Bonnet vinyl/wrap?


Ex. Club Member
I'm looking for alternatives to re-spraying my bonnet as my old man is concerned about affecting the cars 'saleability' (even though ive only had my micra 6 days, havent passed yet and wont even be able to afford a different car til im about 30..)

anyway after reading a Fast Car article about DIY bonnet covering i'm wondering about some kinda vinyl wrap or something, in flat black.

anyone know any more about this?

i know it would be hard to make it look good like lining it up and stuff, but i'd give it a shot and take it slow..

and i already know black bonnets are a marmite thing.. i'm just a lover :grinning:
vinyl wrap wouldnt be easy on such a large size like the bonnet (and can you get it easy?). you may do it first go but if you dont, it could get costly. not trying to put you off tho as my choice is pricey!

if you want to keep the bonnet to sell on again in the future......if it was get another bonnet from down the scrappy for probably around £15, different grade sandpapers for £5 and a can of primer for £5 and a can of black for £5 and spray it. :)

thats as long as you have space for your old bonnet?

mate!!! taking that stuff off to sell would take you till your 30. lol. :D I wouldnt recomend it, one wee rip and the full thing is cancelld.
Id say you would be better getting a bonnet from the scrappy and spraying that black and keeping your bonnet to put back on when you sell.

But...., i know you cant do much, but you should enjoy the car while you have it, dont worry about selling it, it will only limit what you will try and do. !:D
enjoy the micra world!
personally, id just get a spare bonnet and spray that (or if lucky find a black one) and switch then over, bubble wrap your stock one and keep it dry stored...providing youve got space that is. :)
your trying to decide which scrappy should get full credit for them selling "mintyfresh" a black bonnet for a bargain price of £8!!!! LOL!!!! Huddersfield ftw lol
covering it with vinyl wouldn't be that hard so long as you got a peice big enough to just fold around the edges.

But I think the idea of a second bonnet is better.

I'd say just enjoy your micra though. Do the bonnet that is on black with spray. Then do lots of other mods. When you come to sell it advertise it in student riddled areas and your sure for an easy sale ;-)
So thats 4 votes...........scrappy in Huddersfield FTW lol!
betting odds..........15/3 lol

this should be made a sticky lol
Cheers for the advice and yeah i was wondering how cheap a scrappy bonnet would be.. seriously though, a tenner?

someone said on here buying a grill would be about 20 squids and think how much more you're getting with a bonnet?

just wondering as ive had no experience with the scrappys (although planning on checkin one out soon)
U will find different scrappys vary in price, so go to a few and then decided, but my mate picked up a k11 bonnet for £15!

if the grill was a custom cut out job, then i can see why its £20 :)
ooh right okay, am i right in thinking i can haggle with scrappies to a certain extent?
Obviously i dont wanna take the p and risk getting mauled by a bandana wearing rotweiller..

Im not 100% sure on black bonnet now.. any views on a yellow? (on what can only be described as a 'spearmint' coloured body) i've been oddly inspired by Bristol City Council vehicles (white with yellow bonnet and tailgate)..
lol, try it on photoshop and see what you think.
Yeh, you can haggle, but most of the time if you get a good scrappy they will have good fair prices.
What colour is the car anyway???
awwww i hate hostin pics.

Yeh, use any hosting site, get the forum url and then clik the wee image button in this bit next to the globe above the txt feild. It should work then. lol :D

Got her sat, need to pay parents back and prove i can afford insurance before any modding gets done though :(

But yeah for future reference, yellow bonnet? Would attempt a photoshop but im rubbish to be completely honest.
First post, err hi haha
I basically the same set up i have with mine. Mines got what can only be described as safety goggles though (on the lights) haha. Mines the same colour and its the only thing stopping me from modding the car because it would look like ass and i don't have the coin to get a respray let alone start to mod it at all!
I still love the car to death though, gonna keep it till i run it into the ground i recon.
try and keep the can as standard as possible, micra start to look stupid when body kits and that are put on, unless its the nismo kit of course :blush: but thats just my opinion

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