

Buy & Sell Member
Were to start! Il tell you all the story from the start

Cars M.O.T ran out and i did a few checks myself to know what the outcome was going to be and found a massive hole in my sill to start. so i then to K-kustoms were kristian told me the best thing to do was get it booked in for a MOT find out the full scope of whats wrong so i did and the garage spent about 15 mins doing a MOT and came with the conclusion front crossmember was corroded and when i say this it was a little bubble of rust not even a cm deep,drivers sill excesively corroded, back brakes not functioning or whatever the term is. Took it straight back to kristian who said he would sort the welding out for a very nice price in a weeks time went back a week later and the shop was shut up =\ tried again another week later same again tried the next few days same also then i tried the next week to find it had been sold and belonged some some idiot who would do it for me but by using fiberglass which i quote when i asked isnt that not good enough for the mot he said "Yes its stronger than metal" obviously this must be true this is why we have fiberglass bridges! idiot. so anyway my cheap solution was down the drain and other garages wanted over 200 quid which i was not going to pay, a few cheeky phone calls from the yellow pages book and i found a guy who came and did it for £100 the next day sill and crossmember. he spent 4 hours alltogether thing was that the numpty who assured me it would pass didnt do a continueus seam weld he tacked it but really close together. So everything done i chucked the car in for a MOT at another station, this time the MOT took 1 hour maybe a bit longer and came back this a two page advisory list and a page full of failures! sill repair was not to standard back brakes did work this time as i fitted new pads and cyclinders but didnt brake evenly, needed 1 new tyre, 2 cv gaiters,2 wiper blades, and my headlight wasnt position correctly..... GUTTED. I was proud how the guy who was a family friend did a proper examination by the book and how he took time unlike plonker no.1 who tested it in 15 mins a test which declares a car safe for the road safe for me to drive! I did ask why didnt the crossmember fail to which he replied it isnt structual it could be totally corroded unless it effected the steering of the car it would only then fail but it never will on this car so not only did plonk no.1 not bother to check the car which had all these faults but he also decided to make faults up in hope he would be getting the work done. fuming i was

What i have done so far

Well i rang the first guy who did the MOT to settle some tension and questioned him on why he felt the MOT included the front crossmember to be checked and why it didnt meet standards. he then replied are you the owner of the micra which was pretty funny as i have never mentioned on the phone call my name my car or anything to do with who i was. His justification i thought it should fail because it had rust. so i said well you seem to have failed to see all these other failures aswell and listed them then reported i will be reporting him to the VOSA. What was his responce? im sorry that you feel that way, why dont you come see what we can do maybe another retest no his reponce...... Laughter just complete laughter i told him he shouldnt laugh at a customer but he continued to which i snapped and said basically i would come and do something which involved a nail a MOT guide book and his forehead and some harsh words.

So next is to deal with the welding idiot but il be talkin nice to him while i want him to come repair it =D

Rant over!
you're in the same boat as me...

i'm just about to get some good walking shoes...
nobody wants to talk to me about the weird probs i have with my car.
i will go in a massive huff very soon.


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