Avoid speeding tickets by working for the police

grr :k12cop: Omg i cant believe that if it was any other civilian they would get 3 points and a fine the police should have a bigger fine and more points because they work for the law and should stick to it!!
when i see a police car with siren on, i sometimes say to my girlfriend they must be in a rush to get their pizza or takeaway or whatever, didnt know it could be true!
I'd sure like to slap that smug look off his face! Then again that would land me in a fair bit of trouble...........shame since he LIED under oath saying he was attending an accident, while diverting via a Chinese on the way........oh come on, this makes a total mockery of the justice system. I think you'll find that's a blatant abuse of his position and others for letting it slide. He should not only be fined and receive points but also be punishied for perverting the course of justice. Certainly proves that they protect their own even if it does compromise and contradict the laws that we seemingly have to abide by.
this is always going to happen, not everyone in the police is gonna be a saint. a friends grandfather knew an ex-copper and one time when he went in he had 4 uniformed officers over for some beers while on duty.
Again this is more fuel for people not to trust the people who are meant to be protecting them and setting good examples.

agreed, same with speed cameras nobody has faith in them because everybody thinks that they are there just to make money (which they are) if the police wanted to restore the public's faith in speed cameras then they would remove and the blatent money maker ones that are hidden round a corner just inside a 30 or the ones on the motorway and had just the cameras outside schools etc...

but they wont because how will they get paid while they're getting their take away?
Aw comon guys that stuff happens all over the place everywhere. Hell, I even know the police have a special "code" to say they are going to get some take away food or something.

Also know first hand that the police is quite doing a good job in getting rid of that behaviour. Well, can only tell whats happening here in Holland, I'm quite sure UK police force won't handle it that much different.

It's just a shame this happens, but there are a few rotten apples everywhere. And they are human too I guess and take advantage of opportunities like this.
Well my best mate's dad is a fireman. They stick sirens on if they're going for a takeaway. Or they're not going to get back to the station before the end of their shift.