Engine painting from £22 and upwards


Ex. Club Member
Thats right, after a few experiments with my spare rocker cover, i have managed to replicate the Honda K20A Type R crackle red finish to a nissan rocker cover. also, wrinkle blue, black and now even a mirror chrome / smooth ally finish too. the paint i use is the same paint used by honda for the type R rocker covers and Subaru on their STI impreza inlet manifolds, vag group on certain inlet pipes and inter cooler pipes and BMW on the old M3 inlet manifold so the finish really is factory spec.

I can do you a cam cover in wrinkle red, blue, black for just £27 ( paint and postage-out included)
or Mirror effect chrome / aluminium for £35 ( paint and postage out included)

engine mounts and alternator brackets are £17 (including postage and paint)

inlet manifolds are £40 in wrinkle black, red, blue (or other standard colour including paint and postage)
chrome mirror finish is £45 (including paint and postage)

Strut braces will be £40 in any finish (including postage and paint)

all other parts painted after a assessment.

I will clean until Gleaming and shiny (you could see your face in mine) will de-grease, Prime with special Etch primer......then paint with a special blend of paint. 6 layers of this paint!! then cure it for 30 mins in an oven.

The finish is very durable, and very sexy. :wow:

This finish can be applied to any metal surface, so any and all under bonnet parts (not exhaust manifold) can be painted in this way. engine mounts look particularly sexy in wrinkle black with machined edges.
alternator brackets, sumps, wiper motors, inlet manifolds, cam covers, battery trays, inter cooler pipes even the compressor housing on a turbo (for you lucky enough to have one) the choice is yours.

I can cut the edges or letters back to reveal the "ally" to give a contrast and that "factory look" too.... just let me know.

waiting time would be 1 week... allowing for postage and curing times.

send me a private message or e-mail for further details please
thank you

yeah, any Cam cover.

i could do a whole head, but would need to be stripped and would use a lot more paint too....the paint i use is VHT paint and is the exact same stuff used on honda cam covers and WRX impreza inlet manifolds...

im sure you meant Cam cover though......lol

let the masses know, i can do any car. even Hondas that arent crackle red, i can do a "retro fit" as-it-were
i would like to see a pic mate please and...random i know.......but what about "crackle green"???

i know no one else may want green....so id pay for a whole can etc so price if poss?

all out of interest tho

green would probably be just the red, with another green VHT paint on top. ill experiment..

heres some pics.

now bearing in mind that,
A, my camera is crap, (its my phone)
B, i havent finished machining the letters down yet,
C, im slightly drunk right now..

these arent that bad as pictures go..lol


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i would like to see a pic mate please and...random i know.......but what about "crackle green"???

i know no one else may want green....so id pay for a whole can etc so price if poss?

all out of interest tho


i would also be very interested in crackle green if u find a way to do it so once u find out u can definatly do it pm me please and well sort out the paypal

just so theres no confusion as to the finish and the cost of this service.. have a look at the link above.....

they do the same paint finish for $275 (about £140 on an exchange basis) i am offering a painting system for you and your cam cover for just £40 all in, including postage costs...
the finish i exactly the same..

im not sure about the crackle green yet. if you wanna send me a spare rocker (or any piece of equipment you want me to experiment on and send back) then feel free to send away... i will take postage costs off the final price.

thank you..
normally for me asthetics is a the rock bottom of my list...BUT

I have to say maytet if the longevity is as good as some of te picls I could be pursuaded.....depending on the outcome of these daft coloured silicone radiator hoses for the K10 I might just be tempted.......

what about green tarten seats crackle coloured..LOL (joking ofcourse)

but green does sound like a laugh.......can you sort out minor corosion on covers before the supergran paint job?

Cheres mate

I hope this doesnt mean the end to your whitered and black striped rocker cover?
normally for me asthetics is a the rock bottom of my list...BUT

I have to say maytet if the longevity is as good as some of te picls I could be pursuaded.....depending on the outcome of these daft coloured silicone radiator hoses for the K10 I might just be tempted.......

what about green tarten seats crackle coloured..LOL (joking ofcourse)

but green does sound like a laugh.......can you sort out minor corosion on covers before the supergran paint job?

Cheres mate

I hope this doesnt mean the end to your whitered and black striped rocker cover?

naah, the nismo striped one is still on the car.., although the paints bubbling (as i didnt use VHT stuff GRRR)


the rockers are buffed and wire wheeled up to a near chrome like shine before painting. i was tempted just to have it polished, but i had soo much vht paint i needed to paint it..lol (glad i did)

Crackle green is something i will need to try as the paint is acrylic based and if i spray a normal green vht paint on top it may "melt" it. but again, im up for it!.. just gotta bear with me as im in the middle of fixing my engine. and raising cash ....:glance: :laugh:

I must admit I am tempted by the crackle blue finish too. I have no idea how to take the rocker cover off though, I would need a spare if Im going to be using the car I take it.... its one to think about though. You can add me to your 'maybe' sales list lol.
if you cannot spare a rocker cover, paypal me and ill go to the scrappy and buy one for you, (will cost the same though, cos im nice..lol) then re-con and paint.
Any pictures of these other types of paints? Iv not heard of them.

It doesnt necessarily have to be crackle, Id like a blue one (maybe metallic) though with silver lettering if thats at all possible.
anythings possible matey.. edit

Blue with silver lettering is not a problem matey... just pick a blue...
does no one want one of these?...

i have dropped the price to just £28.. post me yours, (or a spare) and ill do the rest including re-posting....

its a very durable finish that cannot be scratched easily...
i havent been able to get a green paint to adhere to the finish yet.. but dont rule it out. (maybe even caliper paint..lol)

Green crackle?
yeah, i can do that, i just sprayed an old steel tool box lid with crackle red, then sprayed green on it, and it took. and is looking realy odd..lol
oooh im up for a red one, but ill have to go and hunt out a spare rocker cover as i cant have mine off the car... well i could but knowing me, id forget its not there and go to try and drive about LOL.

Will get back to you :)
Sorry I know its off topic but I cant seem to pm you, Antony can you get hold of any Mica Green for my Girlfriends Micra? Its a 1998 Twister. She has cought a bolt on both sides so I need to fill them and spray. Halfords dont do the paint (and its usually a crap match)


BTW the cam covers look ace (Y)

Here are some of my engines I have painted


rocker, £28....

charge pipe, £20...
and i think theyw ould look spanking.

that inlet manifold is the sort of finish i give.... Bright red!!!
and i work at halfords as the painting specialist, believe me when i say we can mix up to and beyond 1Million different colours..... if you cannot get a match from there, then they arent matching it correctly to the computer system we have. we match paint to the code to the .01 of a gram of any one colour. its almost exact.
so yeah, i can do that, it would be £10.99 for the can and about £3 postage.
new pictures of finished rocker, with nismo cap, (not available through me)

hope you like....


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rocker, £28....

charge pipe, £20...
and i think theyw ould look spanking.

that inlet manifold is the sort of finish i give.... Bright red!!!
and i work at halfords as the painting specialist, believe me when i say we can mix up to and beyond 1Million different colours..... if you cannot get a match from there, then they arent matching it correctly to the computer system we have. we match paint to the code to the .01 of a gram of any one colour. its almost exact.
so yeah, i can do that, it would be £10.99 for the can and about £3 postage.

Ahh yeh I was on about the pre mixed cans they sell. Is that price in a spray can or is it for spray guns?
spray can with danvern (flat) spray and use an alcohol (butyl-alcohol) based acrylic, forget anything you may have seen on the shelf, they are completely different proffesional spray cans that are perfectly matched, its what ive sprayed virtualy my whole car in...and you cant tell.....
Sorry I know its off topic but I cant seem to pm you, Antony can you get hold of any Mica Green for my Girlfriends Micra? Its a 1998 Twister. She has cought a bolt on both sides so I need to fill them and spray. Halfords dont do the paint (and its usually a crap match)


BTW the cam covers look ace (Y)

Here are some of my engines I have painted



Nice, my mate had one of those - put the SVT inlet manifold and 2000 tb on it, absolutely flew, which model do you have?
will have some progress pics tomorrow.....im having to start again as i may have accidently left the wet paint near the drier, and its full of lint..lol

ah well. you live and learn.

will show some pics tomorrow.
hi mate, im also interested...
you special one sounds pretty good, i would be willing to let you surprise me with a good colour lol
i will have to get hold of a rocker cover, inless you can get one for me for a bit extra cash?
Cheers Ben
yeah sure. if you want you could send me your rocker.
what sort of colour you after?

ive already painted my current rocker, its the next one, i want something really good, a propper looker, i dunno maybe the one u said was your special or something candy, something that looks really good, you knnow what i mean?

If anyone wants a Spare Rocker cover for Antony to spray one I have one laying around. PM me if you need one.

Antonys got my RS Turbo Charge carrier to do at the moment, and will be doing the Rocker Cover....when I find one to send him, hehe.
paints here... so should start to paint it over the coming weekend.!

and heres some pics of the cover finaly on the car.. (allthough coming off when the engine is changed!!)..lol

the sticker on the intake pipe is in japanese and says "for racing purposes only"...i liked it..lol


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oh and ollie. yours will look something like this. only crackle and not photo shopped..lol


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here you go ollie, a sneaky preview.

i have just market the lines and the outline of the ford badge, but its all cured, sealed and ready for "badge" work..lol


ps, yes thats on a fast ford mag....what else..lol


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