liked the secret cave :upside:
Dont do drugs, hate them all & the thought of people i know using them etc but thats quite an impressive setup!
hell yeah sorta make u think who will move in next

hmmmm maybe batman is on the look out for a new pad-lol

great set up etc

Arnold said:
Dont do drugs, hate them all & the thought of people i know using them etc but thats quite an impressive setup!

My thoughts exactly too. :) You gotta stop thinking the same as me Arnold lol. :p
Retepetsir said:
Alcohol is a drug? You still get drunk on it if I recall ;)

Exactly, nicotine is too yet millions of people are addicted and dying for it!

This isn't a personal dig but my general belief but people need to open their eyes to what are actually acceptable bad drugs, I am sure that one day someone in my life will die or suffer from an effect of smoking, as for alcohol, I've worked in bars for many years so see how bad things get and my bro has come home with a busted face few times after a night out, he probably deserved it too sue to drinking.
Marajuana, I have had many friends who smoke it and not one of them or someone they know has had something bad happpen for it, not saying it won't but the kind of atmosphere that it causes is usually relaxed with a few passouts.

But where do you draw the line?
I know people who have taken ecstacy and handle it well but some people can't (but thats like alcohol).
Cocaine, seems like thats the worst drug to use, but from what I understand it's actually a very very strong pain killer, ibuprofen and paracetamol are just milder versions.

Thens there's the reasons, unfortunatley people do not always have a choice, it can be do it and fit in or don't and suffer not being "part of the crowd".
I've had drugs forced on me and mostly been able to say no but there have been times I HAD to do it.

Anyways, this is getting long, everyone has the right to the opionion of drugs but aslong as you made you mind up and not what you are taught!

Thanks for listening good night and rock on!!
Very clever, but I have the same opinion as Arnold on drugs and people who use them.

goldstar0011 said:
But where do you draw the line?
I know people who have taken ecstacy and handle it well but some people can't (but thats like alcohol).

Thats sometimes never to do with the person though, its the drug itself which could have everything and anything in it, you don't know whats in these tablets.

I agree with what you say about peer pressure though.
I don't. Drugs are drugs at the end of the day.

So on that way of thinking you never take anything the doctor gives you?

Please james - it's comments like that from narrow minded people that sicken me.
Cheers Paul

Again, because we are told they are ok in moderation then we can use, ANY drug can be addictive and IS dangerous if used incorrectly.

All drugs have medicinal and recreational uses, at this moment I'm enjoying the buzz of a pro plus, I need this drug because I had a rough nights sleep and coffee just won't cut it today, I was once told I use too many, was I addicted? was I a bad person? would I turn to crime and other drugs to get a fix?

I'm not on a conquest to change peoples views or make them try a drug, just to think before saying all drugs are bad. I used to be like that until I experienced them, learnt about them and why people need and want to take them.

Anyone want 2's on this joint?

PS that cave rocks, I'd make a pimped out love shack!!
at this moment I'm enjoying the buzz of a pro plus,

Try taking the entire packet. sends you loopy then you feel like you wana die. Strange.

Anyone want 2's on this joint?

Roll it up, Light it up, Take a drag!

On the arguement of drugs I have to say people who scream about all drugs being bad read up on those blokes who nearly died. that drug is legal, yet a drug that has NEVER killed some one and can be used in the medical world is ilegal. Why is this?

The cave rocks, i've seen it before and wish it was ALL MINE!
but there have been times I HAD to do it.

I've never held a gun to your head.

Just to your dogs!

lol i know somebody who does soft drugs, and his harmless - but like smoking it just seems like a complete waste of money, but each to thier own.

people on hard drugs on the other hand need a good slap becuase of the crime/etc

very nice little cave tho ;) shame about its use
Yep, I rarely drink because I can get angry and violent for no reason, I rarely smoke but when I do, I love everyone (even James) and go to sleep in a corner.
At least weed makes people relaxed. Alcohol just makes them violent.

Well said!!!!

How many police officers does it take to stop a stonner? none. give him a mars bar and a pillow and you'll have him asleep in 10 minutes! LOL

On defence of alchol, not everyone gets violent but it is becoming an increasing thing these days, am sure MA12 would agree now that he is a special for the police.
goldstar0011 said:
On defence of alchol, not everyone gets violent .

True! if you think about how many people go out on the town in every city in the UK at the weekends, there's only a very small minority that cause trouble.

If people want to go out and have a fight then they will, and probably just use alcohol as an excuse to cause trouble. These people need there heads looking at! Anyone who gets agressive from drinking has a problem & needs to sort themselves out, instead of using alcohol as an excuse for getting that way.

I just get loved up when im drunk, which is probably more worrying for Ems than anyone else! :p
All i see around ashton is drunk chav's screaming "u edited startin...." pubs have more to do with street crime and public dis-order than a plant.
Utter rubbish. I have a few friends I have lost due to smoking weed or what ever you like to call it. They are now parranoid, unsociable and pretty unstable in their overall personality as well. I also have a few who DONT do it any more and they both say exactly the same things about how it affected them long term etc.
As a police officer can I stress that drugs are bad news. Even so called recreational drugs can land you in a whole head of trouble, both from us boys in blue (my unforms black but there ya go) and from the likelyhood of getting drawn into more serious drugs. I've seen friends fall down that slippery slope, and if you see the results of regular users of some of the nasties H-plan diet etc... it gets bad, very bad.

I know it's not my forum but i'd suggest you don't brag about taking drugs on a public forum, or at all.
just replace the dope plants with panzies :D

luv the cave styley thats sooo cool :)

drugs effect the chemical balance in your body but everything that you consume is a chemmical and will effect the balance. we define drugs because they have a powerfull effect on the balance.

even sugar and tea is a drug.... but i don't drink alcohol or tea....

just don't do illigal things kids :D
So you're the one who's right Ed?

Not saying weed is better than booze but it has less effect on lifes than booze, I've been or paraniod trips for weeks, so cut back (when I was a teenager).
But the way alcohol is advertised and the price and offers in towns makes it easier to get drunk so quick.

It is down to a person character how they use any sort of drug so your ex-mates got caught up in the smoking lifestyle but you do see more people taking up binge drinking because everyone does it! My bro did and I soon sorted him but it'll probably happen again should his mates push.
Hope this isn't taken bad in any way

But take Titch, he openly admitted he was on a bad path with booze and managed to get sorted (well done), he didn't realise it was happening but did in time!
I'm not "boasting" about the fact of "doing" drugs and yes it is an enterance drug for harder things. But hell if you look at it like that then so is tobbaco and beer.

Anything can be an "enterance drug" - EG tea. i use to always drink tea without sugar then one day I started having one in the morning. Now i have two everytime (which i'm stopping because of my teeth) but thats a simple example.

All i'm saying is people kick off about "drugs are bad" etc etc - get your self down to the A&E on a friday or saturday night and tell me how mnay people u see coming in with "beer" related issues (stomach pumps, glass in face etc etc).

I'm sick of hearing the "drugs are evil" all over the place and on this forum - from people i though were higher than this goverment brain washing - when beer and tobbaco are worse killers, worse life destoryers. All because the goverment are making a tax off it.
goldstar0011 said:
So you're the one who's right Ed?

Not saying weed is better than booze but it has less effect on lifes than booze, I've been or paraniod trips for weeks, so cut back (when I was a teenager).
But the way alcohol is advertised and the price and offers in towns makes it easier to get drunk so quick.

Theoretically alcohol and the sale of alcohol is managed. There are licences, the money is taxed, businesses keep accounts, licences can be revoked if they are caught selling to underage people, drunk people etc... With soft drugs often the money ends up in the hands of people who will fund crime, serious crime such as people trafficking, harder drugs, prostition etc...
With soft drugs often the money ends up in the hands of people who will fund crime, serious crime such as people trafficking, harder drugs, prostition etc..

Then take a leaf out of the dutch book. Legalise it. give the "drug runners" no work to do and not only that but the goverment could get a tax income on it. hell I don't mind paying the tax man a little for my slice of peace.
wilsonian said:
Then take a leaf out of the dutch book. Legalise it. give the "drug runners" no work to do and not only that but the goverment could get a tax income on it. hell I don't mind paying the tax man a little for my slice of peace.

I think thats the only reason it isnt legal now, is that the government have no control over how it would be sold, taxed etc! If they knew how to make it legal and cash in, they'd probably have done so. The fact they dropped it to a class C drug shows they know its not as bad as other drugs.

Anyway, if you need to chill out - take a valium!
I have to disagree with the people that say alcohol makes people violent. It's not down to the alcohol, it's down to the person underneath. People that have been out drinking with me (people that went bowling at Donny and anyone out in Dundee with me) will know that I certainly don't get violent when drunk/tipsy. I get more confident and much more pally, i don't quite know if loved up is the right word but it's something around that area lol.
Anyway, if you need to chill out - take a valium!

LOL i don't pop pills :D

TBH i'm unsure how the dutch goverment do it but at the end of the day theres nothing stopping you getting a grow bag and some seeds over there.

There is here, hell they'll throw the book at you if you do that...

I have to disagree with the people that say alcohol makes people violent.

Very true james, but it's the bad eggs in the bunch that ruin it for the rest of the people.

hence my comments earlier about chav's etc.
i think things like like this are okay in moderation. speaking from personal experiance smoking weed isnt harmless. im not saying whether i have or havent done it but put it this way big chunks of my life are missing, im more paranoid and my mind works slower than it used to. thats when i decided that this was enough. on the other hand my brother has been a pretty heavy drinker for a long time and mentally hes fine. but physically i better he suffers from it. theres positives and negatives to anything you do and this is no different. on the whole gateway drug thing i think its partially true because a lot of the people i used to know started on ganja and moved to harder things. but then again they all started smoking tobbaco first and from my experiance this is the true gateway drug if there ever was one.
James said:
I have to disagree with the people that say alcohol makes people violent. It's not down to the alcohol, it's down to the person underneath.

Thats the point i was trying to make on the previous page but not sure if it came across :)

James said:
i don't quite know if loved up is the right word but it's something around that area lol.

Well, Ems can explain what i meant by that if she wishes to!!!

59 bhp is more than enough said:
on the whole gateway drug thing i think its partially true because a lot of the people i used to know started on ganja and moved to harder things. but then again they all started smoking tobbaco first and from my experiance this is the true gateway drug if there ever was one.

Thats a very good point. Everyone knows how bad smoking is, but again it just comes down to the government making money from it! They'd probably save the NHS millions with treatment for lung cancer etc, but how much money would they lose from the tax they get. The same applies to drink too.

I'd have to agree with the gateway drug thing, i know quite a few people who started on fags and it progressed to harder things from there. Personally im quite pleased to say ive given absolutly everything a miss, even fags, said ******** to peer pressure and walked away and i feel very good about that!
The gateway drug is 100% right though, thats were people would need to be smart, when I used to I'd make sure I got it from a mate, he knew were I stood IF he got anything harder, gladly he never, but I would say if someone went to a drug dealer and not a dope only dealer then you are loads more likely to get a free sample of something harder and more expensive.

Alcohol being legal is a main cause for all the trouble, because weed is illegal but relaxed laws it is consummed in private in doors so if something happens, someone gets violent etc it is dealt with privately, but because you can drink alcohol in like 15 clubs in one small area the trouble is centralised and escalates with all the idiots who think they're the incredile hulk starting on everyone.

But tobacco, it upsets me that there's a high enough chance I will watch my mom die from lung cancer since she's smoked for years, she will suffer, my family will suffer all because the Government made plenty of money from her addiction.
goldstar0011 said:
The gateway drug is 100% right though, thats were people would need to be smart, when I used to I'd make sure I got it from a mate, he knew were I stood IF he got anything harder, gladly he never, but I would say if someone went to a drug dealer and not a dope only dealer then you are loads more likely to get a free sample of something harder and more expensive.

Alcohol being legal is a main cause for all the trouble, because weed is illegal but relaxed laws it is consummed in private in doors so if something happens, someone gets violent etc it is dealt with privately, but because you can drink alcohol in like 15 clubs in one small area the trouble is centralised and escalates with all the idiots who think they're the incredile hulk starting on everyone.

But tobacco, it upsets me that there's a high enough chance I will watch my mom die from lung cancer since she's smoked for years, she will suffer, my family will suffer all because the Government made plenty of money from her addiction.

i hate tobacco. I've had to watch so many people die because of it. same with alcahol.
Thos cancer adverts really upset me because it's common to see people with cancer these days, you see the suffering and the tears of the children, absolutley ridculous, the government should stop fags completely, announce that in 5 years they will be illegal completely, thats enough time to really make an effort to give up.
My mum's had a friend die of lung cancer, and knows another one with breast cancer. She's smoked from about 16 too. She knows she should stop, but can't do it. I'm damn opposed to cigarettes for these reasons alone.
I hate it when people say they cant stop, its crap! If someone can give up instantly then why cant the next person!?

People that say they cant arent trying hard enough, and will look for any excuse to mask there failure in stopping! I say this as i know a few people who've managed to just stop, no patches, no therapy, nothing and they're still going fine without them. If you've got a valid reason to give up, like, not wanting to die and leave your kids behind or something, then that should be a big enough reason to just make you stop.

Britian is turning into america, where someone else is at fault for something related to you, e.g. The nicotine patches arent strong enough, or stuff like that! There's alot of advice and support for smokers out there, but people arent quick to take it!
aye, but how much would the govenment lose in tax? Millions? Hundreds of millions? I believe that it the sole reason they won't ban it.
Arnold said:
I hate it when people say they cant stop, its absolute crap!

People that say they cant arent trying hard enough, and will look for any excuse to keep going! I say this as i know a few people who've managed to just stop, no patches, no therapy, nothing and they're still going fine without them. If you've got a valid reason to give up, like, not wanting to die and leave your kids behind or something, then that should be a big enough reason to just make you stop - rather than using patches and all that other crap.

very well put mate!!!
Ian said:
aye, but how much would the govenment lose in tax? Millions? Hundreds of millions? I believe that it the sole reason they won't ban it.

How much will they save on national health tho.. No more 'give up smoking' hotlines, no more give up smoking adverts on TV!! Lol, fewer people ending up in hospitals, taking up beds, operating time etc, It works both ways!
I hate it when people say they cant stop, its crap! If someone can give up instantly then why cant the next person!?

I use to think like that. untill I started smoking (long story) - anyway i found it really hard to quit and i'm on my 4th attempt (2nd really as the other 2 were just the odd day etc).

But arnold if u haven't tried, don't be going around mouthing that off. I find that offensive as I've tried bloody dam hard to quit tobacco!
Arnold said:
How much will they save on national health tho.. No more 'give up smoking' hotlines, no more give up smoking adverts on TV!! Lol, fewer people ending up in hospitals, taking up beds, operating time etc, It works both ways!

if you were not allowed to have any tobacco products or papers etc then that would probably have an effect on the number of people who smke dope too because they couldn't clame that it was a ciggarette and they wouldn't be able to buy papers...
wilsonian said:
But arnold if u haven't tried, don't be going around mouthing that off. I find that offensive as I've tried bloody dam hard to quit tobacco!

What have you tried exactly, and why find it offensive!? Im only saying i know people that have given up just like that - if they can, i dont see any reason why anyone else cant!!

So i havent smoked, but im sure smoking has the same addiction qualities as other things! I used to be addicted to diet coke, and would drink about 5 pints a day!! i managed to give that up at New year. Ok so its not going to give me lung cancer, but probably didnt do me any good!! My dentist wasnt impressed either
Arnold said:
What have you tried exactly, and why find it offensive!? Im only saying i know people that have given up just like that - if they can, i dont see any reason why anyone else cant!!

So i havent smoked, but im sure smoking has the same addiction qualities as other things! I used to be addicted to diet coke, and would drink about 5 pints a day!! i managed to give that up at New year. Ok so its not going to give me lung cancer, but probably didnt do me any good!! My dentist wasnt impressed either

lol i'm addicted to pringles, i'm on a pot a day!! will have to do something about that :(