Breaking News Richard Hammond been in Crash (Top Gear)

he rgained consciousness whilst he was still in the car long enough to say that he had lower back pain...

this coul mean a paralised hampster......or just that hes hurt his back and can still feel it...wich is a good thing...

i cant wait to find out how he is..
geremy clarkson was on the news earlier and said he hopes the hampster returns soon..... possibly the bbc is making it sound worse than it is...

Tbh i wouldn't listen to it at present. Normally, if someone has a head injury, the Dr's won't b able to tell the extent of it until all the swelling has subsided. It's early day's yet.
if i wer him i would count myself lucky after crashing at that speed and still be alive, think how many crash at 70.80mph and die!! god must like him........................alot
antony_aiken said:
shouldt that read....for all your fans "AT" the micra sports club?....

but yeah...great card ideas.....

Whatever!!! English was never a strong subject of mine....done that at work when I was bored, done an inside for it, but i don't really like it!!
scottish-sr said:
Nice card but its abit gay looking,lol. Stick on the 350z engined K12 and make the writing abit more not gay :p

Yh but that picture on the front was taken from the top gear episode when hammond was driving the K12 C+C.

ANd the pink writing was to go with it!!!

Also would show the inside I designed, but it contains a lot of pictures from this site, and I don't know if posting it would breach any copyright laws/rules thingys!!!

Hammond is on my mind, Really hope the guys alright!!!
well little hamster is smiling again after clarkson said '' the reason you're here is because you're a S*** driver'' (from the sun)
theres a report on the sun website saying that he has no broken bones!!! omg what IS this man made of. shame though, i was gonna offer him a sponge bath ;)
I've just been getting an update on Sky news, from what they are saying it looks like things are looking better for him today.
wilsonian said:
i remember he mentioned the MSC when he reviews the micra C+C. I think we should send him a card :D

Did he actually mention the MSC ? I remember that he said he got some information regarding reliability problems of the K12 off a website devoted to the Micra, but I dont remember him mentioning the club.
wilsonian said:
i remember he mentioned the MSC when he reviews the micra C+C. I think we should send him a card :D

im on youtube now, ill type it in see what he says! lets do the card for hammy!

and nope no MSC mention in the one i just watched! :(
Spoke to someone last nite who knows the guys who picked him up an have been following his case etc. Hes been sitting up in bed and talkin and a serious brain injury can be somethin as 'little' as concussion which sounds pretty promising for the guy :)
Thats really good news Cat, I read that Jeremy had already taunted him about his poor driving which had raised a smile from Hamster.

Glad he's getting better. Radio Aire (leeds local commercial station) took down a card on behalf of the listeners with a lost of texts and e-mails of get well soon messages.

Get well soon Hamster.
Thing is he didn't actually hit anything apart from the floor. If there had been a wall there I don't think he would have been so lucky. Glad things are looking up though for him.
no but as it overturned and dug into the ground the deceleration would have been fairly quick, but he'll have had a HANS device on so his head won't have bumped about too much hence no broken neck and still alive.
MA12:) said:
no but as it overturned and dug into the ground the deceleration would have been fairly quick, but he'll have had a HANS device on so his head won't have bumped about too much hence no broken neck and still alive.

Apparently there wasnt too much of a deceleration force, it just slid across the grass to a stop....
MA 12.5 :-p said:
Apparently there wasnt too much of a deceleration force, it just slid across the grass to a stop....

The cockpit dug into the ground tho didn't it?

Thats the bit you worry about in motorbike accidents, it's not the fall of half a metre to the ground or the sliding (leathers can usually take 3-4 seconds of tarmac abuse) it's the coming to an abrupt halt that does it, oh and the flailing head.
Whats happening with the card???? fwn
Personally i think its a good idea and would bring a smile to his face! :D
MA 12.5 :-p said:
Pass... this is jus what i was told last nite, no major deceleration force as it was jus skiddin on the grass to a stop

Looking at this there isnt alot of sliding but there is some I suppose...


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i'm up for the card, i think he'll like it too.

Tbh the dragster stayed in pretty good shape from what i've seen others do, he's very lucky.

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