bike carbs! 600cc or more???


Ex. Club Member
I was speaking to an old bloke at work about my ma12 engine (1200cc), and he use to race bikes.

He seems to think getting some bike carbs with a bigger cc, i.e.yamaha 1000cc rather than cbr 600 because the cc rating of the carb is nearly the same as the engine im using, would capture greater performance from my engine. He was talking about more cc going to each cylinder and bla bla bla.

could anybody shed some light on this?

also im looking for someone or a company to make an custom inlet for my ma12 and set of bike carbs??

last question honest woud you go about setting up the vacuum hoses off the carbs?

cheers jamie

anybody? hopefully ed will see this and send me along the right lines
a 600cc motorbike uses around the same fuel as a 1200cc car. think about power output. more fuel flows in a 1300cc hyabusa than a 1300 micra...
600cc ran lean on my K10, consider that if you use them they need setting up!!
IIRC someone on here named bob who does Grasstrack racing, did mention that the the Yamaha R1 Carbs would do the Job, obviously they would need setting up but maybe it's something worth looking into?
i think im going to be making a call to bogg brothers then for a set or r1 carbs on a micra inlet! what performance am i likly to see if they are set up properly? 20 extra bhp maybe?
yeh hes good he has done the ones for mine he gets them to a rough base setting them you need to get them rolling road tuned and its in sheffield
yeh hes good he has done the ones for mine he gets them to a rough base setting them you need to get them rolling road tuned and its in sheffield

got any contact details or an address? also did you have to buy the carbs yourself or did he supply?
i think im going to be making a call to bogg brothers then for a set or r1 carbs on a micra inlet! what performance am i likly to see if they are set up properly? 20 extra bhp maybe?

stick with cbr600's r1 carbs are overkill cbr600's have been tried and are proven to work if set up correctly.

bogg bros will do you a mani for a good price. superls made his own mani.
stick with cbr600's r1 carbs are overkill cbr600's have been tried and are proven to work if set up correctly.

bogg bros will do you a mani for a good price. superls made his own mani.

where did you get your mani done up for the bike carbs? was that bogg brothers?

also everything they have got pics of on there sight has got r1 carbs in lol
i made my own manifold as dave said, and i bought a second hand set of cbr600 carbs off ebay for dead cheap, striped them down and cleaned them then fitted it all, roughly set them up and they ran ok.

later in the year i will be trying to make a jig to knock out a couple of manifolds, i already have the flanges cut and drilled ready to go.
i made my own manifold as dave said, and i bought a second hand set of cbr600 carbs off ebay for dead cheap, striped them down and cleaned them then fitted it all, roughly set them up and they ran ok.

later in the year i will be trying to make a jig to knock out a couple of manifolds, i already have the flanges cut and drilled ready to go.

might be making another call to you then mate later on in year! was hoping to try and get a mani and some carbs done before the fast show, but rather get it looking good first
ill be posting a thread anyways, should fingers crossed have some 4-2-1 and 4-1 exhaust manifolds done also. but we'll have to see, lol
dont know as of yet, not really priced stuff up with the intension of selling it yet, waiting to get my unit sorted first, then ill have somewhere descent sized to work
hey will get his details up tommorrow he supplys the carbs and manifold. all you need to sort is the throttle cable and the correct fuel pressure he also does 4 branch manifold
where did you get your mani done up for the bike carbs? was that bogg brothers?

also everything they have got pics of on there sight has got r1 carbs in lol

yep most the conversions are using r1 carbs but look at the size of the engines there on, cbr600 will be fine and they are dead cheap like superls said, the mani i had was bogg brothers and was a work of art, it was not mine originally but the guy who had it done paid about £250 i think. i would have the mani a tad shorter than mine was tho to allow space for an air filter.
yep most the conversions are using r1 carbs but look at the size of the engines there on, cbr600 will be fine and they are dead cheap like superls said, the mani i had was bogg brothers and was a work of art, it was not mine originally but the guy who had it done paid about £250 i think. i would have the mani a tad shorter than mine was tho to allow space for an air filter.

agreed the mani was too long but it was the first one done.

the problem with the cbr carbs we had was that the fuel mixture leaned off as it climed the revs, adjusting the fuel mix turned out to be a bit of an issue as making it richer then meant it was to rich lower down and ok up the revs. tbh other bike carbs would be eaiser to tune.

i personally think other bike carbs chould be better suited i.e. thundercat 600 carbs. the cbr is a higly tuned 600 where as the thundercat is a bit more tame. plus yammy carbs are easier to work on. or alternativle running carbs from a twin like a gs500 and using 2 sets of carbs instead of a bulk of 4. options are endless

no one has used anything other than cbr600 carbs so far so experiment and see what works is my advice dont copy! inovate!

hey will get his details up tommorrow he supplys the carbs and manifold. all you need to sort is the throttle cable and the correct fuel pressure he also does 4 branch manifold

fuel presure isnt really and issue on the k10 i ran them with a direct fuel feed from the standard pump with no issues
the problem with the cbr carbs we had was that the fuel mixture leaned off as it climed the revs, adjusting the fuel mix turned out to be a bit of an issue as making it richer then meant it was to rich lower down and ok up the revs.

cbr carbs can be adjusted to suit any engine, but to get the a/f/r correct at all/any rpm the needle shape and height is the key (the mainjet size governs the mixture at 3/4 to full throttle only)
absolutly Dave and its by far the easiest options as far as tuning goes, 36 DCNF are proven to work although very hard to get 40's may be a bit too much but easily done.
absolutly Dave and its by far the easiest options as far as tuning goes, 36 DCNF are proven to work although very hard to get 40's may be a bit too much but easily done.

could you not get 40's and re jet them or anything? because its easy to pick up a set of 40's, and r1 crabs for that matter
could you not get 40's and re jet them or anything? because its easy to pick up a set of 40's, and r1 crabs for that matter

definatly mate but to get it running well a 4-2-1 or 4-1 exhaust manifold is a must. Kev had 40's fitted to his k10 but never got it setup right but i see no reason at all why it cannot be done. infact 40's will bolt directly onto the manifold i had the 36's on.
aye, i was considering bolting some 40's on and stripping down and rebuilding the 36's, that was untill i got a financial hammerblow that is the deposit i've just put down on my house

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