micra man
Golf GTi Turbo
As some of you know I am looking to do some more body mods to my car shortly hopefully and I have found some arches and skirts which I actually really really like!!! I contacted the guy through Ebay who was selling this kit (which is where I saw it originally), and it turns out he makes all of his own kits, and will make one off body-kits for anything and fit absolutely anything to anything!!! With this I got just a little bit excited!!! I have asked if he could custom make the arches and skirts to fit the k10, and he said he could, so its all looking good!!! I also have mentioned the club to him and have asked if it would be possible for him to make up some custom kits for the micra. Obviously there would need to be a demand for it for him to make them but he has had many features with his cars in mags and that. He is currently making Max Powers new feature car!!!
Seems quite interesting. The price for the kits doesn;t seem to bad either. He wants £325 for the arches and skirts. Could be a good thing for the club depending on what he says back to me!!! I will keep you updated with the events that follow to the emails. These are the emails that he sent me...
MM - Dan.
As some of you know I am looking to do some more body mods to my car shortly hopefully and I have found some arches and skirts which I actually really really like!!! I contacted the guy through Ebay who was selling this kit (which is where I saw it originally), and it turns out he makes all of his own kits, and will make one off body-kits for anything and fit absolutely anything to anything!!! With this I got just a little bit excited!!! I have asked if he could custom make the arches and skirts to fit the k10, and he said he could, so its all looking good!!! I also have mentioned the club to him and have asked if it would be possible for him to make up some custom kits for the micra. Obviously there would need to be a demand for it for him to make them but he has had many features with his cars in mags and that. He is currently making Max Powers new feature car!!!
hi dan,
this is my own kit that i make and sell !
i also do one off kits / modify kits / boot builds , you name it i do it ! currantly doing max powers new demo car!!
arches and sideskirts £325
p+p £20
Hi Daniel,
im based in biggleswade, bedfordshire, sg18 8nt
is your micra the bubble shape one? yes i can make them fit the car no problem!! cant really give an exact price but your probably looking at about £300 for the kit fitted ,blended, in primer?and sort your bumpers to match up so its all pukka!!!!
as i deal with the mags aswell i can probably get a feature sorted for you if you want?
cheers terry @ street specials
MM - Dan.