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PollyMobiles Rebuild

I expect they prescribed Propranolol in addition to Sertraline, as one of the potential side effects of Sertraline is an increased heart rate.

Depending on the dosage, Propranolol can drop your heart rate down quite a bit. Don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling like you're wading through water if you do anything physically exerting, due to your heart rate not ramping up quite as easily.
Hey Paul, hope you're okay.

I never got on with anti-depressants, I was put on citalopram at some point last year, I think they helped in the short run but they're only a temporary fix. I was dissociating more than ever to be honest! I was referred to a psychiatrist, but that never really came to anything.

Stay strong, it does get better! <3
Always here if you need a chat about this, or anything else to keep your mind at ease.
currently starting off with serpraline for the 1st week before trying the propranolol so that I can distinguish the side effects of each one.

4 days inwards so far with 1/2 dose of serpraline I think it's getting worse. (ppl say it gets worse before it improves).
I dunno if it's the pills or just the stressful timing of xmas & family gatherings, but I'm always tired, cba to do anything so I'd rather just goto bed or just daydream, my hearing is hypersensitive and often irritated at night by the slightest noise and have trouble sleeping, I wanna avoid people more than ever (difficult during xmas dinner) so I try to hide in garage/car/bedroom/bathroom to calm my senses.
it's like I've slipped back into my dark days but with a blank mind.

thanks for the tips guys, I'll try to keep it together
currently starting off with serpraline for the 1st week before trying the propranolol so that I can distinguish the side effects of each one.

4 days inwards so far with 1/2 dose of serpraline I think it's getting worse. (ppl say it gets worse before it improves).
I dunno if it's the pills or just the stressful timing of xmas & family gatherings, but I'm always tired, cba to do anything so I'd rather just goto bed or just daydream, my hearing is hypersensitive and often irritated at night by the slightest noise and have trouble sleeping, I wanna avoid people more than ever (difficult during xmas dinner) so I try to hide in garage/car/bedroom/bathroom to calm my senses.
it's like I've slipped back into my dark days but with a blank mind.

thanks for the tips guys, I'll try

May I suggest that you may find it more upliftingly positive to ask yourself what you need & where you want your life & career to be in five years’ time & then set about by increments to making it happen rather than focussing on SSRI side effects & other distractions?
last week I drove 6hrs down near salisbury to help Abi fit her imported Impul supercharger onto her K12


here's the Impul CR-01 compressor kit


I noticed it had drain & fill plugs, it was dry inside. ah it needs oil for the gears inside but what type? PAS, ATF, engine, gear?
they had some spare gear oil and considering it's just to keep them cogs lubed similar to inside of a gearbox, it should work ok and better than no oil.


info plate




this is the controller for actuating the superchargers electromagnetic coupling clutch


inside is simply a switch for the clutch



which is triggered on/off by manifold pressure (inbetween the TB & compressor) interacting with these two adjustable springs.
- during high vacuum / low load / idling, the switch disconnects the compressor from the pulleys via the electromagnetic clutch to reduce wear, prevent the extra load from stalling the engine rpm, maintain idle control.
- above a threshold pressure / high load / open throttle, the switch engages the coupling clutch, allowing the pulleys to spin the compressor and create boost.


got afew missing bolts and checked the kit was complete


removed the intake & fuel rail


lifted the car to drain the coolant


the engine mount bracket fouled the setup so it needed cutting


cut away the obstruction


now it doesn't foul the pulley or fuel rail


busy at work through the long cold nights :cool:


the new auxilary belt tensioner (right) features an extra pulley used to drive the supercharger


this supercharger kit has got to be one of the hardest & frustrating thing I've recently fitted. :mad:
there are so many poorly thought out, blind & almost impossible to access bolts where I had to remove the coolant pipe & starter motor & loom underneath to gain better reach:rolleyes:


then there's the issue of being supplied the wrong belt length. the 4pk600 belt was too short, the nearest size up eurocarparts had in stock was 710, which was way too long


the water pump belt from jonnys K11 was 648 but even that one was just too long


went back and got a 5pk628 which I had to cut the extra groove off and void return, but argh it was a fraction too short :rolleyes:
I had work the next day and the 4pk640 belt we need to order won't come till next week so it'll have to wait another time.

installed the fuel rail


manifold & controller


we started it up to check it still runs but now it has a serious misfire and sounds like a VW beetle, not good.
unplugging each injector & coilpack affected the idle except for injector #4, so it seems that injector is faulty.
I removed the spark plugs and yup 1-3 are all sooty during cold start except for #4 which is all clean, clear & dry so no fuel was injected.

I'll be returning back in few days to replace the injectors & finish wiring the controller.
On thursday I drove back down to salisbury at a very gentle 60mph during daytime, keeping off boost to save fuel and amazingly she did 54mpg, never reached that before :eek:

Abi received her new fuel rail. I tested out both old & new rails and all the injectors were actually spraying ok.
tested each coilpack and they were sparking.
checked compression and they were all the same.

yet it still misfires. the only reoccuring fault code was a P1171 lean mixture and P1111 (intake valve timing. tested the solenoid and it worked fine).

diagnostic readout showed no obvious bad reading other than fuel trim trying richen up alot from the misfire. I even tried engaging the supercharger incase it was restrictive but still no change.
completely baffled. the only thing she can do is take it to a nearby tuner to fix and remap it on their dyno.

finished plumbing in the supercharger controller


wired in the controllers 12v switch


I drove back home that night at the same gentle 60mph but with headlights on and she only did 40mpg! all those lights consume alot of fuel.
this morning washed the filthy car and headed to thornaby for a cold local car meet.


on the way home all the electrics suddenly cuts out whilst driving and I had to immediately pull over! :eek:o_O
this happened last week and then again whilst returning from salisbury, where the entire ignition circuit/dash/radio/indicators/starter etc cuts out and then randomly comes back.

wtf is causing this! tried replacing ignition fuse & relay which briefly worked but once I crank, it dies again.
either part of the electrics is burning out or the dodgy ign switch is back.

I nudged the back of the ign switch connector and the power came back :rolleyes:
so the switch or connector was dodgy. quickly got it back home.


so the faulty ign switch needs fixing once again


contacts inside are abit dirty so I cleaned it all up


hopefully it won't happen again soon
Very interesting about the supercharger kit Paul. Did I read correctly that the super charger is driven off of the new idler/tensioner?
If that is the case it sounds a recipe for disaster! While I appreciate (hope!) that the new assembly has got uprated/wider bearings, to allow for the extra offset load, I wouldn't have thought that there was sufficient belt wrap on the engine drive side of the idler pulley to give reliable drive when the supercharger clutch engages....
Having extensively mechanically modified the vehicle, its wiring & fitted a load of additional kit to someone’s car, you are vicariously & fiducially responsible to complete it successfully and not simply pass it on for rectification?
Good custom & practice!
Very interesting about the supercharger kit Paul. Did I read correctly that the super charger is driven off of the new idler/tensioner?
If that is the case it sounds a recipe for disaster! While I appreciate (hope!) that the new assembly has got uprated/wider bearings, to allow for the extra offset load, I wouldn't have thought that there was sufficient belt wrap on the engine drive side of the idler pulley to give reliable drive when the supercharger clutch engages....

indeed the thin auxilary belt only touches a limited portion of the tensioner pulley and may struggle for traction to drive the extra load of that charger pump once engaged especially at high rpm, unless it was tensioned really really tight.
the wider idler tension pulley has two bearings at both ends to take the strain but it seemed quite old, rough, sticky & worn so advised her to replace it when possible.
Having extensively mechanically modified the vehicle, its wiring & fitted a load of additional kit to someone’s car, you are vicariously & fiducially responsible to complete it successfully and not simply pass it on for rectification?
Good custom & practice!

I've successfully completed the original request of physically installing the supercharger & it's electronic controller onto the engine with limited help from translating the japanese instructions.

we tried our best to diagnose what was causing the misfire with limited resources & knowledge, including connecting nissan datascan to the Consult to try find clues but with no conclusion so there wasn't much I can do to resolve this mysterious issue and will needed further specialist help at a tuner or garage to delve deeper.

she was well aware of the risk that I wasn't fully familiar with the K12 systems and never fitted this type of kit on a K12 before.
due to an unfortunate disagreement, we are no longer friends. I don't trust her or anyone nor do I wanna offer help any more :(
I'm hurt, paranoid, depressed, angry & isolated.
removed alot of ppl from my social media and went offline, needed time alone.

afew local friends later invited me to a nice dinner, we had delicious food, good laugh, talk car stuff. it brightened up my otherwise gloomy day and just what I needed :cool:
The pulley came from Impul direct. So is known to work
Might be a production 'design' (on what is effectively a very low production modified variation of the K12?), but still looks like a poorly engineered low cost bodge to solve the supercharger drive problem......:rolleyes:
A few years ago I helped a friend to fit a Eaton supercharger on an MGB. That was driven off of a new, double width, crank pulley with almost 180degree wrap on the crank pulley ........
due to an unfortunate disagreement, we are no longer friends. I don't trust her or anyone nor do I wanna offer help any more :(
I'm hurt, paranoid, depressed, angry & isolated.
removed alot of ppl from my social media and went offline, needed time alone.

afew local friends later invited me to a nice dinner, we had delicious food, good laugh, talk car stuff. it brightened up my otherwise gloomy day and just what I needed :cool:

To this day, I have never seen any of the Impul kits come without a supplementary ECU.

While some could argue the outcome may be unrelated, I highly doubt it will work as a bolt-on.
due to an unfortunate disagreement, we are no longer friends. I don't trust her or anyone nor do I wanna offer help any more :(
I'm hurt, paranoid, depressed, angry & isolated.
removed alot of ppl from my social media and went offline, needed time alone.

afew local friends later invited me to a nice dinner, we had delicious food, good laugh, talk car stuff. it brightened up my otherwise gloomy day and just what I needed :cool:
Ressurection... Mate, Don't worry about it. You did ur best to help. We don't mod in the same way, don't want the same outcomes, but I, and the rest of us, all know Ur a stand up bloke. Don't push yourself away from all of us. However, I think you should be more careful in the future, don't let yourself get played.
Then there weren't true friends, just free loading off your work / time / money. Mods like this are never just bolt on and play, and they should have known this.

I do 99% of work on our cars, I use garages to do jobs I can't do or don't have the time to do. Occasionally I will get friends to do work with me, but it would be under my direction, so any issues would be my fault.

Ignore them, move on and work on your car.
To take on a installation job lot of project compressor bits of unknown provenance six hours drive away was a very big ask, perhaps an overly optimistic over reach stretch too far of the unavoidable heartache highs & lows for all stakeholders?

There are more worthwhile life projects then the closed loop of endlessly fixing & modifying old bangers. May I suggest I would put it down to experience and enhance your options to more productive & emotionally rewarding interests? Good luck.
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Mark it up to experience and move on is the best advise i can give.
luckily I was fairly young when I realised people where just using me to get things done for free. Since then I've only worked on my own projects and I've been happier doing it
I've done a lot of work on friends cars, and even though I'm technically qualified for it I make it known that if I mess something up I won't be paying to sort it;

You were doing Abi a favour, she can't complain if her free help didn't fix the issue/fully satisfy her... She had the option of spending several hundred quid for a 'professional' to fit it.

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You stated you were happy with what I said and treasured our friendship. Next thing I know you've unfriended me? Told a friend of both of ours god knows what. Ever since ignored me and all I am being told is in messing with your head which is very unfair.

I've left you many voicemails, you want to sort this? You ring me and sort it like adults. Not sit behind a computer screen slagging me off to members.
due to an unfortunate disagreement, we are no longer friends. I don't trust her or anyone nor do I wanna offer help any more :(
I'm hurt, paranoid, depressed, angry & isolated.
removed alot of ppl from my social media and went offline, needed time alone.

afew local friends later invited me to a nice dinner, we had delicious food, good laugh, talk car stuff. it brightened up my otherwise gloomy day and just what I needed :cool:
It's very comical how everyone is quick to judge yet don't know the story at all. It's amazing how this is such a huge sob story yet have only taken one side. Come off it seriously. I never use Paul at all. He knows this just as well as me. I was always there for him and have messages and evidence of when he actually got screwed over by friends. Its amazing after everything I have done you do this? Don't see the bit where I've always bent over backwards for You? You didn't get paid on time.. end of. I had circumstances which you know about and I won't justify myself again. You have my mobile, you want to sort it we will sort it if not. Pack it in.
You stated you were happy with what I said and treasured our friendship. Next thing I know you've unfriended me? Told a friend of both of ours god knows what. Ever since ignored me and all I am being told is in messing with your head which is very unfair.

I've left you many voicemails, you want to sort this? You ring me and sort it like adults. Not sit behind a computer screen slagging me off to members.
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I'm sorry but I wasn't gonna join in this chat about the supercharger work again, but I can tell you now Abi "was" meant to be giving Paul money for the work and "was" even meant to be "paying" for his Japshow ticket. She even paid for parts she didn't need and can't be returned (scrapyard). It took me several attempts down the phone to get him not to remove the charger encase something else got disturbed, this being whilst on my way down with rear arches. Then it took Johnny (not Abi) to stop him fiddling with it on consult with the engine running misfiring the following day, (which yes I supplied so that's partly my fault, being my laptop and data cable), but there's not much you can do with nissan data scan 2 other than view live sensor readings, log and turn off cylinders, you exhaust those options within a couple minutes max, not longer. There's even bolts we couldn't find after he left.
To take on a installation job lot of project compressor bits of unknown provenance six hours drive away was a very big ask, perhaps an overly optimistic over reach stretch too far of the unavoidable heartache highs & lows for all stakeholders?

There are more worthwhile life projects then the closed loop of endlessly fixing & modifying old bangers. May I suggest I would put it down to experience and enhance your options to more productive & emotionally rewarding interests? Good luck.
He does have a fair point on this, politely, didn't agree with your previous point... But ur darn right on this man... More to life than lousy nissan Micras. Get out. See people. Do a variety of fun stuff. There is a whole world out there. Like I have said before Paul... I like my car... But sometimes I need to forget the car, focus on career, exercise, fun stuff, and get feking laid!!
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You stated you were happy with what I said and treasured our friendship. Next thing I know you've unfriended me? Told a friend of both of ours god knows what. Ever since ignored me and all I am being told is in messing with your head which is very unfair.

I've left you many voicemails, you want to sort this? You ring me and sort it like adults. Not sit behind a computer screen slagging me off to members.
Tbh, he ain't slagged anyone off (that i know of). I just saw how emotional he was... That's enough to say move on. Don't bother. Don't push people away. We like Paul, we have time for him. Lol they is still ignoring me lol, so don't feel left out either haha
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Like I said you don't know half the story yet are quick to comment on this. We had an agreement and then all this stuff has spiralled out of It? He could have just called and spoke to me but chose not too.

So because I'm trying to make the effort to find out what's going on? No one has time for me? Or shall I just not bother. All I want is honesty.. Not this stuff.

Tbh, he ain't slagged anyone off.. I just saw how emotional her was... That's enough to say move on. Don't bother. Don't push people away. We like Paul, we have time for him.
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you let an untrained person work on your car and stuff didnt go correct. havnt got any right to moan really, you were all friends without proper training working on a car. It happens, nothing was broken, laugh it off.

I remember when me and a certain member on here bent all his valves when we timed his engine up wrong. We laughed it off.

EDIT: people are just childish and get way too offended by opinions
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I haven't moaned at all? I simply told Paul that I couldn't pay him until I got paid due to reason I won't justify to people who don't know me. He agreed and that was fine in response he gave my partner. Then I get unfriended and told that I done something which I never did.

I laughed it off and have it booked in, Paul wasn't honest to tell me anything and this is this issue we have really :) nothing else. Things to wrong.. Life moved on. Never once did I complain about the misfire nor that it didn't work.. I knew there were going to be complications.
It's very comical how everyone is quick to judge yet don't know the story at all. It's amazing how this is such a huge sob story yet have only taken one side. Come off it seriously. I never use Paul at all. He knows this just as well as me. I was always there for him and have messages and evidence of when he actually got ####ed over by friends. Its amazing after everything I have done you do this? Don't see the bit where I've always bent over backwards for You? You didn't get paid on time.. end of. I had circumstances which you know about and I won't justify myself again. You have my mobile, you want to sort it we will sort it if not. Pack it in.
Drama seems to follow you dude, Ur one unlucky fcuk, it sticks like magnetised stuff to a metal blanket. So when it's mapped and blowing, and had the impul ECU on it, you doing a track day with us. We should just forget it all, and you, Paul, the rest of thele turbo Micra crew can go rub some arches.
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you let an untrained person work on your car and #### didnt go correct. havnt got any right to moan really, you were all friends without proper training working on a car. It happens, nothing was broken, laugh it off.

I remember when me and a certain member on here bent all his valves when we timed his engine up wrong. We laughed it off.

EDIT: people are just childish and get way too offended by opinions
Yeah.. my engine looolll on the turbo too.
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The MSC swear filter is not an 'all seeing' system and sadly cannot catch everything, so please therefore try to restrain yourselves when posting in the open forum areas.

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He does have a fair point on this, politely, didn't agree with your previous point... But ur darn right on this man... More to life than lousy nissan Micras. Get out. See people. Do a variety of fun stuff. There is a whole world out there. Like I have said before Paul... I like my car... But sometimes I need to forget the car, focus on career, exercise, fun stuff, and get feking laid!!

Life is too short for a farcical playground poop storm in an old banger teacup where it’s time for all to step back a little & let the stakeholders resolve it between themselves? ;)
Life is too short for a farcical playground poop storm in an old banger teacup where it’s time for all to step back a little & let the stakeholders resolve it between themselves? ;)
The man in the sky castle watching over plebs like me, in my gypsy wagon. I forget who got in there first, must of been me. My apologies.
a little update. back in Oct 2017 during my MOT test I met afew guys nearby who work on cars. was chatting to Jamie who runs 'Lets torque cars' on youtube/facebook and he's been wanting to do a video about kasandra.

with the weather kind of improving, we've been arranging to meet up tomorrow and talk about her & film some footage. if its raining it'll only be a brief intro and then film the rest at a later sunny date. if it's dry then we'll try filming the full version.

this will be the 1st time that me & kasandra are interviewed :D

but recently found my outer cv boot had begun to split :rolleyes:


drained the gearbox with usual amount of debris


only a small split


replaced the boot and all ready for tomorrows filming :)

Interesting to see Paul that you remove the whole shaft to do this job, I've only ever taken off the outer joints to do boots.
Do you need to drain gearbox oil every time you do boots ? i'm guessing on this occasion the oil needed doing too
a little update. back in Oct 2017 during my MOT test I met afew guys nearby who work on cars. was chatting to Jamie who runs 'Lets torque cars' on youtube/facebook and he's been wanting to do a video about kasandra.

with the weather kind of improving, we've been arranging to meet up tomorrow and talk about her & film some footage. if its raining it'll only be a brief intro and then film the rest at a later sunny date. if it's dry then we'll try filming the full version.

this will be the 1st time that me & kasandra are interviewed :D

but recently found my outer cv boot had begun to split :rolleyes:

View attachment 56490

drained the gearbox with usual amount of debris

View attachment 56491

only a small split

View attachment 56488

replaced the boot and all ready for tomorrows filming :)

View attachment 56489
Hello Paul.
I'm so curious to see and hear your interwied and the film.
Waiting for....
Ps. Me too when i've changed the c.v.joint didn't take out the complet drive shaft.
Sorry for my English or Itanglish....

Inviato dal mio SM-J500FN utilizzando Tapatalk
Interesting to see Paul that you remove the whole shaft to do this job, I've only ever taken off the outer joints to do boots.
Do you need to drain gearbox oil every time you do boots ? i'm guessing on this occasion the oil needed doing too

I just find it much easier & cleaner to remove & clamp the driveshaft in a vice to work on the CV assembly.

yup drain the gear oil to remove the shafts, good for monitoring the oil & magnetic plug condition too, especially with an LSD.
Hello Paul.
I'm so curious to see and hear your interwied and the film.
Waiting for....
Ps. Me too when i've changed the c.v.joint didn't take out the complet drive shaft.
Sorry for my English or Itanglish....

Inviato dal mio SM-J500FN utilizzando Tapatalk

after all these yrs, this'll be the first time I've ever been filmed & interviewed talking about Kasandra :cool:


even though it rained, the filming went well and was fun :) I also just realised what a pretty backdrop the local marina/boat docking bay is for filming the car, even though I've lived here most of my life haha.

this will just be a brief intro footage since it's cold & wet so we'll be filming a full length video closer to summer once it's alot drier & warming.

can't wait to see how good the finished video looks, and probably cringe at myself if I looked smug on camera lol.
after all these yrs, this'll be the first time I've ever been filmed & interviewed talking about Kasandra :cool:

View attachment 56492 View attachment 56495 View attachment 56494 View attachment 56493

even though it rained, the filming went well and was fun :) I also just realised what a pretty backdrop the local marina/boat docking bay is for filming the car, even though I've lived here most of my life haha.

this will just be a brief intro footage since it's cold & wet so we'll be filming a full length video closer to summer once it's alot drier & warming.

can't wait to see how good the finished video looks, and probably cringe at myself if I looked smug on camera lol.
Tell us more if you can, like if the film "tells" about Kassandra only or if generically tells about cars etc.
I can no wait....

Inviato dal mio SM-J500FN utilizzando Tapatalk

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